My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 69: The banquet exchange in the gray mist, shocked 2 people

  Yudula returned to the tower.

   "Welcome to the ancestor witch! Great soul origin! Holy ancestor Yudura!!"

  The frenetic voice resounded across the sky of the kingdom city.

   "From today, I will retreat."

   The woman wore a gorgeous and exquisite black wizard robe and a long skirt swaying. The woman wearing a silver crown came slowly, with a fascinating smile on her face.

   "Gong send your majesty!"

   "Gong send your majesty!"

  Countless beings watched the ancient witch retreat.

   They looked at this beautiful and swaying snow-white witch with great respect.

   As the invincible sole overlord of this land, although all witches know that there is no emperor in the world, she has truly ruled an era and suppressed a lifetime!

  Because... she is the ancestor of the witch!

   Her subordinate race has become a prerequisite for the appearance of witches.

   All the witches are absorbing and consuming her race, and accumulating a huge amount of spirit, before they can start to practice this system and cultivate the first realm.

After    became witches, because they had consumed too much soul of this snail race, they actually began to mutate, shed their carapace, and became a snail witch with soft and smooth skin.

   "This snail race has no wisdom in the offspring. It is a beast, but it is inherited like this!"

   "Snails are not to continue the race by giving birth to offspring, but to transform other mother emperors, become her intelligent offspring, and become snails!"

   "It can be said that she is the source of all witches! The eternal ancestor of this system! Once she falls, the witch system in the world will completely decline and even become extinct!"

   "I wait for only one person as a family, and He, one person as a system, what a domineering thing!"


   Above the earth, thousands of people worshipped, and my heart was extremely shocked.

   Their ant queen system, one person is the ancestor of a race, at this time countless race branches have evolved into the world's ten thousand races!

   As for the Udurah system, a person is the ancestor of an extraordinary system.

The    system can be practiced by all races, surpassing all races.

   "Is this our future? A higher level of the mother of races, the mother of systems!"

   "One person forms a party system, but my fall is the death of the age, how domineering!"

   "This opens up an extraordinary spiritual system, perhaps, it can be called a **** system! The common people of the earth believe in Him, transform her nature, and become a witch believer!"

   "This is the prototype of a god!"

  Many female emperors and queens who are amazing and talented are looking forward to it.

   They saw a transcendent system with mysterious power-transcendent **** system!

   Becoming the ancestor of a race is nothing but a trail, and becoming the ancestor of a system is the supreme glory and greatness! !

   The girl Witch was solemn and full of admiration.

   What an amazing style is this?

A young Waren witch from the Feathered Serpent God Clan spoke with passion and excitement in her heart, and said in excitement: "On this earth, the ancient empress was born, the supreme existence that suppressed the restricted areas of various places, and today, the ancestor of the witch, Yudura, may be able to Comparable to the ancient emperor!"

   "The ancestor of Udurah retreats, it is the time for the ten thousand races of the earth to fight for battle, the rise of the great witch towers, the dynasty contends for hegemony in the world, I, too, will open up a **** system!"

   She said: "The witch system is not perfect. I, Atre, will develop various witch gods. If Udula is the upper god, then I will be the middle **** of the lower branch!"



   At this moment, Yudura entered the tower and began the first night banquet of gods and demons.

   She followed the dull hair on the top of her head and entered Fu Qingjun's mind.

   She was vigilant in her heart and kept thinking about her master's words, "The master has said that night banquets are very dangerous, even if it is other believers, don't disclose your identity casually."

   "Even if you are resurrecting your life in reincarnation, don't reveal your details in the era, try to pretend to be an aboriginal..."

   "Otherwise, I will encounter some powerful worlds, be discovered by terrifying ancient existences, and even follow them, separated by countless time and space and dimensions, completely obliterating my existence."

   She was shocked.

   It's a pity that the master himself has to go through other night banquets, facing a huge test of reincarnation and death, and he can only work **** his own affairs.

   "In the endless world, some people call us extraterrestrial demon, and some people call us true spirits. As long as the true spirits are immortal, they can be reincarnated in countless worlds..."

  In constant thinking, she gradually entered the banquet.

   the other side.

   "Matrilineal society, male humans are really miserable, and each person has a slave mark. When can a man stand up? Maybe he can throw a strong male and save the ant world?"

   Fu Qingjun took a shower and wiped every part of his body with a towel in his hair,

   "But the world of the queen system can't be saved at all, right?"

   "The ant is a matriarchal society in itself, so it can live in this world and become a Zerg natural disaster."

   "This can't be solved, unless I use other new creatures as the basic template to develop different extraordinary civilizations... But what else is the template as fast as an ant?"

   "Anyway, it's not in a hurry. It hasn't been long. In the ruins of the earth, a building has just been occupied, and the fog is still being explored. No human survivors have been found."

When Fu Qingjun came to the table, he slowly rolled up a few pens with countless hair, and at the same time corrected the account books of the past few days, while coming to quietly look at Qin Hong on the table, fighting constantly in the ruins, as if The arena is also very fierce.

   She looked at the thousand angels in front of her, and ran away frantically, "It turns out that to start the second life, the test is to defeat the last time she merged with the species, it is still a thousand!"

   [Do you want to understand the meaning of living? ]

   "Dead again..." Qin Hong was about to vomit blood directly.

   Family members: I (12/1000)

   Authority: None

   Permission: Communication with the world, independent banquet

   How terrible it is to besieged by a thousand angels, she completely understands this.

   The blow in the air dominance field is simply terrifying!

   And this time, I actually want to evolve a species and defeat a thousand angels at the same time...

   "No wonder, the previous mysterious existence said that he hopes I can live longer. New people like me have seen too many surprises..." She felt great despair in her heart.

  According to this reasoning, every time I tried, I was much stronger than the last species. In other words, if I couldn't change qualitatively in every life, I would be dead!

   This is to catch the ducks on the shelves!

   "I knew, I didn't make this species so strong the last time." She felt exhausted and could only enter the night banquet to take a look, and then entered Fu Qingjun's mind.

   In total darkness.

  Udula looked at Qin Hong who suddenly came in before him, slightly surprised, pretending to be calm, and said, "Senior?"

   The other party is the figure of the female emperor's domineering temperament, giving people a sense of endless killing and blood. This person seems to be harmonious, but in fact, he is definitely a generation of heroes!

   Outside, even though he has a monstrous identity and suppressed an era, he is equal here, not to mention the other party is definitely not weak.

   "I am not a senior."

   Qin Hong shook his head and said, "Someone is here in such a deserted place. Are you the newcomer brought by that mysterious existence last time? Unexpectedly, you were also led here."

   I don’t know how many lifetimes the great existence has been in reincarnation, but it has the possibility of inviting other beings to become dependents.

   I'm afraid it is the most superior, close to the overlord of the gods and demons, right?

   I don’t know how strong in my own world and in my own time?

   If I can be that strong, I can also give a place to invite my paralyzed sister...

   is wrong.

   This is too dangerous.

   She kept trying in her heart, and said tentatively: "Your Excellency, are you here to participate in the trial of the Banquet?"

   "Yes," Udula said.

   Qin Hong didn't know that this was her disciple and grandson, but still said: "Be careful! The first time the species doesn't need to be too strong, otherwise the next time you face it, the last time you face it."

   She suffered a loss of culture.

"The master has already told me about this." Yudura said: "And, the species of my first life, the master has asked me to complete the study in this world, this time I can proceed according to the process...I This species has great potential in the future, but before it grows, it is very weak and can kill one with one hand."

   Qin Hong was very envious all of a sudden.

   There was a host who told him the various key points of the night banquet in advance. There was no need to fumble, unlike himself, who had taken a lot of detours.

"It's a pity that my species was very powerful from the beginning. I have entered an endless loop... According to your method, it is estimated that there will be no problems before I live for two lives." Qin Hong said, "Right, you know this. Is the origin of a mysterious existence?"

   Yudura shook his head, saying that he was not quite clear.

   Qin Hong was awe-inspiring immediately, as if a fanatic propagating great doctrines, loudly said: "He trades everything, this world has not lost its roof! Believe in this existence, and everything in the world will have..."

   Listening to the other party's words, Udula was shocked.

   Fu Qingjun is still correcting the books and documents of the past few days, listening to the conversation between the two people, his face is slightly dark.

   But they are still exchanging their experiences, after a while.

   Qin Hong said, "By the way, we are all newcomers. Why not make an appointment on a regular basis to come in and exchange information?"

   Come in regularly to meet?

   "Yes." Yudura said, after all, there is a similar newcomer for communication, which is okay.

   "Although it is not possible to reveal the specific true identity, it is best not to disclose the contemporary characters and existence, otherwise there is the possibility of revealing their own identity, but the age and the world should be able to reveal some." Qin Hong tried to suggest.

  Udura thought for a while, and said: "We are in a world of spiritual magic, with countless towers, studying the truth and knowledge of the world, we can fly in the air and have all kinds of strange abilities."

   Qin Hong was shocked.

   Psychic spells?

   Is this a myth?

   Is this the fairy tale age?

   The time the other party is in is probably in the ancient times. I don’t know whether it was before or after the Flood.

   It seems that the martial arts era he pioneered before is still too rubbish! After all, with the martial arts knowledge of later generations, that's it, that can be comparable to immortals and wizards who use spells?

   "The age of the Great Flood?" Qin Hong asked tentatively.

  Udula said: "According to the ancient books brought by the ancient predecessors, we should be not far after the flood. The exact time is not clear."

   Qin Hong was shocked, "Then the civilization you live in is called?"

  Udula shook his head, "This can't be said, it's a bit dangerous when it comes to dynasties and times."

Qin Hong was not surprised. He accidentally asked too much, "We are hundreds of thousands of years away from the era of the prehistoric flood. In our era, there is no extraordinary magic technique, but there are all kinds of machinery, aircraft cannons, Flying in the air."

   The prehistoric flood?

   Countless thousands of years ago?

   This time It is Yudula's turn to be shocked.

   In other words, is she communicating with the future life in countless years from now?

   This is a creature of the future! ?

   In other words, our time has already become a distant myth of history?

   She is not like Qin Hong, she is naturally extremely shocked when she hears this kind of thing for the first time now.

   "Are we really beings in different time and space?" She still didn't believe it.

Qin Hong shook his head and said: "The mythological allusions before the Flood, the three days of creation of God's Promenade, which gave life, knowledge, and wisdom, respectively, should you have heard of it? Our time has dug up this kind of distant ancient prehistoric stone monument , Amiro, Hormons, Jiaxia..."

   This time, Udula was completely surprised, then we really are in prehistoric times.

   What kind of mighty force is this night banquet?

   Travel through distant time and space, connect two people from different eras, and meet here!

   He allows us to walk through the ages and walk in the world.

   "Great and immortal, praise our lord, the nameless **** who travels through the void of time." Qin Hong said piously, this overlord of the emperor's temperament, as if seeing the gods in the sky.

   "Great and immortal, praise my lord, the nameless **** who travels through the void of time." Yudura was also full of admiration, and this witch lord repeated this sentence in a highly respected tone.

"In just a few days, I earned more than 900 taels of silver, and foreigners from outside the autonomous region have also been attracted. Many nobles and celebrities. This is a route to understand this mysterious World War II world..." At this moment, Fu Qing Jun is still holding up the pen with his hair, and quietly correcting several gang's finances and bills at the same time. After listening to their conversation, he just smiled and said:

"you are welcome."


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