My Super God QQ

Chapter 396: Do some merit

Yu Jian flying is really a very pleasant thing!

It feels the same as if some people are in a bad mood and will drive out for a drive.

If the route is not well grasped, going in the wrong direction will definitely be a maddening thing, and Li Qing has missed a few times. Finally, Li Qing, who didn't have much confidence in his direction, thought about it and used the expressway as his goal to fly along this road.

Looking down on the ground, Li Qing's mood was very happy, a kind of heroic floated to his heart, until it was full, he couldn't help but scream to Tian Changxiao.

"Is it because I became a man and no longer a child?"

After Chang Xiao passed, he realized a little bit different.

It seems that compared with the past, Li Qing now has a lot of random feelings, and there is a faint sense of understanding, and the state is rising naturally.

"My current strength?"

He looked inside and finally found that his strength had actually been upgraded to the second floor of the foundation period.


"It can't be that you've been promoted naturally after slapping with the girl? It seems that I'm not practicing the Yin and Bu Yang tactics!" Li Qing pondered as she flew towards her goal.



"Small, today I have to kill you! I dare to leave my car!"

In a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle, the man kept yelling and screaming, so he moved left and right and walked in a snake shape.

On the highway, this kind of behavior is very dangerous, because it is easy to be hit by a car driving at a high speed behind. However, he looked up at the rearview mirror while scolding, but it showed that he was intentional.

Driving behind him is a small Buick. The car is not good, but it can stay on.

There was a little girl in the car who was sweating anxiously, her face flushed and she kept trying to control her car to prevent it from hitting her.

However, because she was just a novice who had just started on the road, in the end, she could not dodge the Mercedes-Benz SUV in front.

The two cars collided!

The man on the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle jumped out of the car and walked toward the little girl fiercely.

"Will you drive, Nimadibi! Almost hit me just now, and now you are actually rear-ending me, is it a smoker?"

That girl is angry!


She was a bit stupid and almost wiped this man's car, but she was not intentional!

However, when she thought of hitting the other party, she still apologized with great quality and confessed that she was wrong.


"Sorry? Sorry if it works, what more do you want! As you say, can I sharpen you and say sorry to you again?" Speaking of which, the man looked at the little girl. , Also brought a trace of frivolous.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit stupid. If I say anything to you, then I can compensate for it, or I can call car insurance!"

The little girl is still very serious.

"Oh, compensation, just the broken car you drove? Do you have money to compensate? I think it's okay, simply, you let me be here, do a shot, even if you lose it! Look at your uniform, it seems Is it a flight attendant?"

"I am a flight attendant, and please don't insult people and do wrong things. I will try to correct the compensation, but please speak up and be civilized."

"I am civilized Nima, believe it or not, I will slap you!"

"I will choose the alarm!"

"Just the ordinary people, the police are useful to you? Hahaha, laugh to me, do you know how much is my car? More than two million! Let you pay me a shot, you are earned, you I don't know how to pity it?" The man laughed, as if I gave you a chance.

"Sorry, I'm not that kind of person!" The girl bit her lip, and the girl was still reluctant to follow.

"Today, I must make you this kind of person!"

With that said, the man was actually in the lobby. When many cars passed by, he grabbed the little girl and stuffed it into the car.

And she lifted her skirt and felt it, and a nose was still arching on her, as if she was smelling the fragrance on her.

"Help, help--"

The little girl shouted, her face full of panic and helplessness.

However, the passing cars were only curiously glanced at here, and they didn't take a closer look at it, and drove by.

Lili is going crazy, she is still a virgin!

If it is ruined like this, if you are on the news, then let alone her innocent body, the stewardess profession that is finally available will also be dismissed.

The airline will not leave her such a stain.

"Still struggling! Obediently!"

Seeing that Lili was still struggling, he slammed it down fiercely and directly blushed her face.

"Don't!" Lili cried: "Please, don't do this!"

"I need it! Hahahaha..." The man also took out a mobile phone at this time, even though he still wanted to take a picture of this process.

"Today, I'm going to kill you little girl to extinguish the fire and make you mess with me!"

"Uncle, don't!"

A small voice sounded from the front.

When the man was startled, he looked up and found that there was a little girl in front of him, about seven or eight years old, looking at him in fear.


He froze for a long time, and finally laughed at what he thought of.

"Hahahaha, okay, well, there is a big one, and a small one! Give it to me!"

He grinned grimly, and grabbed the little girl.

Actually took off the little girl's clothes.

This is simply awkward!

Although the little girl did not know what **** represented, she also knew that there was a bad guy in front of her, and grabbing his hand was a bite.

"Ah! I'll **** you Mad, little watch!"

I slapped it on the little girl's head with a slap. The strength was so great that the little girl fell straight over to and smashed the glass.

Suddenly, the little girl fainted, covered with blood.


Thinking of this, the man reluctantly touched Lili again, and then he turned and left to get in his car.

"Help, help..."

Seeing the little girl like this, she was so crazy that she screamed and shouted heartbroken, ignoring the messy clothes and rushed over.

It was this call that made Li Qing hear something wrong.

He jumped directly from the sky that was not high, and fell behind the woman, during which no one noticed.

"What's the matter?" He looked at Mercedes-Benz, and then Lili: "Why call for help?"

What Li Qing thinks now is to help more people and then save some merit.

"He, he wanted to be rude to me, and then broke my little sister into blood, help me..."

Li Qing listened to what she said, looked inside, and was shocked.

I saw a little girl with blood all over her head in the car.

"Hey, you can't go!" Li Qing pointed at the man in Mercedes-Benz.

"It's your business! You are a fool!"

In Mercedes-Benz, the man poked his head and provoked his **** towards Li Qing.

If he is not better than this, Li Qing's anger will come up and go straight to the crown.

"Okay, okay, okay, you're okay, you wait for me..." Li Qing laughed angrily, squinting.

"Good Nimabi! Lao Tzu is gone! There is a kind of chasing you!"

The man scolded contemptuously, hummed impatiently, started the car, and drove away.


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