Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible

Chapter 55: Third Raikage's request, a move

Seeing Mist Shinobi's arrival, Raikage, who was helping Third Mizukage to stabilize his injury, also walked away, and several Mist Shinobi medical staff rushed forward to re-bandage.

They are much more professional than Raikage's thick hands.

There were also cheers from the Uzumaki clan.

"Young patriarch, you won!"

"we won!!"

"The young patriarch is too powerful!"

Mist Shinobi's expressions also darkened.

They looked at the cheering whirlpool not far away with complex expressions! The vortex family, especially the young man surrounded by the crowd.

"At such an age, it's time for Kage-level..."

Among them, the assistant elder had a gloomy face and looked at Uzumaki Qiyun with resentment.

Thinking that his grandson still didn't know whether to live or die, and lost this battle again, the heart of the assistant elder was full of anger and pain at this moment.

But of course he wouldn't reflect on what he did wrong, if he hadn't first proposed to invade the country of vortex at the meeting.

His grandson will not come to the country of vortex, and now his life and death are unknown.

Furthermore, in this duel, he was arrogant that Uzumaki Qiyun would lose without a doubt, and there was no Kage-level powerhouse in the country of vortex.

It can be said that his anger and pain were completely self-inflicted.

But of course, Jean will push all of this on others, never reflecting on his own faults, all of which are the fault of the country of the vortex, in his heart.

If you can't win, Mizukage is too incompetent, and I'm definitely right!

"Hmph, the country of vortex, the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Qiyun, I won't just let it go!"

He glanced bitterly at the people of the Uzumaki clan who were revelling.

The assistant elder waved his hand: "Let's go!"

After that, they left the forest with Third Mizukage, who was injured and fainted.

Uzumaki Qiyun glanced at Mist Shinobi who had left, and noticed his last malicious look. Uzumaki Qiyun didn't care either, these people were just clowns.

As long as they are strong enough, these people can only be obedient mice in the shadows and never dare to show their faces.

Third Raikage on the side, watching Uzumaki Qiyun surrounded by excited Uzumaki clan.

Third Raikage thought for a while and stepped forward.

"Qiyun, watching you and Mizukage fight so intensely this time makes my hands itch! How about it, let's practice two moves too!"

Third Raikage directly stated his demands.

The Uzumaki clan who were cheering on the side were immediately stunned, staring blankly at Third Raikage and Uzumaki Qiyun.


Only Uzumaki Qiyun was stunned for a moment, but quickly reacted.

"Of course, because the previous battle between you and Mizukage has consumed a lot of Chakra, and I don't bully anyone, so this time we will only try one trick..."

Having said that, Raikage stopped and glanced at everyone present.

The people in the country of the vortex finally came back to their senses, and when they heard this move, although their faces looked a lot better, they still refused.

Our young patriarch just finished a battle with Mizukage, why is your Raikage coming?

Everyone in Cloud Shinobi had clearly anticipated Raikage's plan, and they had such a look on their faces.

Uzumaki Qiyun thought for a while and expected something, and sure enough, without waiting for him to directly nod, Third Raikage's heroic voice continued to sound:

"You and Mizukage made big bets on both sides before, and of course it's impossible for me to be empty-handed now."

"As long as you try this trick with me, no matter what the result is, I will give you a thousand wagyu cows and 50 barrels of sake in the country of vortex. What do you think?"

Uzumaki Qiyun's eyes lit up after hearing this, as expected, Raikage wanted to give us something!

The people of the Uzumaki clan were stunned after hearing this. They didn't expect Raikage to be so generous.

Uzumaki Qiyun won't miss this kind of bargain, and Uzumaki Qiyun guessed the reason why Raikage is so generous.

Give the country of Uzumaki a way to give away the special products of the land of thunder, the beef and sake, for almost nothing.

"Okay! Since Raikage wants to try this trick so much, then I'm the beauty of an adult."

After Uzumaki Qiyun finished speaking, he slowly walked out of the clan.

The Uzumaki clan and Cloud Shinobi on the side knew that they were going to try.

They all stepped back, leaving a large space, and everyone looked at the two of them.

Raikage turned to look at everyone, "Well, it's almost there!"

After finishing speaking, Third Raikage became serious, with a pair of tiger eyes staring at Uzumaki Qiyun in front of him.

"Although it's going to be given to you, it's not easy to get it!"

"Even if it's a single move, you have to use all your strength, otherwise it's no wonder that I was seriously injured like Mizukage!"

Third Raikage is quite confident in his own power.

Known as "the strongest spear" and "the strongest shield", he is indeed confident and even proud of his strength.

"Four books are used to!"

Immediately, the surging blue Chakra concentrated on the four fingers of Raikage's right hand.

The whole person is wrapped by Chakra, and Raikage's powerful Chakra control is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

"Qiyun, do your best! I won't show mercy!"

Saying that, Raikage sprinted directly over.

Uzumaki Qiyun didn't dare to be careless, but he knew the terrifying power of this Third Raikage.

"My Armament Haki, it's time to come! Let me try your effects! Harden!"

In an instant, Uzumaki Qiyun's body was covered with a thin film that no one could see, and his body was stronger than steel at this moment.

Even in the face of the swooping Third Raikage, he had the confidence to compete.

Seeing the Third Raikage rushing towards him, Uzumaki Qiyun has let go of the others and hit him hard!

"Let me teach you the true power of your 'strongest spear' and 'strongest shield'!"

"Four books are used to!"

"Flash Kick!"


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