My Super God QQ

Chapter 355: 0 Xiaotian's decision to follow

"Master, when are you leaving?"

Hu Lei packed up his motorcycle and asked his master.

"Ten days later... You will have to go to Kunlun Mountain with me!" Duan Yue looked at the sky in the distance and seemed to be thinking.

"Kunlun Mountain? I heard it was the supreme place of ancient Taoism. Could it be that this legend is true?" Hu Lei suddenly showed a very interested expression on his face.

As the anchor of expeditions all over the country, he also thought about going there to explore and find the secret of ancient cultivation. Unexpectedly, before he arrived there, he really met the person who cultivated immortals. This blessing was really great.

"I'm not a human being on earth. How do you know that it's true and false? Your planet, this is my first arrival. Er, otherwise, would you tell me what Kunlun Mountain, Taoist Supreme legend?"

Hu Lei was suddenly embarrassed. Are you a master or my master?

But seeing the master staring at himself, there seemed to be flashes of anger in his eyes, and he quickly brought together the legends he knew.

"You said there, there was a denomination called "Kunlun Holy Land"? There are countless immortals? Then, because the spiritual energy of this place gradually disappeared, have all left?"


"Then did you go and see?"

"No, Master, I'm not going to go next year, I met you! By the way, I also went with my colleagues. I heard that there is a legend of Hell's Gate nearby. As long as it is a creature that enters, None of them survived, and there were bones everywhere, like they were hacked to death by Lei Shengsheng, and they all looked black."

"Could it be that there is a formation? Restrict mortal entry? Then I will definitely go and see!"

"Master, how can we go by then? Ten days, I can't get to ride this motorcycle..." Hu Lei looked at his scooter, a little puzzled.

He didn't make long live broadcasts, so he didn't make any money on his body. Sometimes he lived in a wild neighborhood to save dozens of dollars. He didn’t dare to think about the ticket, he couldn’t afford it.

"I have my own way! Today, as I said, go to practice!"

"Ah, Master, do you ask me to eat Tuyou again?" Hu Lei said, his face grumbled.

"No, it's to eat trees!"


"Ah, what? What is the most important thing for our physical training, a good physical body, how to get a good physical body, in addition to practicing is to eat it! As a physical training, what is a tree! I have also seen a physical training , Dare to eat even gold and iron things!"

"Really?" Hu Lei looked at him incredulously.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Believe me or not, your father can't recognize you?" Duan Yue threatened.

Hu Lei did not dare to say anything at once, and obediently went to practice.

Then, he was worried about the tree, and the puppy he raised turned around him wagging his head.


"Master, if I really pass the test, am I going to leave this planet?" Su Xiaoxiao looked at her master a little tangled, that is, the woman of the secret star palace.

"Don’t call me a master first...Yeah, I’ll wait until you pass it. In addition, this planet is still too small, broaden your horizons! In the outside world, there are more and more exciting lives waiting for you. When you know If the mystery of this world exists, it will make you very addicted and fall into it, unable to extricate yourself."

"No, I just want to see someone again! I might also go to that place, then I will go too!"

"Who?!" The Mistress Palace woman said curiously: "He goes too? Why do you think he can go too, and, are you good with him? Are you a lover?"

"No, I'm not a lover with him. It's not too familiar with me, but I just like him. Why do you think he can go? It's because I saw him with two live pigeons beside him!"

"Ah!" The Mistress woman surprised: "Do you have a portrait of him?"

"Yes!" Su Xiaoxiao picked up her phone and showed her Li Qing's picture.

She was there dumbfounded.

"Injustice, injustice, if you are really going to cultivate the realm for him, I am afraid that there will be some war..." After a while, she was surprised with a slightly fluctuating tone.

"Ah, I won't fight!"

"It's not a fight, it's a war belonging to a woman! Let me tell you that this time, besides you, there is a woman who also knows you, and you may all pass the test."


Su Xiaoxiao got nervous.

She was afraid that she in the mouth of the "master" was a very important person in Li Qing. Will she be able to compete with her?

This is the case for women, as long as they are concerned, they will be chaotic and stupid. This is not the case, Su Xiaoxiao's IQ dropped a little bit, this is the case.

"Okay, see you in ten days!"


"You traitor, I gave you a few days off, did you write down the cheats for picking girls?" The ugly man looked at the golden sheep fairy on the hotel bed with hatred.

"Master, how can you be like this, even if you don't teach your disciples to cultivate immortals, and let the disciples write secrets to you, this is no one..." Jin Yangxian covered his forehead with his right hand and said helplessly.

"I am a teacher, you are a disciple, of course, when I am willing to teach you to decide by me, but let you write cheats, this is for you to honor the master, you know!" Words, otherwise, if you bring back the cultivation realm, the whole sect knows that you still want your old face.

"Understood, that's good, Master, can you go out for a while, I'm so dressed!" Jin Yangxian felt that he had lost, lost completely, and lost his temper.

"I'm afraid of a woolen thread. Just now someone was a woman. I didn't just scream and ran out, but you are more coquettish than a girl, hum!"

"Master, it's obviously that you suddenly came in, and they scared away? Okay, don't stare at me, I'll go with you!"

"Sinister, let me tell you, you don’t have enough essence. If you don’t keep your spirits well, then you can’t cultivate immortals... Come to Kunlun with me in ten days!"

"Ah, Kunlun Mountain mineral water? Ah, Master, don't fight... If you beat me ugly, I'll lose your face when I go out. It doesn't matter if you lose your face. How can I show you how to do girl tricks? ..."


The whole body skills of the young man are abolished, and the young man thinks he can escape! Who knows, soon, he was carried by Li Qing and flew directly into a city prison.

Then, I do not know where the strong men Li Qing found, rushed towards him like a wolf.

"Ah, no, no, I don't dare, no... Daddy, I'm wrong, don't mess with me!"

Listening to the screams and crying noises from the room inside, Wang Lin strangely laughed, and Li Qing's heart was smooth, showing a light smile.

Just now, he went to the local warden, and the major general's certificate was there, and he found these strong men very smoothly.

He believed that the young man became an ordinary person, afraid that he would not be able to withstand the ravages of these strong men, even if he did not die, he would have a "love disease".

Only then did Wang Lin fly back to Jianjiang's home.

He didn't know how to cure Wang Lin's illness, but Wang Lin took the initiative to confess. He can treat his injuries and improve his strength by sucking blood.

Li Qing is very opposed to his indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Fortunately, I heard Wang Lin killed some guys who were rich and unkind. Of course, he still called Bai Xiaotian and asked him to help Wang Lin count.

"Back to Bear Mountain?"

Li Qing was embarrassed, just came from there, and went back to do what.

"His chance is there! Although, this seal is extremely fierce, but it has the image of Shengwei, I can't count on it anymore..."

"Do you mean that he is dangerous? But can he be wicked?"

"Yes! As long as he goes down his own way, he will go farther and higher than me..." Bai Xiaotian said with a sigh, his words full of envy and loneliness.

He didn't understand. The people around Li Qing seemed to have had good luck.

Even the Dingshishan people are good.

But myself...

Do you want to approach him too, help him more?

Bai Xiaotian's psychology produced such an idea, and suddenly decided what to do.

After hanging up with Li Qing, he immediately raised the matter with the No. 1 chief.

"Chief, I'm going to go to bear mountain, I decided what to do, if I don't do it, I'm afraid I will regret it for life."

"Have you decided?"

"Yes! I don't want to regret when I was dying, there was a chance to appear in front of me, but I didn't hold it in time!"

"Okay! However, I hope you can keep in touch with me, the country needs you!"

"Yes, Chief! In addition, Chief, those who are noisy need not pay attention, and do not have conflicts with Li Qing, otherwise, let alone China, there will be a big disaster on the entire planet, which I just calculated..."


The No. 1 chief heard The whole person sat up in shock: "Could he destroy the earth?"

"Since the number of creatures involved is really an astronomical number, I really can't do anything. I only know that the key lies in Li Qing!"

"Okay, I will consider this matter carefully, because Li Qing is also a personal talent, I don’t want to let such a talent slip away because of the moth in some countries, not to mention, he is concerned about the survival of the earth, you really haven’t Are you kidding me?"

"I guarantee my life and the reputation of the celestial operator!"

"Well, I know! It's just that if it wasn't for him to destroy the earth, how could it be related to him?" The No. 1 chief wrinkled his thick eyebrows, frowning, and meditating.

Bai Xiaotian immediately set off for Youxiong Mountain. He was afraid that he would miss this time and he really had no chance.

This is how life is, and you have to grasp it when you have a good opportunity, otherwise you will regret it for life.

He believes that Li Qing’s future is flat and endless, so it only takes Li Qing to take him so far, which will make him endless.

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