My Super God QQ

Chapter 356: Meet after 10 days

"I didn't expect to return to this place..."

Wang Lin glanced at You Xiongcun, who was genuine with emotion.

"What do you say?" Li Qing puzzled.

"In the beginning, when I was almost tortured to death by Heihui, I thought about home, school, our dormitory, and even the Wuzhou Bath City...but I never thought I would return to this place."

What Wang Lin said was originally thought before death.

"Hey, it's past, don't think about it again..." Li Qing patted Wang Lin's shoulder: "As long as this problem is solved in your body, then everything is no longer a thing."


"Brother, don't say these things."

"Good!" Wang Lin swallowed the words, his expression moved, but forced to control.

In the distance, there seemed to be a shadow. When they saw Li Qing, they ran over.

"Fairy, you are back!"

"Do I know you?"

Li Qing looked at the lean man in front of him. He was about one meter seven or seven, with short inches, and a little dark skin, but his facial features were still very handsome. He wore a vest and shorts, and he looked cheerful. I feel approachable.

"Why don't you know me, I don't hear my master say you..."

"My master is Duan Yue!"


Li Qing nodded, and turned out to be Duan Yueshou's apprentice.

"Shall I call my master out?"

"No need to!"

Li Qingdao, because Duan Yue has come out from inside.

after an hour……

In the gazebo at the back of the village, Li Qing, Duan Yue and Liu Changqing all sat here.


"Brother, do you understand now?"

"Well, after ten days, I really want to go to Kunlun Mountain with you."

Just now, as soon as Li Qing came, I heard that they were testing their apprentices and going to Kunlun Mountain.

Originally, this did not concern Li Qing. However, he learned from Duan Yue's mouth that as long as his qualifications are good, he can also enter the real world by way of not worshiping a teacher.

Li Qing is still very curious about the realm of comprehension. He can enter the realm of comprehension. Of course, he also wants to see him.

Even if you can’t get in, it’s good for growth.

"That line, just go together and have a companion! By the way, Lao Liu, haven't you found your apprentice yet?" As he said, Duan Yue noticed Liu Changqing and asked curiously.

"No way! I went to find it, but there are too few people with good virtue and good quality... Alas, people on this planet feel so impetuous, no, no~~" Liu Changqing shook his head, bitter face With a sigh: "The morals are lost, the popularity is not old!"

"How did you find it?" Li Qing couldn't help but wonder. As far as he knows, Liu Changqing seems to be studying Confucianism!

But there should be many educated people on the planet, so I can’t find them?

"Hahaha..." Duan Yue suddenly laughed loudly.

Hu Lei was also very curious, looking at Liu Changqing, something he wanted to know.

Wang Lin urged: "Senior, you talk about it! To appease people, it is not the way of a gentleman."

"Hey..." Liu Changqing sighed heavily before telling about his search for an apprentice.

It turned out that when he was looking for an apprentice, the most important thing was character.

So, he conducted various tests, and he looked like a young person with good character and learning ability.

The first one he found was a high school student with both academic and academic excellence.

This high school student not only has academic achievements, but also ranks among the top three in the school, and the criticism is also particularly good. Almost everyone should raise his thumbs when he mentions him.

What Liu Changqing tested was that he threw three pieces of gold on his way home.

"Pick up the gold" is a beautiful tradition of China from ancient times to the present.

At first, after the student picked it up, he didn't dare to stay by himself, so he went to the police. At this time, Liu Changqing came out, pretending to be a pair he just saw, and everyone was divided.

The student was unwilling to say that he wanted to send the gold to the police station.

Liu Changqing pretended not to believe that he wanted to swallow the gold alone, so he strongly demanded that he take a slice of the soup.

Not only that, he has to split in half.

This is how people are easily affected by negative effects. In this way, the student suddenly became greedy and argued with him.

In the end, he took half of it and returned home happily. The next day, the gold disappeared.

"Hahahaha..." Li Qing couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

This is really interesting!

"Senior, are you trying to laugh at me to seize the legacy I have left?"

Wang Lin even laughed exaggeratedly, holding the pillar of the skeleton hand straight hammer pavilion, as if he would be laughed to death without this method.

It wasn't until Li Qing glared at him that he felt that it was not appropriate to speak this way, and he calmed down.

But he converged, Duan Yue laughed more exaggeratedly, and could almost be sent outside Shiliba Village.

Lei egg smiled bitterly.

No one in this world can be attracted by fame and wealth.

"I'm not afraid of you laughing, I tried almost one hundred, and only ninety-nine were not fooled by money." Liu Changqing smiled bitterly.

"Then there is another one?" Duan Yue's smile suddenly stopped abruptly.

"It's a good kid I looked at. He gave it to the police. I wanted to bring him, but I was thrown out of the house by his parents as a liar to promote superstition."


Everyone laughed again.

This reminded Li Qing of a news that a child went to the supermarket with his mother. His mother hid things on him. As a result, his son took it out and criticized his mother for a meal. Who would have thought that he had not been praised by his mother and was beaten fiercely.

Saying this does not mean that the parents are bad, but directly points to the hearts of the people, that is, they will be infected by negative energy. Otherwise, why would the saint say, "At the beginning of man, nature is good! Sex is similar, Xi is far away..."

"Actually, Senior Liu..."

Li Qinggang was about to say that he was interrupted.

"Don't call me senior, now that we are all building foundations, let's be commensurate with Dao friends!" Liu Changqing seriously arched his hand. Regarding the etiquette, he paid great attention to it. Everything is upholding the appearance of ancient modest gentlemen.

"Okay, Liu Daoyou, in fact, I want to say that people nowadays ignore the moral education, unlike before... So, if you want to find an apprentice, it is really difficult!"

"Well! What we cultivate is an awe-inspiring righteousness. If people with low moral character are absolutely impossible." Liu Changqing said: "If people with good moral character practice, it will be almost a thousand miles."

"I have heard of this too. It seems that there is a young man from your Confucianism in the realm, who is called a little saint. It is very powerful. It is only 23 years old and it has entered the Jindan period."

"His name is Lan Yun! This young man is the most noble person I have ever seen, and I am ashamed!" Liu Changqing shook his head: "He is the kind that has the top magic weapon in front of him, and he will not be greedy. The meaning, the person competing with others."

"I have heard of this. It seems that someone invited him to enter a secret relic. Everyone except the dead has gained a lot, but he came back empty-handed. It's like a gentle breeze." Duan Yue admired.

"He got a scripture scripture from ancient times, but after reading it again, he gave it away. He said, this is his biggest harvest..." Liu Changqing said .

There are such saints in this world?

Li Qing really didn't believe it, but it also made him want to study the real world more and more powerful. He wanted to see a bigger world, more beauty and more characters.

"You said, does he really have any desire?" Duan Yue asked Liu Changqing curiously.

Liu Changqing shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be true."

"No, where did the topic go... what about your mission of apprenticeship?" Duan Yuedao said.

"It's difficult... But this is also common in us, and will not be punished, but it can't pass through in my heart." Liu Changqing said: "I still have to go out to find at night, I always feel that I can't go back empty-handed of."

Next, they discussed some anecdotes and anecdotes in the realm world.

Let Li Qing and Wang Lin both open their eyes.

Among them, what impressed Li Qing the most was a young man named "Songs".

This young man is a very powerful messenger of peace. His song can dilute the anger of all living creatures, as if to reverberate into the sky and reach the fairyland, as long as he has been there, there is peace.

"Can it be a **** of singing? However, this feeling is really quite powerful. If he can practice Qilin to Renqingyun formula, it is absolutely very suitable."


Many monks are missing, and bear village after nightfall is also peaceful.

In addition to accompanying Wang Lin, Li Qing is studying the magic circle.


Since he was going to cultivate the realm, he always had a worry in his heart. I am afraid it would be difficult to return if he went. Listening to Liu Changqing said that the consumption of opening this teleportation array is very huge, not to mention that it takes a lot of conditions to open.

If you need a specific time, a specific location, or use the ancient teleportation array. As for the new boundary teleportation array, it no longer exists.

Long gone, does not mean there is no!

Li Qing's current storage space ~ ~ is hiding a lot of knowledge of the magic circle.

He is constantly studying, hoping to learn more, and working out a magic circle that he can return to after he went to the realm.

"On the core of the teleportation array!"

"Aerial circle!"

"Long-distance transmission array!"

"The development of teleport..."

I have to say that the knowledge of the magic circle that Li Qing obtained from Fengmolou is very rich and complete. That stride is also a gifted person. He has all the knowledge of the magic circle from scratch. , Or the formation left over from ancient times.

At first, Li Qing couldn't understand it, but as he learned more and more, and realized the magic of the teleportation array, he fell into it completely.

Finally, he wasted a lot of time outside. He simply entered the third floor of QQ Book City at night.

In this way, finally something went wrong.

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