Chapter 82 Start of school!

Etsuha repeated this action three times to completely copy several Nomu gene sequences, and then left.

“Except for the two intact quirks, the failure of the transplantation of other quirks is the main reason why humans become Nomu. And there are some genes in their bodies that are exactly the same. If I don’t expect it to be bad, it should be the doctor’s stay. The gene produced by Nomu.”

Etsuha recalled some of Nomu’s genes and carefully recorded some details in his notebook.

As a decent force, the biggest headache is that some things cannot be done clearly. For example, the gene modification ability of Etsuha can cure human injuries. However, other functions, such as copying Nomu’s quirk, cannot be used arbitrarily. Once an accident occurs, humans can be turned into humans. Nomu, the consequences will be quite bad.

It would be different if it was replaced by a villain. The fundamental reason why the doctor can develop Nomu to this level is the continuous energy collection of human bodies for experiments. Those experiences and samples are far beyond what Etsuha can see.

However, he did not intend to copy Nomu’s quirk directly to humans. The main purpose is to study the different gene sequences between different quirks, so that he can have a greater certainty to transplant quirks.

“You have to buy some guinea pigs.”

After Etsuha came out of prison, he kept thinking about quirk in his mind. After all, it is about the biggest secret of the human body. It is impossible to say that you can use it for yourself. Since human experiments cannot be carried out, the mouse is the most suitable choice.

Fortunately, the place where the guinea pigs were sold was not far away, so Etsuha picked two at random and started experimenting on the road.

“Since Principal Nezu also evolved from the quirk of animal awakening, should it be possible for the mouse?”

Etsuha held a white mouse and thought about it, and then incorporated the regenerated quirk into it.


The mouse suddenly became irritable, the pores all over his body exploded, and it didn’t take long for it to become a dead body.(Read more @

Etsuha checked the mouse’s genes again, and found that the gene sequence of this regenerative quirk was too complicated. After it was integrated into the mouse’s body, its original function was directly collapsed, and this would happen.

“Is the mouse’s body too weak, or is this quirk too strong?”

Etsuha was puzzled.

In the second mouse, he reduced the number of genes for the regeneration quirk dozens of times. Of course, this gene quirk was useless. After being injected into the mouse’s body, the mouse became irritable again, but this time it didn’t. No other changes have occurred, but the aggressiveness has become much stronger.

“Is it really a quirk problem?”

A lucid flash flashed in Etsuha’s eyes.

There is no need to worry about quirk. After a simple experiment, he temporarily put the plan on hold, and then went directly to U.A, and soon saw Aizawa Shouta, who had been waiting here all morning.

“It’s Shina, it was so early.” Aizawa Shouta greeted Etsuha and said in surprise, “I thought that according to your personality, I would come here tomorrow.”

Even if Etsuha cured his dry eye, he still didn’t get rid of his laziness, just waking up.

“Come here by the way.” Etsuha directly mentioned U.A’s entrance examination. “Speaking of which, what’s the plan to make me the final boss? Tell me in detail?”

“Well, I just want to tell you.” Aizawa Shouta yawned and explained: “Generally speaking, the entrance examination of U.A is based on robots as the assessment standard. The more robots you defeat, the more you can get. The score will be higher. But this year’s situation is special and I have explained it in detail to you before. The school believes that only the assessment of robots is too mediocre. If you set you as a boss, it may be a bright choice. . …..”

“…It really shines.”

Aizawa Shouta ignored Etsuha’s complaints and continued: “The school has made a good plan for the specific content. The previous part of defeating the robot remains unchanged. After their score reaches a certain standard, it will lead to your area. Turn it on. At that time, you only need to let them know how good you are. By the way, if you beat you, they will get richer rewards. You don’t have to worry that they won’t challenge you.”

“It’s that simple?” Etsuha was full of contempt for this plan.

“It’s just that I will tell you the general process briefly. The original plan is still quite detailed.” Aizawa Shouta retorted.

“Well, what did I do before I was challenged? Staying in that area waiting for others to challenge?” Etsuha thought about other issues.

“It’s not necessary. You only need to be out at the last minute. The rest of the time is as you like.”

Etsuha casually said, “Then I will just follow the people who took the test, and I have nothing to do anyway.”

“It’s okay, but you can’t grab someone else’s score, otherwise it will disrupt the balance.” 2.4 Aizawa Shouta nodded.

“No problem at all.”

The final boss plan for U.A was decided like this, but as Aizawa Shouta said, he only briefly mentioned the plan. The real plan is indeed quite detailed, including various points, reward mechanisms, etc. These contents were explained to Etsuha again by the principal.

What happened after that was quite boring. U.A is still in an unopened state, and the students in the school can’t see many of them, but there are a lot of teachers. Among them, All Might ran to Midoriya Izuku for emergency training in this short period of time. It seemed that he was quite worried about Midoriya Izuku’s later results.

Soon after, the next day came!

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