My Italian

Chapter 197: Turin-class battleship

Prime Minister Cecil's request was quickly sent back to Rome.

Facing the conditions put forward by the British, Carlo immediately summoned the important ministers to discuss how to deal with it.

"Everyone, it's easy to say the rest, why should Crete be given autonomy, just because of a word from the British? And everyone knows what's going on in Crete. If it really is autonomous, it's not a gift. Greeks. As the Italian Minister of War, I absolutely cannot tolerate such a thing."

Faced with the conditions of the British, the first person to express dissatisfaction was the Secretary of State for War, Admiral Saragate.

Since someone started, others have the same thoughts.

"As the Minister of the Navy, although the strength of our navy is not as good as that of the British, here, I also want to declare that the conditions of the British are a bit excessive. Crete must be autonomous, and our navy cannot agree to it either."

Admiral Gorek's remarks are a bit insincere, because it is impossible for the Italian Navy to offend the British at present, but on this occasion, he must show his political position. So after the Minister of War opened his mouth, he picked it up immediately. Anyway, this is just to show the attitude, and it is not really to follow this method immediately.

Sure enough, after the two military members expressed their dissatisfaction, DePretis, the prime minister, immediately stood up.

"Although I don't know what mentality the two servants have, but this matter must be discussed. If there is no support or acquiescence from the British, then your thoughts of defeating the Ottomans can be quelled. Our country cannot deal with several countries at the same time, it must be Isolate the Ottomans, or I don't like your actions at all, especially wars on land."

That's right, DePretis, the prime minister, believes that the two military leaders are a little dizzy. At this time, shouldn't the primary task be to reduce their potential enemies.

And he believes that the British demand is not too much. The location of Crete is too important. If Italy gets it, it can not only threaten the Black Sea and Aegean Seaway, but also the East-West Seaway. A good relationship, some of which outweigh the gains.

It's just that his words are useless to these two military generals, and these two will not listen to persuasion at all.

In the face of the shouting two military bosses, other government officials quit and immediately stepped forward to defend the Prime Minister. Although many people are not of the same faction as the Prime Minister, and some even have opposite views, but everyone has a clear head and knows the difference between military and political.

In order to ensure the status of the government and prevent the military's wishes from being achieved, the senior officials of the government immediately united.

In the face of such a situation, how could the two military bosses be the opponents of high-ranking government officials? So the two generals at a disadvantage can only turn their attention to Carlo, hoping that the king can come off to help them.

However, Carlo had already considered the pros and cons at this time, and was not willing to go into this muddy water at all. In the end, the government won.

Faced with such a situation, Carlo pushed the boat along the way. "Now that the decision has been made, send a telegram to the Foreign Secretary, Bakona, and ask him to talk to the British again. It is best to get better terms, and if not, then talk about it this way."

As Carlo made a final decision, the topic of the dispute ended like this.

In fact, on the issue of Crete's autonomy, Carlo has a way to keep it out of the hands of the Greeks. There is still time anyway, enough for Italy to find a suitable group of agents on the island. In addition, when the time comes to lay down Crete, there are countless ways to transform the island. Of course, this is based on the premise that Italy is not ready to annex.

With Carlo's decision, the meeting came to an end, and the important ministers were in twos and threes, holding their own things and preparing to leave the conference room.

Admiral Gorek, like the others, was about to pack up and leave, but he was called to a halt.

"Admiral Goreck, please wait."

Carlo's words left him waiting for the others to leave first. However, Admiral Saragate, the Minister of War, did not look very good, and he snorted heavily with his nostrils when he passed by him.

Admiral Gorek certainly knew the reason. Isn't this why Carlo was close to their navy, which naturally made the Army unhappy, and he was often summoned alone, which made the Army have something to say. They did not dare to express their dissatisfaction with Carlo, so Admiral Gorek, as the Minister of the Navy, acted as the perfect back-up role.

After everyone else had left, Carlo asked. "I heard that the new warship has been re-entered the dock for renovation. What is going on? Will it affect the service time of the warship?"

Admiral Gorek was not at all surprised by the king's inquiry. Even if this is the case, I only know about it in less than three days.

"Your Majesty, in such a situation, when the Turin was seaworthy..."

In the explanation of Admiral Gorek, Carlo completely understood what was going on. During the trial voyage of the Turin, the Navy found that its hull roll was very severe in severe sea conditions, which would seriously affect its combat effectiveness as an ocean-going warship. The most severe shaking was when the hull rolled up to 21°. Such shaking was impossible for combat Then the navy contacted three ship designers urgently. All the new warships returned to the shipyard, ready to install the bilge keel for anti-rolling. According to the design, the installed bilge keel is 63 meters long and 0.95 meters wide, mainly covering the middle section of the hull.

It needs to be said here that due to the excellent power system, the speed of the Turin-class is much higher than the design speed.

In the sea trials on the Turin, two 4-cylinder vertical triple expansion steam engines were used under the condition of normal ventilation at full power, and their burst power was 16340 indicated horsepower. With full power plenum, its burst of power was 19,782 indicated horsepower, allowing Turin to reach a speed of 19.3 knots. However, after a four-hour voyage, some of the boiler pipes ruptured and leaked. The Navy then lowered the maximum horsepower to 18,000 horsepower to ensure the safe use of warships.

In every respect, this ship is an epoch-making masterpiece. Of course, this also requires the good operation of Italian naval officers and soldiers. After all, no matter how sophisticated the weapon is, it depends on the performance of the user.

Otherwise, the king's army will not be ruined by the slippers army. Compared with equipment, Wang Yejun can let the slippers army have one hand.

Here, with the remarks of Admiral Gorek, Carlo felt relieved. Although it has been said in the newspaper, he still believes more in what the navy said.

Now that it's explained, it doesn't matter. But before the admiral left, Carlo couldn't help but ask.

"By the way, Your Excellency, will the three warships be able to serve in the second half of this year?"

"Your Majesty, the three warships will definitely be able to serve in the second half of the year."

"Then you should step up the training of your officers and soldiers."

"As ordered."

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