Chapter 81 Copy quirk

“Wait, what did you say? When the final boss?”

Etsuha almost couldn’t react. Isn’t U.A’s entrance examination to be a robot? What is this final boss?

Most importantly, this is still his responsibility!

“Just let you be the strongest lord.” Aizawa Shouta explained the meaning of the word boss.

“I’m not asking this.” Etsuha said silently: “I mean, why should I be asked to act as the boss? Does it make any sense?”

“Of course there is. Remember the last attack by the enemy alliance. Although it was largely suppressed, some people still questioned U.A’s strength. The principal thinks that if you ask you to come forward, I’m afraid it will be able to severely suppress those secret disturbances. Aizawa Shouta said: “The school will not let you do your work in vain. I heard Mt.Lady say you need fame? It just so happens that the school’s entrance examination is in the form of live broadcast. If you perform brilliantly in it, you might gain something. Pay attention to Bo.”

“You guys even thought about this…”

Etsuha was very interested in Aizawa Shouta’s proposal. Energy is something he needs now, especially after extracting Mangekyō Sharingan, Etsuha’s energy has been exhausted. It would be great if this U.A assessment could add a little more. Nevertheless.

But even if there was some willingness in his heart to go, Etsuha pretended to hesitate and said: “This has this point, I am afraid it is not enough…”

“…” A veins appeared on Aizawa Shouta’s forehead, and he knew that Etsuha was not easy to deal with, but after all, considering Etsuha’s character, Aizawa Shouta had made preparations long ago, and after a while of silence, he responded, “You told me before. I also agreed to the condition mentioned, but I am not allowed to mess around!”

“definitely no problem!”

Etsuha readily agreed.

When thinking about Sharingan’s copying of the gene chain, Etsuha suggested to Aizawa Shouta about entering the health room as a temporary doctor. According to Etsuha’s idea, U.A’s training intensity is quite high, and it is inevitable that some people will be injured. Therefore, the health room can justly contact other people’s quirks. If he cooperates with Sharingan in the future, Etsuha will get countless gene chains.(Read more @

However, this matter was rejected for various reasons. I did not expect that now Aizawa Shouta would take the initiative to remind him that U.A really paid more attention to Etsuha’s appearance.

“Then remember to come early.” After getting consent, Aizawa Shouta reminded him, and then hung up the phone.

“Do you really want him to be the final boss?” All Might’s voice appeared beside him.

“There is no way. The incident had a great impact on U.A’s reputation. If they saw that Etsuha’s powerful quirks were all in U.A, those people would probably not say anything.” Aizawa Shouta said helplessly.

The main purpose of letting Etsuha come forward is to deter the secretly troubled Xiao Xiao. However, U.A does not mean to experience Etsuha. After all, those who are confident to participate in the U.A assessment are all elites from all over the country. One or two may not be able to beat Etsuha, but what if one swarms?

Even Etsuha will fail because of this.

“Hi…Midoriya boy, I hope you don’t meet that kind of guy.” Thinking of Etsuha’s strength, All Might couldn’t help but worry about Midoriya Izuku who was about to come to the test.

“Ultimately the boss? U.A really likes doing this kind of stuff.”

After hanging up the phone, Etsuha spit out subconsciously, then looked at a reference book.

This is a math book for exams. It is full of various formulas. It usually takes at least a few hours for him to memorize it. However, with the help of Sharingan, Etsuha just glanced at it casually, and a large amount of content seemed to be imprinted in his mind, and he could easily recall it.

“When the sharingan’s copying ability was activated, did the observation and memory also improve? It seems that this state can be used for Nomu.” Etsuha confirmed his copying ability, and then called to find the previous police officer, simply After talking about some things, Etsuha said that he was going to visit Nomu.

“Do you want to visit Nomu? Of course you can, but the three guys are now listed as criminals in special circumstances. They should now be in a special prison in Shizuoka Prefecture. You need…”

?? ????? Ask for flowers? ?????

After a series of explanations, Etsuha finally figured out the location, and after a simple salute, he set off to the prison.

“Is it Mr. Shina?” A prison guard recognized Etsuha, apparently having been ordered before, and after confirming Etsuha’s identity, he took him to the prison where Nomu was located.

Etsuha saw Nomu again. The three Nomus were much thinner than before. They were placed in different rooms, each with heavy bulletproof glass. Similar to what Etsuha saw before, these three Nomu are still sluggish. In this case, it is impossible for them to perform simple tasks.

0 ….. …….

“How is their situation?” Etsuha asked.

“It’s hard to tell. The previous information was found for all three of them. They were all gangsters in other cities. The social circle was quite small. It took half a year for someone to report to the police station.” The prison guard vomited: “And these three The big guys are completely out of the scope of human beings, and they don’t even know how to eat. If they hadn’t fed them with nutrient solutions every day, I’m afraid they would have starved to death.”

Only then did Etsuha notice that several Nomus were not generally thin and thin. Among them, the guy with the regeneration quirk had lost ribs, and the weight had dropped by at least one third.

“May I go in and have a look?” Etsuha showed a certificate. This is a special certificate that the police officer obtained from the medical institution for Etsuha, which can prove Etsuha’s medical quirk.

“It turned out to be a rare medical quirk, of course it’s okay.” Seeing the certificate, the prison guard immediately respected Etsuha.

Etsuha stepped into the room of the first Nomu, reached out and touched the opponent’s skin, and soon a large gene chain appeared before his eyes. After he skillfully found the two complete quirks, he directly activated Sharingan, and as the three-wheeled gouyu turned, everything in front of him was instantly remembered by Etsuha.

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