My Super God QQ

Chapter 395: 3 flowers

If there was no light in the room and Li Qing could not see who she was, then when she opened her mouth, Li Qing suddenly heard who she was.

No wonder the moves are so proficient, so not ashamed, such a female rogue!

It is clear that Xia Mo has completed the last step of intimate contact with him long ago!

At the beginning, Li Qing almost completed the last step with her. Now, at this time, it may be all life!


These two words floated in Li Qing's mind, feeling the excitement brought by the chicken. Without thinking much, he decided to be a person who dared to love and hate.


In the practice, people must pay attention to their spiritual practice, and there is no trace of misunderstanding in their hearts. Then, Li Qing simply resolves all these previous thoughts that were once on the mind, whether light or heavy.

"Ah, it hurts!" As soon as Li Qing pressed hard, Xia Mo Can Yue cried out in pain.

"Then I will lightly!"

Li Qing hurriedly stopped.

That is to say, after a while, Xia Mo Can Yue was anxious, shy and embarrassed to say that, finally, he twisted Li Qing's shoulder.

Li Qing understood that this accelerated the movement.

For half an hour, Xia Mo Can Yue felt that he was almost falling apart, so Li Qing threw a gun and disarmed.

Then she ran away as a thief, making Li Qing depressed.

Tonight, Jin Yangxian has been eavesdropping, but he listened for a while and couldn't help sleeping.

The next day...

When Jin Yangxian woke up, Li Qing was sitting on the sofa on the second floor for a while.

He didn't go downstairs because Li Qingsheng was afraid that his mother would wake up and would ask himself, it's strange to be embarrassed.

"Wake up!"

Li Qing greeted Jin Yangxian when he saw it.

"Yeah, hahaha, how was the battle last night?" Jin Yangxian quipped, giving a thumbs-up to Li Qing.

"Alright!" Li Qing smiled gently.

"Your villa, the sound insulation is too good, I can hardly hear, hey, how many are you, what do you say..." Jin Yangxian is like a curious baby, his face full of desire for knowledge .

Li Qing didn't know how to answer him.

Because, Li Qing is a bit embarrassed to say.

Jin Yangxian seemed to be aware of his embarrassment and took the initiative to say: "Don't be embarrassed, everyone is a man, I also know you, it is not ridiculous, but the girls can't bear to like it, a few of them go Overthrow you?"

In this way, Li Qing suddenly felt more comfortable after changing the concept.

Yes indeed!

He also felt that he was very wronged, and all of them let the girl push down.

Even he did not expect that they would like themselves so much.

In fact, Li Qing didn't think about things from their point of view. Just ask, Li Qing is so handsome, capable, rich, or an immortal, who wouldn't like it?

I like it for granted!

"Uh..." Li Qing groaned for a moment, and compared three fingers.

"I'm here, so powerful?"

Li Qing couldn't help but blush.

Yan Di, Xia Mo Can Yue, behind, Tang Yanyan actually ran in.

And that is Tang Yanyan, Li Qing has been doing it for a long time, about an hour or two, just like this, the sky will be bright, and no other girls come in again.

"666, it's just a batch of 6!"

Jin Yangxian looked at Li Qing in disbelief, another wave of worship.

The three superb beauties, who chose to overthrow Li Qing at the same time, have to say that their plan is really perfect.

"It's finally time to complete the mother's task..."

Li Qing also greatly relieved.

"You can’t blame your aunt for this matter. It’s normal for her elders to worry about who is going to do it. Also, in my opinion, if the aunt asked you to do this, I doubt you would be single all your life... Jin Yangxian finally gave Li Qing a contemptuous glance.

In his view, Li Qing is the kind of person with low EQ. He is always afraid of hurting girls, so he dare not take action.

And this kind of person will generally live alone.

In his opinion, it is the right way to shoot when it is time to shoot!

"Well, I have thought about this..." Li Qing had to admit.

The clock points at eight in the morning...

Zhang Min came up and asked Li Qing to get up, but saw them sitting on the sofa.

So, just like the golden sheep fairy, Zhang Min pulled Li Qing to the side, and the first sentence asked: "Which one?"

My mother asked, why dare not Li Qing answer, let alone, Li Qing wanted to reassure her, so he pointed out: "Fei Di, Xia Mo Can Yue, Tang Yanyan."

"Di Di, I like this, cute and cute! Xia Mo is also a good girl. Does your company not cooperate with her? This time it becomes all ours, and Tang Yanyan, she seems to be the ones in Kyoto. High-ranking children, but they are also rare. They don’t stand in a golden posture. Ma likes it..." At the end, Zhang Minxi smiled and his eyes narrowed into a line.


My mother listed all of their advantages at once, and Li Qing said that she would not accept the water and soil, so she served her.

At nine...

Zhang Min thoughtfully asked Li Qing to bring breakfast to their room.

Others eat at the dining table on the first floor.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward!

At least, Li Qing felt so.

He felt his heart flustered and empty, as if each of them was looking at herself with all kinds of strange eyes.

What a grudge!

Li Qing really wanted to say that it's none of my business, I am also a victim.

However, Jin Yangxian secretly mentioned that it was a woman's war, so Li Qing did not speak, and Li Qing did not speak.

indeed so!

Today, no woman is talking to Li Qing. It seems to be awkward, and another war may be brewing.

What surprised Li Qing even more was that no one said they would leave home As the master, Li Qing was not easy to say and could only let his events develop.

"Son, where are you going?"

Seeing Li Qing walking outside, Zhang Min asked.

"Last night I dreamed of Wang Lin. Let me go find him!"

"Oh, okay!" Zhang Min naturally knew Wang Lin, but he didn't know that Wang Lin had been arrested.

In this way, Li Qing took off the sword and flew straight to Jianjiang City.

I dreamed about my brother last night, and today, he is going to solve the worry in his heart for him.

In the villa, Jie Yu asked about Murong Qingcheng.

"Why didn't you go last night?"

"Love a person, love his soul, not the flesh. Even if you get the flesh, the soul is not important!"

"Then you wouldn't think about it, was he played by someone?"

"When you really fall in love with someone, you will find that his past is completely unimportant, not at all important, the most important thing is that you love him, he loves you, everything is enough. Maybe, this is love! "

Jie Yu froze for a long time before saying: "Yeah..."


"Old stuff, you are dead, you are dead!"

With a grimace, Wang Lin's eyes have never been so hatred of a person.

If it was possible, he would really want to eat his meat, eat his bones, and frustrate his bones.

"Hahaha, you don't understand it now. You will understand it when you build the foundation. Maybe you will be grateful to me at that time~" The skull-faced black robe laughed strangely.

"I thank Ni-ma!"

"Don't you find that as long as you are angry and hatred now, will there be an infinite sense of power rising to your heart? That is not an illusion, that is, I opened the devil in your heart, one of your keys, when the time comes, You will thank me!"

There is a chapter later!

(End of this chapter)

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