Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible

Chapter 181: Returning to the Wet Bone Forest

Uzumaki Qiyun walked back to Tsunade's small courtyard briskly, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

He is really in a good mood, not only did his future father-in-law successfully propose marriage today.

I also found my first fellow, and this fellow is also the patriarch of the Senju clan. This is an unexpected gain!

Back at Tsunade's courtyard, Uzumaki Qiyun couldn't wait to share the good news with Tsunade.

But after thinking about it, I don't know how to tell her, tell her that your father joined my party.

He and I embarked on the revolutionary road to overthrow your grandfather's old ninja system and create a unified regime.

This kind of blow is too big for Tsunade, so let's take it slowly. This good news can't be told to her yet. For her now, this is probably the worst news.

Therefore, Uzumaki Qiyun could only suppress his eagerness to share with her.

When I arrived at the courtyard, I saw that Tsunade had already left, and the courtyard was now empty, and I didn't know where Tsunade went.

Uzumaki Qiyun entered the courtyard alone.

Returning to his hut, Uzumaki Qiyun has been very busy these days. Now that he is free, his first thought is to learn the magic of Shibone Forest first.

Immortal Katsuyu will be amazed by his current perception of natural energy

Junyin, "Reverse Summoning Technique!"

"peng! 35

As the cloud of smoke in the hut dissipated, Uzumaki Qiyun also disappeared.

After finally going through a brainstorm again, Uzumaki Qiyun held his head and came to the familiar wet bone forest.

Uzumaki Qiyun looked at everything that was familiar in front of him, still in the forest full of pale and gloomy.

It was still the gray world, with thick white fog blocking his vision, but Uzumaki Qiyun found that unlike the last time he could see only a few dozen meters away.

And this is still Uzumaki Qiyun's pupil power is very good, even in ordinary state, it is far beyond ordinary people, and the visible range of ordinary people will be smaller

But now Uzumaki Qiyun has visually observed that the distance of hundreds of meters is no longer a problem, and he has improved so much without noticing it.

Uzumaki Qiyun unconsciously touched his eyes, which appeared to be ordinary on the surface, but in fact there were those mysterious and noble Rinnegan hidden inside.

"No wonder I feel that my eyesight is getting better and better, is it that it has already reached such a point? These eyes are also constantly strengthening me"

"Unfortunately, I can't test the abilities that these eyes have brought me. I can only wait until I go back to the country of vortex."

Uzumaki Qiyun was not going to expose his pupil skills in the Shibone Forest, after all, he was not the only one who had the Summoning Contract of Immortal Katsuyu.

Uzumaki Qiyun glanced around, the world here had not changed, and the ground and trees were still secreting transparent mucus.

It dripped from the branches to the ground from time to time, with traces of corrosiveness, and disappeared with a "呲" sound.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Uzumaki Qiyun to know that the Katsuyu Immortal of Shibone Forest is a soft-spoken and good-natured Katsuyu, he must have thought this place was some kind of hell when he saw it.

This time, in the mucus, Uzumaki Qiyun felt it again, and felt the rich natural energy volatilize.

Uzumaki Qiyun wanted to try it out to see how far he could perceive natural energy.

He silently perceives the natural energy here, and soon, Uzumaki Qiyun found that in his perception.

In this space, countless indescribable natural energies spread out before his eyes.

"The natural energy here has reached such a strong point!

Uzumaki Qiyun opened his eyes wide and looked at everything in front of him in surprise.

He knew before that the natural energy here is extremely rich, but he didn't understand it very well before, it was too one-sided.

For example, the previous Uzumaki Qiyun was blind to natural energy when he was in the ninja world.

After Uzumaki Qiyun arrived at the Shibone Forest, he felt the existence of this kind of energy around him.

But it seems that the blind man touches the elephant, and it is not comprehensive. He only knows that there is such energy, but he does not know what it is.

Later, with the help of Immortal Katsuyu, he learned to perceive natural energy, and he was like a blind man who opened a slit in his eyes and determined that there is light.

He did see the natural energies that existed around the Shibone Forest.

After returning to the ninja world, he felt that the gap in himself was gradually closing more and more, and he could see the existence of natural energy, but it was also thinner, and it looked more blurry.

Since that night, after Uzumaki Qiyun got the attention of the ninja world consciousness, he found his perception of natural energies soaring.

Even in Konoha, he could feel the natural energy wandering everywhere in the air, and the ubiquitous natural energy lingered around him (Li Nuo's).

This time, he was like a normal person with half of his eyes open, not just a gap that was about to close. At that time, everything around him was normal and no longer blurred.

But now that he returned to the Shibone Forest again, he found that everything in the Shibone Forest was different to him, and he was now like an ordinary person with normal eyes.

Everything was placed in front of him, clearly.

So until now, he can really understand how much natural energy is contained in the Wet Bone Forest. It is as if he perceives the existence of water in the sea.

Just as Uzumaki Qiyun sighed, a very surprised voice came from the side.

66" Lord Qiyun, how is your perception of natural energy so powerful?".

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