One Piece: Sea Devil Sanji

Chapter 5 - First encounters...

Today Sanji is temporarily filling for the waiters who run away yesterday. Working in a floating restaurant that mostly hosts pirates on a regular basis isn't exacly the safest of environments.

He was serving the customers while occasionally throwing a flirty comment whenever he spotted a beautiful woman but he lacked the usual passion he always tried to convey. His attention was mostly preoccupied by the presence of Nami and the rest he sensed with his Observation Haki aboard the Going Merry docked outside "Waiter... Hey, Waiter!" that is until he was interrupted by an obnoxious yell from one of the male guests.

He turned around and spotted a man wearing a white pinstripe suit. His purple hair is well-combed and he has a scar under his right eye and bolts attached to his knuckles. He is sitting on a table with a blonde girl; obviously on a date "Finally you heard me. What kind of waiter ignores his customers when he is called for?!"

'Mmm, he seems familiar but I can't seem to recall his name. Must be nobody important' he approached his table and gave a small bow "Sorry to upset you sir but I am actually the assisting head chef. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"As a matter of fact yes" he took a sip of his wine and added "I am a kind of an expert in wines. And I was demonstrating my tasting skills to the beautiful lady accompanying me. I identified this wine as the Itelzbulger Stein from Micqueot of the northern land. Am I wrong waiter?" he asked smugly quite sure of his verdict.

Many customers were intersted to hear Sanji's answer.

Sanji looked at the wine at the table and raised his eyebrow "Not even close I am afraid" he nonchalently said without bothering to give him an explanation 'What kind of expert can't even differenciate between white and red wine. Idiot'

Snickering could be head around them at the man's failed attempt to look cool for his date.

Sanji remembered that he was holding their orders so he sat the two plates on their table "Here's your soup, sir. Please enjoy it while it's still hot"

He turned to the lady on the table and gave her his most charming smile "A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you miss. How about I bring you some of our excellent selection of wine; on the house ofcourse. I am sure you will like it more than this mediocre stuff. A woman of your beauty deserve to enjoy only the best"

The woman blushed from the compliment "Well, thanks. But I shouldn't impose on you"

"Nonsense. It will be my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e" he bowed to the lady and was going to leave but as quick as lightning he turned around and grabbed the man's hand. The man was holding an insect between his fingers planning to throw it in his soup.

He tried to force his wrist free from Sanji but he found his grip as hard as iron "Hey! Let me go waiter! What are you doing?"

"I already told you I'm not a waiter. More importantly why are trying to ruin a perfectly fine soup with that bug. Or are you perhaps trying to frame our restaurant of hygiene negligence"

The man caught in the act was boiling in a mix of anger and embaress.e.m.e.nt. He smashed his free fist on the table breaking it in half bringing all it's contents to the floor.

"Kyaaaa!!!" Sanji pulled the girl as she screamed behind him to shield her from injury.

"Seems like you have no idea who you're dealing with *waiter*... I am Lieutenant Ironfist Fullbody of the marines"

Sanji ignored him and turned to the shocked girl behind him. He calmed her down and escorted her to an empty table.

After making sure she was alright he turned his attention back to Fullbody "Sorry, I didn't get what you said earlier" the man ground his teeth "I said I'm-" "Sorry, I don't care. But you made two deadly mistake shitty marine. You almost hurt a lady and you wasted food right in front of me so don't expect to walk away alive from this place"

"Heh! Bullshit! What could a damn cook do to me. Besides I'm a paying customer so I do what I want with My food"

"You are no customer, just trash that I am about to dispose of" Sanji took puff from his cigarette and walked to the man in front of him.

Watching the scene unfold the guests begun sheering for the incoming fight. Not an unusual occurrence on the Baratie.

But the staff were pale in the face and wispering between each other "Shouldn't we try to stop him?" "Are you crazy? No way am I putting myself in danger!" "Yeah, the last time someone tried to hold him back he was kicked through the wall" "I heard he spent a week in a coma the poor bastard" "But he is about to kill another customer. This will make it the tenth just this week" "I think one of us should go warn the head chef or Patty" "You are right. They are the only ones who could stop him at this point"

A blood curdling scream filled with agony and terror cut the through the cheers in the main hall. They turned around and saw Fullbody sprawled on the floor with two shattered knees. His legs were bent in a weird direction painting a gruesome scene.

Sanji kicked his face in making him spill his teeth on the floor. He ignored his pleas of mercy and stepped on his right shoulder until it snapped from its place. He did the same for the other shoulder, then continued to break his elbows and wrists.

The brutalility being unleashed brought a halt to the sheers. The spectators became green in the face while some of the weak hearted vomited on the floor.

Fullbody's howling became gurgling sounds as Sanji brought his his foot on his neck "Where is your bravado now shitty marine. You are not any different from that bug you tried to put in your soup. So being squashed under my foot is a fitting end for you" he was about to finish him off when he heard someone yell at him.

"You again, Sanji! The hell do you think you're doing to our customer" Patty came running from the washroom after hearing the commotion "Not only that, that man's also a marine lieutenant"

"Oh, it's just you, the shitty cook" Sanji faced Patty as the latter stood in front of him "Besides this is just an insect I am about to dispose of"

"I don't care moron. At least if you are going to kill someone try not to leave a mess behind you. You are not the one who is going to have to clean the blood afterwards"

"Don't make a fuss over nothing" Sanji waved off his concerns "I folowed the four D's imposed on me by the shitty geezer. I didnt cause any *destruction*. And before you say anything that table wasn't my doing. I didn't *disembowel*, *dismember* or *decapitate* him; I kept it clean except maybe for the broken teeth but that technically doesn't count"

"Oh, everything is good then. NO IT'S NOT!!! You are still about to kill a marine! Don't you realize what kind of trouble that could bring us"

"Don't worry about it. I'll dispove of him. If they can't find a body, they can't accuse us of anything" Sanji reapplied the pressure once again planning to break his neck but he was interrupted once again as this time the ceiling broke down.

"Aghhhhhhhh!" two peole fell down on top of each other from the second floor. One being Zeff and the other Luffy wearing his signature strawhat. The two stood up and started to argue among themseles about who's responsible for putting the new hole in the ceiling.

"Hmm?" looking around Zeff found Sanji choking someone with his foot "Brat! Are you running wild in my restaurant again?"

'*sigh* Can't I kill someone without being yelled at in this place' "Hey shitty geezer, don't accuse me of something without knowing the circ.u.mstances. This piece of shit was trying to frame us to undermine our hygiene standards. Don't you know what something like that could do to our reputation. So I had no choice but to-"

"No! It's you who is ruining our reputation you ungrateful little shit" Zeff cut him off by kicking him on top of his head "Our customers used to come to watch our combat chefs sometimes duke it out with the pirates frequenting these waters. Now they are not coming back afraid to witness someone get his f.u.c.k.i.n.g head kicked off"

"Tsk, that happened like two times. It's not my fault that they were as weak as twigs"

"That's not the point you-" Zeff was interrupted from his tirade as the front door was kicked in showing a panting marine soldier.

"Lieutenant! Lt. Fullbody!" the soldier frantically looked around seaching for his superrior "It's an emergency!"

'*sigh*... I'am sighing in my head alot today. It don't feel like disposing of this peice of shit anymore' Sanji removed his foot from the uncouncious form of Fullbody then kicked him off the ground like a rag doll smashing right into the marine soldier.

The soldier didn't know what hit him until he picked himself up. He was horrified to find out what or who knocked him down.

"Oi! Marine filth. Pick that piece of shit and leave this place. You are not welcome anymore"

"B-but there is a-"

"I don't care. Leave now or I will do to you what I did to him"

The marine looked at the state Fullbody was in and hurriedly nodded his head. He picked up his superrior and run away.

Sanji took a puff from his cigarette then smiled at Zeff "I guess that took care of our little bug problem"

Zeff grumbled some curses then pulled Luffy by his collar and dragged him off to the kitchen "Everybody go back to work. The food is not going to serve itself out"

Sanji instead of going back to his station walked to the front door. He looked at a corner where he detected someone hiding "I know you are there so come out. And don't try to pull anything funny or you will end up like that shitty marine"

After some hesitation in comes a relatively thin man with short, scruffy hair, a scruffy beard, and a slight mustache. He has dark circles under his eyes, as though he lacks sleep. He wears an open gray jacket with a red sea-serpent design on each side with a green shirt underneath, gray pants matching with his jacket, a gray headband with blue stripes design, and two spherical earrings on each ear.

He was bleeding profusely from a wound on his head soaking his headband red. He is sweating heavily while holding a gun in his shaky hand. The man was obviously exhausted and famished.

Sanji scrutinized him for a moment then held his hand out. The man weary of him at first as he just witnessed him from an open window almost torture a man to death. Though finally, he conceded and handed his gun to him.

Sanji, holding the gun in his hand, smirked then crumpled it with easy like a piece of paper and tossed it to the ocean making the man's eyes bulge out from their socket "You wouldn't need it anymore in this place. Now follow me, I'll fix you something to eat. You must be starving to death"

The man nodded dumbly from shock and obediently followed behind him.

Sanji lead him outside, through the backdoor of the Baratie where he usually takes his cigarette breaks and told him to wait for him.

Five minutes later Sanji came back carrying a freshly cooked rice dish on a plate and handed it to the man. The man couldn't contain his emotions and cried as he devoured his food "I've never had such delicious food... In my entire life! I'm so grateful...! I thought I was going to die for sure...! I thought it was all over for me"

"I'm glad you are enjoying" Sanji lit a new cigarette and sat down on the floor leaning on the railing 'Any minute now' "Hey, Join my crew!" 'And here he is. I can always count on his uncanny ability to snif out food' he looked up and smirked as he saw his former and future captain grinning at him from the railing of the second floor.

He jumped down and sat on the railing "You are a good cook so be the cook of my pirate crew"

"And why would I do that? I hear the old man is going to make you work here for a whole year to make up for the demage you caused by the explosion. I'm planning to leave the restaurant and go to the Grand Line, I can't stay stuck with you here for a whole year"

"Eh? No no no, I waited ten years to finally become a pirate. I can't wait another year. I'll just work one week and then he will forgive me"

"And how did you know he will forgive you. The geezer I know is someone who holds grudges. He will never let you go"

"But I decided!"

"And what if he refuses?"

"Then I'll refuse his refusal!"

Sanji was stunned hearing those words at first then roller over laughing his a.s.s off.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Luffy pouted. Sanji bust laughing again seeing Luffy's childish face.

"Sorry, sorry...!" Sanji calmed himself down but he's still snickering to himself 'I can't believe I heard the same words Luffy said to me when I first refused to join his crew but this time aimed at someone else'

"Allright, then I decided too. I'll join your pirate crew and I don't worry I'll help you with the geezer. But you still has to work for a week before leaving"

"Awesome! Shishishi!" Luffy brightened again at the prospect of getting a cook and escaping his predicament.

"Sorry to cut in the conversation" the man on the side had finished his meal and was awkwarly listening to Luffy and Sanji "My name is Gin. I am a member of the Krieg pirates. You said you are going to the Grand Line. Is that true?"

"Yeah. I'am going to find the All Blue!" "Me too. I'm going to find the One Piece and become the Pirate King!" "If you are going to dissuades us from going then save your words. We are still going to the Grand line, right Luffy?" "You bet!"

"But you have no idea how dangerous that place is. You are still young. No need to recklessly rush into things"

"No need to worry we will be prepared. Thanks for the warning anyway"

"*Sigh*.. well, you are free to do what you want. It's not like I have the right to stop you"

Sanji stood up and dusted himself "What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to look for my captain"

"Do you have a boat to leave?"

"Yes, when I escaped from the marines earlier I seized one of theirs. It will be enough to get me where I'm going"

"Good, I wish you safe travels then. I need to get back to work" he shook Gin's hand "One thing though. I know you are obliged to retell everything that you went through to your captain. But if he decided to come here and start trouble then I guarantee you he won't be leaving this place in one piece"

Gin felt cold sweat on his back remembering what he saw Sanji do earlier "Ha ha ha don't wory. We definetly won't cause you any trouble"

"Sure hope so" 'Unlikely though knowing Krieg's personality'

"And Sanji, thank you so much for the food. You're my saviour. That meal was really the best I've ever had. Would it be alright to come eat here again"

"Sure, anytime"

"See you then. I hope the two of you achieve your dreams" Gin waved one last time and left.

Sanji turned to Luffy "Come on errand-boy. Back to work for you too"

"Hey, I'm not an errand-boy! I am a pirate!"

"Doesn't look like it to me. As long as you still work here you will still be just an errad-boy"

"But I'm your captain. So you have to call me by my name or *Captain* as a show of respect"

"I'll show you some respect shithead" he kicked him in his in the head making him bounce on the wall "Now move it"

"Ow ow that hurts. Your kicks is similar to my grandfather's punches. They are painful" Luffy stood up rubbing a sore bump on his head.

"Stop dilly-dallying and hurry up or I'll kick you again"

"Comin coming"


Sanji returned to serving the customers. He was doing his rounds when he sensed what he was waiting for the entire day. The rest of the crew members were sick of waiting for Luffy to return so they decided to enter the restaurant.

He looked at the entrance right as they entered. They came in talking amoung themselves. He first spotted Usupp gesturing with his hands; he figured he was telling one of his tall tales. Followed by Zoro who is admonishing him for his lies but still smiling at his jokes.

Finally he saw Nami enter and he felt his world stop to a halt. Everything around disappeared in the background from his view leaving only her in his eyes. She was younger than the last time he saw her. Her vibrant orange hair was shorter than he remember reaching just above her shoulders but she still looked as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a pink T-shirt and an orange skirt. Nothing fancy or eye catching but to him her grace and elegance put every woman in the reastaurant to shame.

She along with the others chose an empty table in the middle of the hall and sat down together. Somehow Luffy managed to ditch his work and joined them and started playing around with Zoro.

Watching her merrily smile and laugh without a care in the world, he felt himself fall in love with her all over again. She caught him staring at her. Their eyes met, and unlike in those cliché romance novels, Sanji doesn't shy away and blushes, he merely smiled at her. For a brief moment she seemed confused, but then she smiled back and went back to joking around with the rest.

At this point Sanji wasn't even staring in secret. He was full on eyeing Nami like a piece of candy. When he caught her eyes again he sent her a wink and moved towards her without breaking eye contact. He kept looking at her eyes mermerized by them.

He kneeled in front of her on one knee and kissed the back of her hand tenderly "O'Blessed are the oceans for bringing me this fine day! O'Love! Laugh if you will, at my poor self who cannot endure his tortuous passions!" He squeezed her hand softly and continued reciting the same words he spoke to her when he first met her "As long as I can be with you, I'm prepared to walk accross any path, be it the path of a pirate or a devil!"

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