Mystic Dominator

Chapter 96: block the door


Facing the cellar door smashed in the face.

Patricia didn't dodge.

Staring straight ahead, the rapier in her hand flashed a regular arc in the air, and slashed straight down in front of her.

As soon as the sharp edge arrives, it should be cut off.

For a moment, Ronald seemed to see a scene he had only seen in a movie before his eyes.

The wooden cellar door, which was covered with a layer of iron, split in two from the middle at the moment the silver light passed, and then flew to both sides until it hit the yard wall before it fell to the ground.

Then came the cult warlock who was ready to attack.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have this opportunity to attack.

The enemy who rushed out to fight after him, when the cellar door was broken, a 'thin line' appeared on his body immediately.

This is the trajectory that the blade has drawn on him!

In this less than a second, except for Patricia, who made an outrageous shot.

Almost no one can keep up with her speed!


A sound of cloth tearing resounded on the enemy.

Following the thin line on his body, a terrifying wound opened on his body instantly.


The blood in the wound was only spurting out at this moment.

And with the green blood spurting out, the cult warlock fell backwards and rolled down the sloping cellar tunnel.

clap clap-





"It's Nicklaus!"

First a few seconds of silence, then less than two breaths.

From the passage, the screams of the enemy below were heard.

The corpse of the companion who rolled down has already told them the name of the person who did it!

And none of this seemed to impress Patricia.

The girl indifferently avoided the green blood spurting out of the corpse, turned her wrist, and the rapier returned to the original position beside her.

However, after the green blood fell on the snow, a layer of snow on the ground was immediately dissolved to the ground, revealing the color of the soil on the ground.

Glancing lightly, the two people on the ground realized something at the same time.

Ronald confirms that this is definitely a cult warlock. The green blood perfectly corresponds to the encounter with Nicole during the day. The two cult warlocks may even belong to the same school.

And Patricia is even simpler.

She just told herself, don't be splashed with blood next time.

Snowflakes still fall on the ground at night.

The girl is standing here with a sword.

People's eyes couldn't help being drawn to the sharp edge in her hand.

Normally speaking, the rapier's attack methods are mainly stabbing, picking and other actions.

This is an inevitable result of the structure of the blade.

But Patricia was not like that.

Although the rapier in her hand is equally slender, it is not the kind of rapier with a circular cross-section, it is still a long sword with two edges.

However, compared to ordinary long swords, her sword was made very slender in order to be stuffed into the straight pole of the umbrella, giving the impression that it could easily be broken.

Threatening weapons—

At the same time, with the complete opening of the entrance to the cellar, a stench came out from below.

Ronald is almost certain that there should be a similar altar below.

and the bodies of several innocent victims...

However, the smell could come out, but the few people in the cellar did not dare to go up.

The mysterious side of the experience, let them understand how dangerous it is to fight in close quarters when facing a Nicklaus.

The corpse of the companion in front of them even told them.

——This is not a joke.

Across the not-so-long passage, although the people on the ground and the underground couldn't see each other, they still maintained a deadlock.


After a few more breaths, with a condescending attitude, Patricia spoke to the ground:

"If you don't dare to fight me, just come out and surrender."

"Throw the school imprint yourself, at least you can survive tonight."


The people underground responded to Patricia with silence.

They were sure that Nicklaus on the ground would not rush down recklessly. Even a soldier who had experienced many battles would not be able to step into such a place alone, so the inside of the cellar was considered safe for the time being.

But the problem is-

They can't hide underground all the time.

Either wait until the investigation bureau arrives, or the people on the ground find a water pipe to fill the cellar with water.

As long as they react, these turtles in the urn have no way to escape.

Meanwhile, Ronald was still doing simple assistance.

It is impossible to control the enemy through 'Rage', but the human detection ability still works.

In his opinion, Patricia's combat effectiveness is incomprehensible in the confrontation of cold weapons. Even if he replaces the "Divine Comedy" ability with "rape", the direct combat effect is not comparable to this girl.

As long as he grasps the movements of the underground cult warlock, the two of them will be able to win steadily.

——Nearly a minute passed.

Finally, the people in the cellar responded.

Across the short passage, a man's nervous voice came from the ground:

"Ma'am, we choose to surrender."

"Please don't attack!"

Patricia remained calm:

"Throw up the school mark and bind your hands."

The man in the cellar immediately replied:

"Okay...Okay, wait a minute!"

Because the other party suppressed the feelings in his heart, Ronald couldn't judge the other party's true thoughts.

But with the other party's answer, the people below did start to act again.

No longer shrinking before.

Finally footsteps on the ground sounded.

There is no light source in the garden at night, and the stars and moon in the sky are also obscured by the dark clouds in the snow.

In this darkness, hearing is the best use for Patricia.

Arriving at the point where the passage was about to come out, the man stopped.

Immediately, a trembling inquiry sounded:

"I... I'll throw the school mark first?"

Patricia nodded and said:

"Throw it away."


Following the opponent's movement, a stone card was thrown out.

Just as Patricia's attention shifted slightly to this 'school mark', gunshots rang out in the dark passage!

Compared with the darkness inside, people in the cellar can see a general image when they look outside.

Counting the reaction time of a good person, this guy started.


Unfortunately, the attack is still ineffective.

A shot at this distance is still within the range that Patricia's reaction speed can handle.

With the firelight when the bullet fired, she accurately caught the opponent's movements.


The silver brilliance flashed before him again.

With a crisp sound, the opponent's shot was perfectly resisted by the girl.

Immediately, Patricia's eyes turned to the dark entrance of the cellar again.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Go to hell!"

revealed fear and anxiety.

While shouting, the nearby cult warlock rushed out like crazy.

At the same time, he desperately started to pull the trigger of the firearm in his hand!

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