My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 68: The last emperor of the era

   The witch dynasty has completely risen.

   Times have completely changed, martial arts began to gradually decline among the queens, and countless female emperors have begun to be enthusiastic about the safe, mysterious, and noble system of witch studies.

  The female emperor of Budo, gradually declines.

   Suddenly, countless sorcerers were standing there.

   Beside every powerful witch, there are countless martial arts knights, guarding them, looking forward to the horses, fighting to kill the earth, and opening up territories.

   The strong spirit also means the improvement of their wisdom!

   Countless witches are more and more keen to study souls and spells, and even opened up soul branding contracts. As long as they are their descendants, they will have soul branding and they cannot be betrayed for life.

   This is like a supernatural witch country with strict rule, noble and complete.

   Fu Qingjun saw this, and only felt that everything about Qin Hong was in vain, "Slavery has been born again... It seems that there is no human rights, but the **** killing of animals in the world, why do we need human rights?"

   The structure of civilization is different.

   is not human civilization, and naturally cannot be regulated by human structure!

  The ant colony system deep in their bones, the queens are "human beings", using most of the remaining offspring as tools to continuously advance civilization and gain strength, and enable them to achieve terrible natural disasters that humans cannot imagine! After all, if there are human rights, how can it be called a natural disaster without the amount of piles?

time flies.

   The Kingdom of Angels also began to take the road of witches.

   Lianna is still the number one martial artist in the world, and has ruled the land for countless centuries. Although she is in her twilight years, she still has her grace.

   "Great first ancestor Yudura, how about we completely overthrow the rule of angels!?"

   A courtier made a suggestion.

  Udula shook his head, "I am still not her opponent, and I have no intention of being an enemy of this great overlord. She is like the first angelic emperor. She has been for all races on the earth throughout her life and has cleared a lot of forbidden areas."

   Hold your breath below.

   Time passed for a while.

   The whole land is still developing in an orderly manner.

  Some radical angels and witches finally couldn't help but, seeing Lianna approaching old age, directly challenged her.

   "The old emperor, there is no place for you in this new world!"

An angel witch looks arrogant and elegant, holding a delicate angel scepter, "Similar to our martial arts knights, and many great masters are consummated, and are in the same realm as you... This is for inferior males to practice. !"

   "Our angel family must have a ruler of the new era, Lilyta, my bright angel in charge of the light augmentation spell, not you."

   Lianna looked calm, "Let's start then."

   She stepped forward.


   just one move!

   "Weakly fragile." Empress Lianna's voice was cold, bypassing all the guard knights, and went straight to the witch to defeat the enemy, and the other party burst directly.

   She held a spear again, soared and swept across with a shot, directly blasting the martial arts knights of other masters who had been successful, and said loudly:

   "These martial arts masters are already half abandoned. When they surrender to you, they are imprisoned by your brand. Without freedom, they are destined to not climb the heights of the martial arts peak..."

   "How can a strong man grow successfully under **** and slavery? Unless this barrier is broken!"


   She swept away her spear, and countless knights who were clearly in the same realm, but she shot and exploded.

   Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

   One person against one country, one person straight through and beheaded to kill the witch, and then one hundred and twenty elite angel knights!

   How terrible the spirit is!

   "There is no warrior with pure fighting spirit in this world."

   She killed the encircling army, bathed in blood, her expression was lonely, full of excitement and remembrance, and she muttered:

   "The rivers and lakes, it's gone... I thought everything was the beginning of martial arts, and I walked around the world in a cool manner, and personally bravely took the lead. Who knows my teacher and me, it is already a swan song.

   "In the era of the emperor of martial arts, Wu II died."

   The style of these tricks makes the whole sky silent.

  In the distance, the witches hidden in the sky were all shocked, as if the sky was split by a rumble, piercing through all the fog, and mighty.

   All the witches looked in a daze.

   The pride in it makes people feel that this is the true female emperor who dominates the world and suppresses her entire life!

  In the old days, in the most miserable years, they were blessed by this existence, but with the changes of the times, the times have become happy, but they have...

   "At this point, I have come out of the angel clan, abandoning my identity, and you and other new clan members, each can reclaim the emperor." She broke off her white wings and threw it on the ground, bloody, but her face remained unchanged, and she strode away.

   And even with self-folding wings, no one dared to stop this old martial arts emperor.

   News quickly spread throughout the world,

"This is impossible!?"

   "What kind of physical body is this! Mental spells are not added to the body! One punch!"

   "Is this the ultimate power of martial arts?"

   "The sun **** is abundant, like a scorching sun, it is difficult to enter the body with spiritual magic!"


   In this dazzling witch's flourishing age, there is only the last old martial arts emperor, but he still suppresses the entire era of witches, and no one can destroy its edge!

   Countless people came to ask Yudura to take action.

   In the wizard tower, Udula looked at the sky outside the window and said loudly: "After the witch, no one can be called the great emperor. I don't know if it is lucky or unlucky."

   "I don't have the heroic spirit of the battlefield. I only specialize in the research in the tower. I am a scholar, a wise man, not a warrior."

   "I don't know, it's good or bad." Yudura looked complicated.

   She grew up listening to the mythical epic of heroes growing up, and she was eager to be like the first emperor, becoming a myth by herself, sweeping the forbidden area, and guarding the people behind.

   but never thought that he did not become a hero, but overthrew the era of heroes.

   "I am not her opponent either. She let me know that I was good for civilization, so she didn't kill me and tied with me."

Yudura said again: "She can take the first rank of other witches in thousands of armies! Naturally, she can take the first rank of other witches too. I can only fight with her alone. The outcome is three to seven. She has enough. Seventy percent wins."

   All the witches were shocked.

   Even if the wings are broken, only 30% wins?

   Is it possible that that step has been vaguely taken?

   "The era is gone, she is still here, she is guarding the last glory of her and her teacher." Yudura was silent and continued to speak:

   "As long as she does not die, a person is an era."

The sentence    shocked the whole land.

   One person, suppress the new era.

   One person is an era!

   Countless people have felt that shocking majestic spirit, what a mighty emperor's might.

   I stepped down as the kingly power to rule the world, which made countless people feel lucky. There was no conflict of interest and no longer aimed at this ancient king.

   "It is a blessing for such a great existence to be in the same age as the other party!"

   "This kind of heroism, this kind of boldness!"

   "If this emperor died, there would be no emperor in the world!"

   "This is an ancient monument! She used to have all kinds of legendary centuries, if it weren't born in the era of witches, it would be..." Some people are bitter.

   "In this world, no one can defeat this empress, it is the era that has defeated her!"


   Lianna folded her wings and abandoned her spear.

   She started as a wandering knight, walking in this land and mountains and seeing the customs of various countries.

   In many places, I have glanced at this great emperor from the old days. Some people say that she has changed her long sword, and some people say that she is traveling and practicing sword.

   And when Udula saw her again, she found that she was drinking in a small town, and had two parasitic prosthetic limbs tied to her two-winged port.

   Seeing this scene, Udula let go of his worry, and smiled: "It looks like I'm doing well now... Now I have modified the prosthetic double whip?"

   "Yes, I have to try out the fun in various fields." Lianna smiled and asked Udula to sit down and have a drink, "My age is gone. You will rule this age."

   "After you leave, there will be no emperor in this world, invincible, suppressing the era of a lifetime, no one has the courage and mind to subdue others." Udula said:

   "There is no emperor in the world, there is only a king, and the witches can only divide and conquer. They are keen to curl up in the tower and study magic and truth."

   "And I'm just the ancestor king of the Witch League." Yudura smiled: "You know, I don't want to care about this... By the are you doing now?"

   "Very good."

Lianna drank the wine, toasted a glass of the opposite, and smiled: "I was very desperate for the first few days. From time to time, the teacher said that the teacher said, "Wen to death, martial and death," felt that they had abandoned their faith, and it was very uncomfortable, but Later figured it out."

She looked free and easy, "The rivers and lakes are really gone. I should accept that it is only eliminated by the times. As long as we continue to promote the development of civilization, it will be enough. The era is dead, and a new era is set sail. We are nothing but a torch ahead, illuminating the darkness."

   Yudura smiled, wondering if she really put it down.

   Lianna continued: "Now, I can finally live for myself, and study my favorite martial arts and the future."

   "I can finally live the life I want by myself, and I have passed away."

She talked about the ancient wisdom **** allusion, stood up and left the tavern, leaving the last sentence: "I can finally reverse what the teacher entrusted to me... My heart and my actions are like a black mirror, and what I do is like a black mirror. There is no justice anymore...this will be my life rule from now on."

   So, do you want to bring this sentence straight and give it to me?

   Yudura smiled gently and charmingly, dressed in a black star witch robe, sitting with her tender legs crossed, her elegant white arms swaying the wine glass, smiling, and watching her leave.

   "I am already the underground king of this world."

   She sat quietly in the chair, drank the wine by herself, then stood up and paid the money and left.

   "Take the last trace of concern." She lowered the brim of her hat, and hurriedly left the tavern. "The first night banquet is about to begin. The future is completely unknown. I don't know if I can come back."


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