My Italian

Chapter 392: U.S. Patrol Launch

The Brooklyn Shipyard in New York is the most technical shipyard under the U.S. Navy, so more than half of the large U.S. warships are built here. As the first American armored cruisers of more than 10,000 tons, two Pennsylvania-class ships were built here.

And today's Brooklyn Shipyard is dressed up, because today is a good day for the launch of the first battleship of this class, the USS Pennsylvania.

Therefore, on both sides of the No. 2 dock where the Pennsylvania was located, there were crowds of people participating in the launching ceremony.

"It's a beautiful warship."

As the most important guest of today's launching ceremony, Theodore Roosevelt, who was the Commissioner of New York two years ago, is not what he used to be. He now serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Navy.

Of course, it's not a big deal just being a deputy secretary, but Roosevelt's deputy secretary is not ordinary. Because his immediate superior, Secretary of the Navy, John Long, has long been ill and cannot manage political affairs, so he is equivalent to being the Minister. In addition, President McKinley is not interested in the Navy, so this Mr. Roosevelt can serve as Deputy Minister. Controlling the U.S. Navy and taking all the power is more critical. This is only 39 years old. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the son of destiny.

"It is indeed a very beautiful battleship."

These words were praised by his friend Commodore George Dewey, and he was right. Compared with several large warships of the U.S. Navy, this slender USS Pennsylvania is indeed very good-looking.

"Yes, the workers at the Brooklyn Shipyard have worked hard. I heard that they worked overtime for the Pennsylvania and West Virginia. It's really hard enough."

Rear Admiral Samplin looked at the battleship that was about to be launched, smiled and said thanks to the shipyard workers.

"Samplin, I heard that these four cruise ships will be arranged in your South Atlantic Fleet?"

Dewey looked at Major General Samplin beside him and couldn't help asking.

In the face of Dewey's inquiry, Samplin did not deny it. "It's just to get them acquainted with the conditions of the Caribbean as soon as possible, and you know, those Cubans don't know when they'll be independent without our help."

"Indeed, these Cubans are still a little short, and when they face the Spanish army, they are still short of heat."

"That's why we need to help the Cuban people gain an independent status, and in promoting Cuban independence, the navy needs to play a leading role."

Theodore Roosevelt was so naked as soon as he opened his mouth, it could be regarded as an explicit statement.

That's right, in order to show the strength of the United States, and also to gain the interests of Cuba, the capitalists in the United States can't wait any longer.

As for Cuba, the United States put forward the idea of ​​buying Cuba in 1880 to Spain, which was deeply in debt at the time, and the bid was as high as 120 million US dollars. This price is nearly 17 times more expensive than buying Alaska from Russia. Let the United States be willing to buy Cuba at such a high price, which also shows its desire for Cuba.

However, the proposal of the United States was categorically rejected by Spain. Cuba is one of the few high-quality colonies of Spain, and the cows that provide huge taxes every year, how could it be possible to sell this amount of money.

Facing the rejection of the Spaniards, the United States then supported the independence of the Cuban people and directly separated from Spanish rule. In recent years, Cuba's successive independence movements have more or less Americans behind them. In addition, due to the distance, the United States is even closer to the water, and has invested a lot in Cuba, which has aggravated the influence of the Americans on Cuba.

Coupled with the smooth development in these years, the U.S. economy has become the world's No. 1 economy. The rapidly expanding economy has pushed the already aggressive United States to expand outward even more frantically, seeking new sources of raw materials, commodity sales markets and investment sites to extract more high monopoly profits. But just as the United States was preparing to expand overseas, the entire world had been carved up for the old colonial powers.

At this time, the old-fashioned Spain came into view. First, its strength is not strong, and it is suitable for the United States to practice. Second, its colony, Cuba, is very coveted. In addition, Puerto Rico and the Philippines in Asia have a very high strategic position. The perfect leveling candidate.

Therefore, people of insight in the United States are very interested in Spain. If Spain hadn't suddenly purchased two cruise ships, the United States would have started plotting a war against Spain.

Of course, it’s not too late. Spain bought two cruise ships while struggling to survive. The United States built four ships, plus several new battleships built before. Unless God showed up to help Spain, there was no chance of it being spared. . Valley

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Minister, I know what to do, and I will make it fight as soon as possible."

The satisfied Major General Samplin knew his purpose and promised.

"That's good, but you have to pay attention that this batch of warships will be launched within three months, and you need to arrange excellent personnel to operate the ship."

Why was Theodore Roosevelt so clear, because he strictly demanded that the shipyard must guarantee the delivery time, so that the rare centralized launch of this class of cruisers was possible.

"Can you get veteran support from each fleet?"

That's right, Major General Samplin knew that he had a heavy task, so he opened his mouth to give his opinion.

"No problem, I'll send a telegram to General Walker and Colonel Evans and ask them to deploy officers and sailors with extensive experience."

Facing Major General Samplin's request, Theodore Roosevelt agreed immediately. Because he knows the urgency of the matter, the U.S. Navy is only waiting for four Pennsylvania-class cruisers to enter before it can prepare to make trouble in Cuba.

"Your Excellency Deputy Minister, can the launching ceremony begin?"

While the three were chatting, the shipyard manager ran over and asked.

"sure no problem."

Facing the manager's question, the three immediately stopped talking and prepared to participate in the ceremony. Theodore Roosevelt tightened his clothes and appeared in front of everyone with a smile on his face.

With his appearance, there was a burst of cheers at the scene, and it was unknown whether it was for the battleship that was about to be launched, or the Vice Minister of the Navy.

It just seemed that Theodore Roosevelt was still enjoying this, and he waved his greetings to the ceremony.

"Our friend seems to like being a public figure very much, and he feels similar to those veterans who have been in politics for decades."

Dewey spoke to Major General Sampling on the sidelines about Theodore Roosevelt.

"You're right, maybe you might call him President Roosevelt in the future."

Samplin very much agreed with Dewey's words,

"Your Excellency Deputy Minister, this is champagne."

Roosevelt, who was completely unaware of the two's comments, took a 5-liter bottle of champagne tied with flowers and threw it at the bow of the USS Pennsylvania, which was five meters away.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, the champagne was smashed to pieces, and then the Pennsylvania slowly slid towards the sea.

The crowd cheered again, and they cheered for the launched battleship.

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