My Italian

Chapter 196: negotiated

, the fastest update of my latest chapter of Yidaili!

"Thank you very much for the news from your country."

Although it has not been verified, Prime Minister Cecil, who has a good education, still opened his mouth to express his gratitude.

"It's nothing, my country has the same concerns about it."

Buckner uttered words of deep sympathy, and the atmosphere of the conversation improved.

Having a common enemy can indeed lead to a relationship, not only for individuals, but also for countries.

Feeling that the time was right, Bakona took the initiative to focus on France and Russia.

"Actually, regarding the proximity between Russia and France, my country believes that France is not too worried because it is located in Western Europe, surrounded by my country and Germany to check and balance, so the French should not have any amazing moves. But the Russians are not too concerned. Well said..."

Having said that, Bakona naturally stops here.

As for Prime Minister Cecil, he heard Xuanyin and knew Yayi, but Britain did not have much to do with Russia. This European road roller, which spans Asia and Europe, has always been a headache for the British Empire.

Greed and an insatiable appetite have given Russia a bad reputation in Europe. Although there has been a Crimean War before, Britain and France have joined forces to teach this mighty polar bear a lesson. But the tenth Turkish-Russian War later showed that the Russians are completely healed scars and forget the pain.

Thinking of this, Cecil couldn't help but sigh, "The Russians are really troublesome in the civilized world."

At this time, Bacona took the opportunity to speak. "The Russian ambitions are known throughout Europe. They want Warsaw and Constantinople. Now that they have Warsaw, the next step should be Constantinople. We have to guard against that."

Facing Bacona's words, Cecil was a little silent, because this was an obligation to the British Empire. It is important to know that Britain has always refused to be involved in the affairs of the European continent, and if the UK is to be held responsible for this, it is bound to put them in the muddy waters of European affairs.

As the Prime Minister, Cecil, of course, did not want to see it, but he hesitated for a while and then said. "Your Excellency Bakona, you must know that two years ago, in the treaty signed by our country with your country and Austria-Hungary, the Russians were already told to retreat. If you continue to want to continue to sign a new treaty because of Russia, our people may not be willing to See."

Cecil obviously misunderstood Bakona's meaning. He thought Bakona wanted to pull Britain into the water and sign a new treaty against Russia.

At the time of the Bulgarian crisis (because Ferdinand I ascended the Bulgarian throne), Britain, Italy, and Austria-Hungary signed a Mediterranean Treaty, mainly in response to the possible Russian intervention in Bulgaria. In this treaty, Britain had little responsibility, mainly Italy and Austria.

Obviously, Cecil believed that this was Italy's dissatisfaction with Britain's non-obligation, and planned to pull Britain back into the murky waters.

"But Sir, that was two years ago. Two years ago, France and Russia were not so close, when we only had to deal with Russian pressure, and now we have more potential opponents, it is impossible to talk about the same thing. ."

Facing Cecil who refused to accept the move, Bakona wanted to throw the pot on the opponent.

"But this has not reached the point where it is necessary to re-sign the treaty. Even if France and Russia really form an alliance, we can wait for the time limit of the treaty to expire and then renegotiate."

Prime Minister Cecil, who played extremely well in pushing hands, simply did not take this move.

In the face of Cecil's rogue-like behavior, Bacona no longer wanted to stimulate the other party, so he opened his mouth and said. "My country believes that under the current circumstances, if you want to continue to lock Russia in the Black Sea, you must add another insurance."

Facing Bakona's words, Cecil asked with great interest. "Then what is your country's idea?"

"My country believes that the Ottomans cannot afford the heavy task of blocking Russia at present, and it is necessary to add an insurance."

Facing Bakona's words, Cecil did not speak, but continued to wait for the following.

Seeing that the Prime Minister of the British Empire remained motionless, Bacona lost his momentum. But there is no way, this matter must be approved by the British, or at least acquiesced, otherwise the battle will not be fought at all.

"My country believes that it is impossible to rely on the Ottomans to block the Russians in the Black Sea. It is better to add a powerful country in the region. Our country is very honored and willing to take on this responsibility."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

In the face of Bakona's words, Prime Minister Cecil suddenly burst out laughing with joy. That expression was like seeing something very ridiculous, and it was not fake at all.

Facing the hearty laughter of the Prime Minister Cecil, Bakona knew what the other party was laughing at. This was laughing at Italy's overreaching.

From the undisguised laughter of the Prime Minister Cecil, you can see how much Britain attaches importance to Italy.

After the Prime Minister Cecil closed his mouth, he opened his mouth with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, I just thought of a very funny thing, I couldn't hold it back, I lost my temper."

Although Bakona really wanted to ask him if his wife had given birth to a child, but considering the relationship between the two countries and the need for others, he could only choose generosity.

"Nothing, I believe this must be a very joyful thing."

After revealing this embarrassment, Cecil continued to ask. "I think your country intends to go to war with the Ottomans and seek our help. This is Your Excellency. The purpose of this visit."

Seeing his purpose, Cecil pointed it out without hesitation. As a qualified diplomat, Bacona immediately considered the gains and losses in his mind.

"Yes, I admit that my country does have this idea, but considering the current situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, I think it is necessary to do so. The corrupt bureaucrats of the Ottoman Empire have always been reluctant to make progress, and my country believes that it is better to let them Continuing to be swallowed up by Russia, it is better for us to take action first. Of course, your country's opinion is the most important, and our country will also respect the interests of the British Empire."

This is Bakona showing the attitude of Italy to the UK. I respect the opinion of the UK and am willing to guarantee the interests of the in exchange for the UK's acquiescence.

Facing Bacona's words, Cecil stood up and looked at the portrait of St. George slaying the dragon in the living room motionless. As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bakona of course knew what the other party was thinking about, so he didn't dare to interrupt. As a result, the entire living room immediately became quiet, and in addition to the ticking of the clock, there was also a solidified atmosphere in the air.

Before long, Prime Minister Cecil suddenly turned to look at him. "Your country needs to withdraw from the Tana River Basin, and Crete must be autonomous, and the other is the conditions that your country has promised."

Obviously, this is the bottom line given by the British. Facing the words of Prime Minister Cecil, Bacona said after thinking about it. "Our country agrees with your proposal in principle, but the specific decision still needs the approval of Rome."

"Go, I'll wait for your news."

After sending Bacona away, the Prime Minister Cecil looked at the oil painting with a hint of ridicule, and said something softly. "Even Italy wants to play the Balkans, it's really lively here."

That's right, in his opinion, Italians don't know how much they have. It's not that easy to get in and get out of that broken place in the Balkans.

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