Mystic Dominator

Chapter 97: Betrayer's Choice

Bang bang bang bang!

There were five shots in a row, the revolver with a capacity of six rounds, this guy fired all the bullets without reservation.

Similarly, the blade flashed continuously in front of Patricia.

The cold light danced in the air, and blocked all the bullets without any omission. She looked at each other with cold eyes, and Patricia didn't mean to stop.

When the last bullet was blocked by her, the blade immediately slashed towards the man in front of her.

——However, this time the situation has changed.

Watching the silver glow cut down on him, the cult warlock in the darkness was not shocked or frightened.

Instead, a cruel and crazy smile appeared on his gloomy face.


"go to hell!"

Realizing that something was wrong, Patricia instantly took two steps back.

At the same time, Ronald, who had been guarded by the girl, came forward at the same time.


The next second, the cult warlock's body suddenly burst.

The red and black flesh was mixed with green blood and splashed around, and the fragments after the broken bones shot towards the surroundings like a shower. Centering on the position where the cult warlock blew himself up, there was no safe place here.

At first glance, it was like a terrifying firework composed of flesh and blood, blasting into the courtyard.

The snow that had originally accumulated was also turned into a puff of white smoke by the sudden explosion, but more of it was the gas dissolved by this filthy flesh.

The danger of this thing is obvious.

At this time, there is only one shelter that has not been affected by the position facing the cellar entrance.

It was the black mist drawn by Ronald.

At the critical moment, he decisively stepped forward and used the black mist formed by the power of original sin to block in front of the two of them.

Although this black fog can't block too violent physical shocks.

However, the effect of the mysterious side energy impact is still passable.

Under the layers of wrapping, the two were finally protected from this shock.

Feeling the surrounding movement dissipate, Ronald could not help but ask:

"These cult warlocks can all blow themselves up with this hand?"

"Let's look at the school."

Patricia shook her head and waved the rapier in her hand as if to shake off something dirty: "The more common cult warlocks are actually not crazy enough to find someone to blow themselves up when they come up."


Suddenly, a slight soft sound came from the ground.

Ronald and Patricia looked over at the same time, then their expressions changed suddenly.

The cultist who blew himself up just now pretended to surrender and threw a 'school mark' on it when he came up.

And now, this metal plate is lying on the ground alone, and it vibrates without any external interference.

Along with the vibration, a faint white light emanated from it.


without any hesitation.

This time Ronald didn't even have time to use the black mist to protect him, and Patricia took the lead.

Because the distance was really far away, she simply threw the rapier in her hand.

The silver-white sharp blade galloped away, like a bolt of lightning bolted into the center of the 'school mark' in an instant, and it even had enough strength to pierce the ground several centimeters deep.


Under the gaze of the two of them.

At the bottom of the rapier slantingly inserted into the ground, the pierced 'mark of the school' split in half from the middle.

There is no longer the vision just now.


Seeing the 'school mark' that lost its response after being physically damaged, Patricia walked over and drew her rapier.

She was still fighting at this time, and she didn't plan to fight others with her bare hands.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the fence.

"Mr. Holm, are you at home?"

"I heard some movement from you here, are you alright?"

"Mr. Holm...?"


Ronald and Patricia's eyes sank at the same time.

The movement caused by the battle just now is really not small, although it is already night, it is not the time when everyone closes their doors and falls asleep.

So as it should be, the neighbor next door to the house noticed the movement.

Then came over to investigate the situation!

Normally, people on the mysterious side would of course strictly abide by the rules and would not involve ordinary people in their affairs.

But for the people in the cellar, now is facing a crisis of life and death!

Can you expect these cult warlocks to keep concealing it honestly?


What to say.

Although I don't know what the original battle plan of the cult warlock was.

But now that ordinary people come to cover, they naturally don't mind taking advantage of such a god-given opportunity.

As the footsteps approached, a man in a brown coat and a wide-brimmed hat walked out like this.

——Standard investigator attire.

With the power of 'betrayal' that Lenovo had absorbed in his hands, Ronald didn't even have to guess, he knew that the man in front of him was an insider who had been planted in the Bureau of Investigation.

Otherwise, it can't be a cult warlock who betrayed his companions and went to the Bureau of Investigation, right?

The coachman who rented the carriage outside is still missing!

A few breaths passed, except for the person who was guilty of 'rage' who was carried out by them, several others also walked out of the cellar one after another.

Except for being killed by Patricia's sword, self-destruction, and unconsciousness.

Behind the man dressed as an investigator, a woman and a man followed, and the unconscious guy was simply carried on his shoulders by the Snowflake still fell on her own, the traces of the previous battle And began to cover up vaguely.

Although I couldn't see each other's expression clearly in the dark night.

But in the shadows, Ronald could feel the rebellious investigator smiling at them.

Immediately, the voice outside the wall rang again:

"Mr. Holm?"

"I'm here."

This time, the guy dressed as the investigator directly answered the people outside:

"Is that Mr. Thomas?"

"That's right, I heard some movement from you here."

"Someone in my family was injured and is going to the hospital now!"

While talking loudly to the people outside, the man dressed as the investigator showed the school mark of the Bureau of Investigation in front of him.

Immediately, he whispered:

"You two, I know you are not from the Bureau of Investigation."

"Why do you have to decide between life and death here?"

"I volunteered to be your prisoner. A person who betrayed the Bureau of Investigation is worth more than a few cult warlocks, and it will not break the principle of confidentiality."

While speaking, he waved.

"You take people to the carriage, and don't come to Grid again in the future."

A man dressed as an investigator stood in front of him, and the two behind him immediately dragged their companions out.

The voices of them talking to the residents came from outside the fence.

Looking at Ronald and Patricia who were motionless in front of them, as if acquiescing to their actions.

The man dressed as an investigator felt that he was winning, so he smiled.

If these people can escape, their plan will be a success.

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