My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

1912 A new series of banknote printing machines

Opened a new book: The End of the World: My House Can Be Upgraded, Brothers Help Collect, Give Some Recommendations!


At the beginning, Xiao Feng also participated in several interviews and recruited several senior managers.

Then he gave up, but before he gave up, he gave these senior managers a clear instruction.

That's what we have to learn, we learn from the best, P Donglai is our role model...

Anyway, our supermarket part does not plan to go public.

And learning the model of P Donglai is to create the ultimate service, so as to attract traffic to the mall.

It is not an exaggeration to say that we can build the No. 1 in Asia, or even the No. 1 in the world.

But the service must also be top-notch, so that many people want to come to this big shopping mall on weekends.

Even if you don't buy anything, you have to come and visit. If you don't come and visit, you will feel that there is something wrong.

And do you think you can really resist not spending when you come?

Even if you don't buy anything, don't you still eat or drink?

So as long as your people come, there will be no worries about sales here.

And those executives are naturally very happy, hoping that Mr. Xiao can learn from P Donglai.

Because if Mr. Xiao learns from P Donglai, then they can share more.

Of course, although Xiao Feng is not as generous as P Donglai's boss, he also promised that if he learns like him, he can share 85% to 90% of the net profit with everyone.

Including employees and executives, it is also a model of one person and half.

And the reason why he didn't do it like P Donglai did is to take out 95% of the profits directly to such an extreme.

It is also to prepare for the backhand.

For one thing, he invested a lot in this shopping mall.

Most of the money was paid by the celebrity chef group, so we have to wait until the investment of the famous chef group returns.

Only then take out the profits and divide the money.

Otherwise, if the capital is not earned back, all the profits will be distributed. Isn't that a disease of the brain?

The second is that after the famous chef group pays back its capital, it doesn't matter if the money is distributed to the employees.

But after all, a reward mechanism must be established.

It is inevitable that someone will do better in the future, so give more.

Then it is necessary to reserve a part of the profit to give bonuses to others.

So he didn't directly distribute 95% of the net profit to the employees like P Donglai did.

Even if it is P Donglai, it is said that 95% of the profits will be distributed to employees.

That's because the boss has paid back his capital. If he has earned enough, no amount of money will make any sense.

People only take out so much to share with the employees.

If it is said that the boss's capital has not come back yet, how many bosses are still making money at a loss?

So many things have to look at the essence through the appearance.

Of course, the reason why Xiao Feng is so generous is that he is willing to share so much profit with the employees.

It was also because he never expected this mall to make too much money.

And in this comprehensive shopping mall, the real money-making part is placed in the high-end business district in the second half.

The mall was suddenly built in three sections.

The front part is an eating, drinking and playing area, with various food courts, cinemas, and children's playgrounds.

There is also an indoor playground for adults, as well as a variety of specialty restaurants and so on.

Then the middle part is the supermarket and shopping mall.

This part is the part of learning P Donglai.

Needless to say, supermarkets must not only ensure quality and quantity, but also provide the best service.

And the same is true for shopping malls, which guarantee quality and quantity, and at the same time, all kinds of clothes and shoes are clearly priced.

The purchase price and the sales price are marked out.

While doing a good job in service, we must ensure the quality of clothes and shoes.

Although it doesn't have to be a famous brand, at least it must be comfortable to wear, the fabric must be good enough, and it must be genuine.

With such a service, do you think there are ordinary people who don’t pay for it?

After all, the reason why everyone chooses online shopping is because they are forced to do so.

But if you have a physical store, there are really some choices, the price is not expensive, and the quality is guaranteed.

The most important thing is that you can try it on, and you can guarantee a seven-day return without reason. Do you think the old people are willing to pay the bill?

As long as you have learned this part, you will naturally not have to worry about no one to consume.

After this period has passed, the real high-end consumption is at the back.

For example, in the latter area, there are high-end hotels, gyms, indoor swimming pools, high-end cafeterias, and so on.

And it is matched with a luxurious high-end shopping mall. In this area, Xiao Feng plans to learn from SKP!

This is currently the top shopping mall in China, definitely the one standing at the top of the pyramid.

This kind of shopping mall is not aimed at ordinary consumers, but specially targeted at wealthy people!

And don't underestimate this kind of shopping mall, just by the name, everyone knows that this kind of shopping mall is very expensive.

But whether he makes money or not, not many people may know.

But last year, someone did the statistics, even in the midst of a pandemic.

The total sales volume of one SKP shopping mall in Beijing is equivalent to that of 136 Yida Plazas.

As for the profit, let alone mention it.

So far no one has been able to investigate it, even SKP itself, and its parent company, have kept this area secret.

Their net profit figures are rarely announced.

However, just by looking at the scale of marketing, one can imagine how objective their net profit scale is.

As for why, people do not announce the total net profit.

It's also very simple. First, they are not listed companies, so they are not obliged to announce their business status to the outside world.

Second, if it is announced, they are also afraid of causing social criticism.

After all, there are always some people who hate the rich. Rich people spend a lot of money in high-end luxury shopping malls, but ordinary people are still worrying about living expenses of thousands of dollars a month.

You said, if ordinary people know about it, will they be happy?

Why don't people stare at you every day, hoping that you will be unlucky every day, and make mistakes?

So there are many rumors circulating on the market about how much money SKP can earn in a year.

However, most of the situations are vague, and there are even a lot of news, which are all fabricated.

However, although the merchants did not announce it to the public, Xiao Feng still has a way to find out their revenue data.

According to the information he got, last year alone, the revenue of this shopping mall was as high as 18 billion yuan!

Just a shopping mall! That's all I've earned...

Nima, what is the difference between this and opening a money printing machine?

Even though there is no shortage of lucrative industries under Xiao Feng's family, seeing such a shopping mall makes his mouth water...

The most important thing is that with the money earned from a shopping mall, he can do many other things well.

For example, more funds are being spent on many scientific research projects that are waiting to be fed...

So his high-end shopping malls are planning to learn from SKP.

In fact, he has been keeping an eye on this supermarket for a long time, and has already started the idea of ​​learning.

It's just that before, I have been suffering from too many trivial matters, so I didn't have much chance to do it.

And this time, the largest indoor commercial complex is finally almost completed, and this plan can finally be implemented.

Before that, when he was recruiting, he specially recruited two senior managers who had worked in SKP.

From them, he also learned some SKP, the reason why it can be successful.

And he also arranged two people to learn the routines of SKP and started to build a team.

As soon as these two people came to Xiao Feng's school, they introduced the concept of SKP to Xiao Feng.

In such a shopping mall, a watermelon can be bought for 299, and a pair of slippers can be bought for such an outrageous price of 7999.

Ordinary people may think it is expensive, but for rich people, it is not a problem at all.

Moreover, these two executives also said that the most important thing to operate such a shopping mall is to learn how to make consumers accept such prices.

Once the truth is explained to others, no one will really feel that the price is expensive.

The first is product selection, that is, to make every product in this mall a niche but very rare product.

In this way, rare things are more expensive, and the value of this commodity is immediately highlighted.

For example, SKP has a dedicated buyer team that travels around the world every year to buy all kinds of niche, but exquisite, low-key luxury and connotative products.

Then buy these products back and put them on the shelves in their own buyer stores to increase the attractiveness of the mall.

Then these things are bought back, it can be said that each piece is a high-quality product, not only has quality, but also has its own characteristics.

But after all, it is a niche brand, how do you let consumers know and accept it?

In this area, you have to admire their marketing capabilities.

First of all, people's shopping malls will set up a member circle, and this member circle is not an ordinary circle.

At the very least, they are rich people with assets in the tens of millions.

Then they will organize some activities on a regular basis, inviting these people to participate in various receptions and salons.

And at receptions and salons, they will launch their own magazines.

In it, senior gunmen are specially invited to produce various soft articles about niche products.

This thing is very similar to the various soft magazines that you see on the plane.

For example, it is nominally a travelogue of where so-and-so went, but this person found a small shop in a certain place in Europe, and this shop has more than a dozen bags of inheritance, and all products are handmade.

Anyway, relying on these pens to make some nonsense, it is to highlight the B standard of the product for you.

Don't think this thing is nonsense, in fact, this trick can be said to be tried and tested among high-end consumer groups.

Because for the rich, they are not short of money, what they are short of is the consumer goods that can distinguish them from ordinary people.

For ordinary rich people, maybe LV bags or Rolex watches are enough to distinguish them from ordinary people.

But for those who have more money, how can they make themselves appear superior?

At this time, this kind of product that is not well-known, but packaged mysteriously, seems to be able to extremely highlight the B-style product appeared...

And this kind of commodity can often meet the needs of these people to a large extent...

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