
Chapter 29 - This Man, Yuri

The news outlets had been busy unearthing the Pavlenko saga, maybe because they were hoping for an interview with Nikita or maybe because they genuinely wanted to know what actually happened that led them to this day.

They had gone to the Pavlenko company to get information, but they had come out one at the company wanted to talk about the tragedy. They all wanted everything to happen whenever Nikita wanted them to.

They respected him, not because he was their boss or the son of the great Pavlenko doctors, but because no one wanted to be on the wrong side of Nikita. They knew him as a man of very few words.

He usually dropped by at the company when he wasn't in the operating room, but that was only because he was checking in on the company and the state of it all. Since they were all doctors, their parents wanted Yuri to take care of the company, but Yuri was too stubborn.

He didn't want to be the privileged kid who was given everything on a silver platter. He wanted to show the world that even he was a capable Pavlenko. This is why he had begun as an intern in his family company.

It was kinda hilarious how Yuri Maksim was the CEO of Pavlenko yet at the same time he was an intern engineer when he began. At first, everyone was scared of him. The man who held two positions, but he had been clear with them.

Sure, he would be the final voice of the Pavlenko group of companies. He would always make business decisions, but he also wanted to be an engineer. And the only way he would be a senior-level engineer was if he learned from the people who were good at their jobs.

His strategy had made so many people wonder what Yuri Maksim Pavlenko was smoking, but they couldn't do shit about it. He was the very first CEO and Intern at the same time. How that worked was a wonder to everyone else, but Yuri always made shit work. 

They had been a team for so long that they had gotten to the point of codependency.  Maybe that was also why Nikita knew he had only one shot at rescuing his brother.  He needed a plan that would work.

He needed to be ready and on his feet as soon as he got the first inkling of where Yuri was.  He was still going to leave Todorov and make everyone think that the doctor had finally given up.  He would make them lower their guards and then he would strike. 

Nikita would leave no stone untied and right at this moment,  he needed to eat up before the hour was over. There were a lot of expectations that he had of Kyle especially with the analysis of the video he'd been watching since kingdom come. 

Judging by his impatience, Nikita knew time wasn't on his side,  but he had to learn to be patient.  Patience was key to whatever goal he wanted to achieve because, without patience,  he would be plunging himself headfirst into the den of the enemy.  And that would be the stupidest decision ever.

"Damn Nikita you look hot as fuċk" Kyle said when the hour was over and Nikita called him again.  Currently,  Pavlenko was not wearing a shirt because he believed it was already hot enough in the house. 

"Focus man," Nikita said to Kyle who just scoffed at him. The man could make any straight man gay and he was telling him to focus?

Was he high on meth or something? Maybe getting out of the hospital was a good thing after all because now he was blessing Kyle's eyes with the sins of Babylon. 

"If only your attitude was as good as your body. What a shame" Kyle sighed as he looked at his boss.

Kyle was Nikita's right-hand man, which meant that he was always supposed to show up whenever he was needed. He was forced to exist even before Nikita thought of calling him. 

Of course over the years, being hackers and all, the team had known everything about Nikita and his family. From the good and the bad,  the horrible and the pleasant,  they knew it all,  and Nikita knew they knew because he himself was good at coding too.

They could easily hack into the Pavlenko treasure hod and steal all the money, but they weren't greedy, besides the man was like a father to them. It was a family business, kinda like a mafia, but Kyle always preferred to call themselves the Rostova Legion.

It made him happy knowing that he was in charge of the legion that people everywhere were scared of even before they had done anything major. 

"What have you got for me?" Nikita asked when he realized the hesitation in Kyle. Whatever the boy was afraid of,  they needed to know and take care of before shit hit the fan,  but what was the ȧssurance that they weren't walking on risky waters? How sure were they that whatever they were doing was going to make sense? 

"Nikita," Kyle said seriously to his friend, his tone changing from the playful one. "Are you okay?" However, Nikita didn't want to think about himself.

Nikita was desperate for answers that he had a week to unearth before he decided where to go. He was going to leave, but he wasn't just sure where to go. Maybe Moscow or any other city within the country, but what he wanted was to get closure, or at least a little of it anyway.

"Don't worry about me Kyle, I've been through worse" Nikita said, not letting his junior care for him. This was not the time and they both knew that. But Kyle knew Nikita would be on the cliff if he didn't take care of himself.

He had to understand that he wasn't dead yet and if he neglected his health then he would have to be on the line to hell with his family. He needed to be there for himself, just like he always was there for his family.

He needed to be sane, for himself.


"Time is of the essence, Kyle. Hit me with what you got" Nikita insisted. Breaking through to him was going to be harder than Kyle thought, but for now, they would just pretend like nothing was wrong with Nikita.

"Okay then."

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