My Italian

Chapter 391: Navy Act

The drought in Italy lasted until the end of 1897. During this half-year period, the drought in Italy was relieved by the concerted efforts of the people and the government. Of course, the consumption of relief materials in Italy was also high.

However, all this is not as good as October. The abundant and abundant rainfall in southern Italy has relieved the drought and brought relief to people from all walks of life in Italy.

However, although the drought was relieved, everyone, including Carlo and the Prime Minister, had an ugly look on their faces when they looked at the treasury that could run away with rats.

This drought has put more pressure on Italy's finances, and it will be hard again.

Of course, on one of these days, the Parliament silently passed the Voting Rights Amendment Bill. But in the face of this, Carlo can only pretend he didn't see it.

Of course, in addition to the bad things in the country, there are also big things happening in Germany. German Navy Chancellor Tirpitz, who only took office in June this year, proposed the famous Naval Act, the first Naval Act, to the German Parliament.

In the Act, Tirpitz demanded that by 1904, the German naval fleet should be equipped with 18 capital ships, 8 coastal defense armored ships, and 40 cruisers, at a cost of more than 490 million marks.

Do you feel that something is not right?

That's right, this naval bill is one less than in history, two cruisers are missing, and the cost of building the ship is more than ten million marks.

The reason that is different from history is still that Carlo. After Italy shared its naval technology and military concepts with Germany, the development of the German navy was somewhat different.

First of all, in the exchange of naval battleship design, naval designers from Italy taught a lesson to their German counterparts.

He criticized the Brandenburg class and Frederick III class built before the German counterparts. Of course, just criticizing this is not convincing. After all, anyone can find out the faults on the opponent's warships without practicing the fake handle. After all, there is no perfect warship. But after the Italian counterparts came up with various revisions and opinions, the German counterparts were convinced.

Of course, in the designer exchange, there is also someone who is still so eye-catching, and it is you; His Excellency Vittorio Cuniberti.

This talented warship designer, who is attracting attention all over the world, also attracted the attention of many people.

He not only communicated with his German counterparts, but was also invited to meet with Rear Admiral Tirpitz, the head of the German Navy, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. After some exchanges, the two were also impressed by their talents.

Rear Admiral Tirpitz even said that if the German warships were designed by him, the performance of the German warships could be improved by at least 5%.

As for the Kaiser, it was a bit too much. He invited the talented designer, as long as he was willing to work for Germany, he could give him the title of Viscount.

No way, Vittorio Cuniberti was like a hungry man encountering gourmet food for the two naval fanatics.

Of course, it was more about Vittorio Cuniberti's shipbuilding talent that made the two feel reluctant. (One more thing, I have always felt that among the German warship designers, there are not many outstanding ones, not to lead the war. You can think about it carefully, which outstanding warship designer does Germany have?)

Of course, there is a reason why the two are so obsessed with their talents. Once the two were in a conversation with Cuniberti, Rear Admiral Tirpitz half-jokingly proposed technical requirements for a new German battleship. Three days later, the Kunibati came up with a design proposal. Of course, this plan, Kunibati himself said that it was modified from the original plan, but coming up with a plan in three days still shocked everyone.

More importantly, this plan is not bad. After watching it, German colleagues said that their design could not be better than it, which is very embarrassing. Valley

During this exchange, German designers learned a lot. At least the problem of wasting tonnage can be corrected to some extent.

After all, the high requirements of the Italian Navy made it impossible for designers to waste tonnage.

Of course, in addition to designers, the exchanges between the two countries are also very useful in terms of warship technology.

The exchange of equipment such as large-caliber naval guns, boilers, steam engines, and optical sights has benefited the navies of the two countries a lot.

Anyway, in the face of the massive expansion of the German navy, Italy can only watch the excitement. because of this drought. Let Italy's finances not slow down for several years. It's too expensive to keep up with.

For the Italian navy, the German counterparts are ready to start construction with only envy in their eyes. It's good that they can keep three Garybo-class cruisers now, and they want to continue to expand, and they want to eat.

What's going on here?

This is still a drought.

Because the drought was not severe before and the government was under great financial pressure. Of course, I wanted to find money from everywhere, and at that time, the shipyard only sent two Spanish ships of the same model away. Isn't this planning to make up for the two ships of the Navy.

As a result, some people suggested that under the current financial situation in Italy to build two cruise ships, the total cost is as high as 68 million lire. Is this the first slow down? In other words, build one ship first, and then start construction on the other ship after the finances ease.

Such a proposal in the government immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Navy. For this reason, Admiral Yagier made a public outcry at a meeting; the navy has contributed so much to the country, and it is so hard to protect the country's trade every year, there are still people who say that they will cut the cost of the navy's shipbuilding. Don't let this kind of person meet him, or he will not be polite to him.

Well, with his strong body, Admiral Yagier's attitude that he wants to compete with others is rough, but effective. This talk of wanting the Navy to save on shipbuilding costs then dissipated.

However, although this kind of remarks have dissipated, the Italian navy is still watching closely, and they cannot relax their vigilance until the two cruise ships are not half-built.

For the Italian Navy, there is currently a serious shortage of patrol ships. These two patrol ships are too important to the Navy.

Of course, the Italian Navy also needs to pay attention to the three Genoa-class battleships that have been outfitted before the two ships are installed. (Genoa, Bologna, Cagliari)

Although the tonnage of these three warships has been reduced, they are not inferior to the Turin class in terms of performance, and even strengthened in some places.

Of course, as a new ship, it is better than the Turin class that has been in service for nearly ten years.

The more than 2,000 officers and soldiers prepared for this class of warships have already begun to familiarize themselves with the warships and are waiting for the sea trials after the outfitting is completed.

The Italian Navy officers and soldiers are waiting for the new ship, and there are also people waiting.

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