Nami took a deap breath to compose herself "Let's tie them up first"

"Alright" Sanji nodded then called for Hatchan the only fish-man still awake "Hey octopus head!"

"Y-yes!" replied the still trembling fish-man.

"Round up your fallen comrades and call back anyone who is outside the mansion. I want them all tied up in the coutyard in front me in the next couple of hours or consider their shitty lives short" ordered Sanji.

"Nyu~!" Hatchan complied and hurried to complete his task.

Sanji turned back to Nami "What about the corrupt marines?" he gestured at them with his head.

"Let's talk to them" Nami walked to Arlong's now empty seat and sat down accross from the still petrified from shock marines. Sanji followed behind her and sat down on the armrest of the chair.

"I've never seen you before" she leaned forward "Who're you?"

The marine swallowed after being addressed "I-I'm Cpt. Nezumi of the marines' 16th branch"

"So, how come a marine captain has fallen so low as to be making deals with pirates?" she asked while giving him a death stare.

"I... well no,I..." he couldn't find an answer for his predicament.

"The Arlong pirates are going around killing people and destroying villages on this island! You know that, don't you?" she ground her teeth "All the people on this island are slaves under their rule! You are supposed to free them, yet you ignore their crisis and get bought to keep your silence on their barbaric activities! Is that how the goverment prioritizes things!?"

"Shut up!" yelled the marine captain as he stood up "I won't be spoke to in that matter by a lowly criminal! I'm a marine captain, you shouldn't speak so high-handedly with me little girl!"

Sanji was about to kick him down but Nami beat him to it and socked him hard in the face by her Bo staff. He went flying into one of many pillars of the mansion.

"Captain!" yelled his two subbordinates as they run to check on him.

Nami walked up to him and pressed his throat by her Bo staff "No, it's you who shouldn't act high and mighty in front of me. If you hadn't already noticed, your life's in my hand right now. I could kill you and blame it on Arlong and no one will suspect a thing"

Nezumi paled at her obvious threat.

"Now you better do what I say to the letter" he weakly nodded "Go clean up after the fish-men! Then help rebuild the destroyed villages! And you're not to touch any of the money left here in Arlong Park! That's this island's money alone! And one more thing, I'm collecting the four bounties of the Arlong pirates. 20 million for Arlong, 9 million for Kuroobi, 8 million for Hachi and 5.5 million for Chu, making for 42.5 million bellies and not one belly less" she loomed over him "Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, yes, I'll do whatever you say"

"Good" she tapped his head with her weapon "Now go get to it or I'll change my mind and some of Arlongs files I'm sure containing his personal dealings containing your name will end up in some marine base"

He paled even more and hurriedly left escorted by his subbordinates.

"You're so cute when you're threatening people Nami-san!" Sanji stood beside her while exhaling heart shaped plumes of smoke.

"Yeah, yeah..." she separated her Bo staff in three sections and strapped them to her right t.h.i.g.h "I need to go and tell my sister the good news. Will you come with me Sanji-kun?"

"Maybe later Nami-san. I think I'll stay here for now and keep an eye on the fish-men"

"You do that then..." she hesitated for a moment then asked him "When will Luffy and the rest come?"

"They should be here in five or six days at most"

"Do you think that... maybe they would-"

Sanji gently cut her off "Don't worry Nami-san, you did nothing wrong. You're still our comrade. They'll surely welcome you back with open arms. Besides, I'll kick their collective a.s.s if they say otherwise" he finished by winking at her.

"Ha ha ha, thanks Sanji-kun..." she laughed and gave him a small peck on the cheek "I'll be back later"

Sanji touched where she kissed him and smiled as he saw her walk away "I'll prepare a feast as celebration so bring your sister for dinner"

"Ok!" came the reply.

Sanji retreated and sat on Arlong's chair and continued to smoke a cigarette in silence. Until Hachi came back escorted by several fish-men that were roaming outside.

"I-I did as you said sir, nyu~" he said nervously.

Sanji closed his eyes and scanned the entire island with his Observation Haki 'Good, that's all of them' He opened his eyes and looked at Hachi and the rest. He sensed they were all intending to fight him except for Hachi who's still scared of him. He knocked them down with a burst of his Conqueror's Haki "Tie them up with the rest then show me where your shitty kitchen is. I have food to cook"


While Sanji was cooking dinner the entire residents of Cocoyashi village, Nami's home town, came to Arlong Park. They cheered after they confirmed Arlong's downfall and broke down the Arlong pirates' flag and run all over the island to spread the good news.

The last to come by was Nami followed by an average-sized young woman with light blue hair and tanned skin. Her right arm and c.h.e.s.t are heavily tattooed and she wears a beige sleeveless shirt, blue trousers and purple sandals. Besides her was a man who wore a pinwheel on his hat, a police uniform with short sleeves and pants.

"Nami-san, you finally came back. I missed you" Sanji jumped at her with open arms trying to embrace her but she easily side stepped him.

She ignored his antics and pointed at her companions "This is my adopted sister I told you about. Her name is Nojiko. And this is Genzo the sheriff of Cocoyashi village"

Sanji stood up like nothing happened. He shook the hand of Genzo and kissed the back of Nojiko's hand "A p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to finally meet you sis. The name's Sanji but you can call me brother-in-law"

"Brother-in-law!?" Nojiko and Genzo were surprised "What's the meaning of this Nami!? When did you get married!?"

"I didn't!!" she snapped back and punched Sanji upside his head "Stop spreading false information!"

"But Nami-san, we may not be married now but we'll definetly be in the future" he rubbed a bump on his head.

"Who decided that idiot! *sigh* Enough fooling around where is dinner, we're hungry"

"Right this way Nami-san" he gentured for them to follow him.

"So this is our saviour" Nojiko walked up to his side "I can't believe you managed to beat Arlong and all of his crew on your own. You must be pretty strong"

"Actually they weren't that impressive sis. I'm sure if they didn't manage to bribe the marines they would've been easily arrested"

"Nonetheless you did something that all of us couldn't begin to dream of doing" she smirked and hugged his arm "By the way, you have my blessing to marry my sister. I'll be glad if my future brother-in-law is someone as strong as you" Sanji smirked back "Thanks sis. And don't worry, I'll take good care of her"

"Nojiko!" Nami fumed with a red face "Don't go giving me away without my permission!"

"Yeah Nojiko!" interjected Genzo "He may be our saviour but I don't think if bellmere were alive she would alow her precious daughter to marry a pirate"

"I don't think mother would forbid her. And even if she did I don't think that would stop you, right Nami?"

"Nope! Not at all!" Nami sticked her tongue out at her.

"Does that mean you'll marry me Nami-san" Sanji twirled by her side.

"No! It means who I'll marry is only my decision to make"


Tomorrow morning, during one of Sanji's daily workouts on the bottom of the ocean, he sensed a marine ship approaching Arlong Park 'They must be here to arrest Arlong and the rest'

He swam to the surface and jumped on-board the ship. But he didn't expect to find them aiming their cannons to the mansion intending to bring it down.

Sanji immediately saw red as he remembered Nami was still sleeping inside the mansion. He burst in flames and jumped to the nearest cannon and melt it down with a single kick stopping the marines in their tracks "Move one muscle and you're dead!" he looked like a red devil as he glared them one by one daring them to oppose him.

He spotted a marine that dressed differently from the others. He is a man of average height with light purple hair, that he wears in multiple ponytails, a long goatee and has an average build. He wears a standard Marine uniform with a Marine coat and a green scarf. Sanji immediate blitzed in front of him and stared down his eyes "Are you the one in charge of this ship?"

The marine felt his skin blister from Sanji's firy hot breath on his face "Y-yes, I-I'm Pudding Pudding. A-a marine Commodore in the 77th Branch of the Marines"

"A commodore eh? A one rank higher than the idiot Captain from yesterday" Sanji's Diable fire began to spread on deck making the marines start to panic but they still didn't dare to make a move "So why are you trying to attack the mansion?"

He saw his immenent death in Sanji's blue orbs if his answer wasn't to his liking "S-some survivors from a destroyed village on the island managed to contact the goverment. S-so, I-I was sent here to make a stop to Arlong and his crew"

Sanji lifted one of his eyebrows "Didn't you get the news yesterday that he is already beaten?"

"Wha!?" Pudding Pdding was astonished at the news "B-but how!? and When!?"

"I see... So it's just a misunderstanding" Sanji stepped back from the marine making him breath a sigh of relief. But Sanji suddenly jumped high above the ship "A pity..."

*Hell Memories*

Sanji, still with his whole body engulfed in flames, delivers a powerful downwards kick generating a massive amount of fire, enough to encompass the entirety of the marine ship. The marines didn't have time to comprehend what happened as they were burned down along with the ship leaving only ashes in their wake that got washed away in the water.

Sanji landed back on the ocean wall of Arlong Park "Nobody threatens Nami's life and expects to walk away alive. Intentionally or not" he lit a cigarette and leaped towards the mansion "Well, that was a good morning exercice. It's time to make breakfast"

An hour later while Sanji was setting the table, he sensed another ship approaching. He exited the mansion and spotted another marine ship that docked right outside the ocean gate of Arlong Park. A small boat holding captain Nezumi and his two subbordinates came near the gate and asked for permission to entry.

Sanji turned to Hachi "Let them in"

"Nyu~" Hachi didn't dare to object still reeling from the massacre he unsuspectedly found himself witness to earlier. He opened the gate and led them in right to Sanji.

"Did you bring the money?" Sanji jumped right into business without even a greeting.

The marine captain ground his teeth in frustration but held back his tongue afraid of the man in front of him "Yes to the last belly" one of his men brought a briefcase and handed it to Sanji.

Sanji opened the briefcase and inspected its content for any an unpleasant surprise. He nodded his head and closed it back when he found everything in order "I'll deliver it to Nami-san myself, you can- what are you doing?" Sanji looked at the other marine soldier to the side of the captain as he noticed something amiss with his demeanor.

"Nothing...!" the marines started to sweat which Sanji immediately noticed.

"Do you like to know how it feels to have your bones smashed apart" the marine immediately shook his head "Then answer me or I'll make you to"

The marine looked at his companions for support but they ignored him. He resigned himself and looked back at Sanji and handed him something that was hidden inside his uniform "Sorry, please don't hurt me! I was only folowing orders"

Sanji looked at the object in his hand. It was a Cameko. A visual Den Den Mushi that is able to store pictures and videos. He looked at the marine captain and lifted his eyebrow "What's the meaning of this? Are you perhaps trying to take my photo without my permission?"

"No, ofcourse not!" he coughed in his hand to compose himself "It's just a protocol that require us to provide a picture of the indivual responsible for catching any pirate with a bounty"

"Are you sure? If it's just protocol why are you being all sneaky about it?" Sanji's question him further "Aren't you just trying to frame me for something and stick me with a bounty using my picture instead so you can take full credit for arresting the Arlong pirates?"

"..." Nezumi felt cold sweat on his back as Sanji guessed his true motive.

"This is why I hate sneaky bastards like you" Sanji sighed "Maybe I should just slaughter you all to avoid any future headaches" he looked at them with bored eyes making them shake in their boots.

"Hachi, go and and help them bring the prisoners to their ship then come back" he addressed the fish-man then turned to the marines "You can leave now" he dismissed them with the back of his hand.

"H-he can't return, he is our prisoner too!" Nezumi pointed at Hachi's back who just left "You even collected his bounty!"

"I don't care, now Leave!" Sanji's steel tone broke no argument.

Nezumi was fuming inside but held himself down and immediatelty left with his companions the way they came in.

Sanji stood at the edge of the open sea pool watching the marine ship in the distance. Just as he finished smoking his cigarette Hachi came back informing him he completed his task.

He lit another and spoke while still watching the marine ship as it started leaving "Do you know why I didn't let them arrest you with the rest"

"No idea" Hachi was bewildered too.

"Simple" Sanji said right before he disappeared. Hachi was surprised and looked for him everywhere until he noticed a bright point in the distance right above the marine ship. His eyes popped from his head as he witnessed the same scene from this morning repeat itself. Moment later Sanji reappeared in front of him "Because I didn't want to kill you" he approached him and grabbed him by his neck and brought him down to his eye level "But my real question is, do you know why?"

Hachi shook his head right to left repeatedly as he was scared shitless.

"Simple" Hachi felt Sanji's eyes see right through his soul as he spoke to him "I knew Nami-san couldn't bring herself to kill anybody even Arlong her mother's murderer. She may present herself as cold hearted and money obsessed to others but I know all too well how kindhearted she really is. It's one of her many qualities that I love about her... But you see, if there is one thing that life taught me is that you have to tie your loose ends. Do you understand me?"

Hachi could only nod as he couldn't utter a single word while Sanji clutched his throat.

"So I'll be her dark knight" Sanji remembered how in in his past life, in a move to get back at him, the world government unleashed hell on Nami's home island when they discovered he was married to her. At first they only knew she was from East Blue but not from where exactly but it was a tip from the same marine Captain Nezumi that led them to her origin. They released Arlong and his crew that went and killed everyone in the island as revenge. He later found out everything from Arlong's mouth just before he finished him off "I'm already soaked in an ocean of blood, sometimes making me wonder if I'm still worthy of her, so what's the problem with some more. I'll do whatever it is necessary to protect her and her precious people"

Sanji's hand that's holding Hachi burst in flames making him writhe in pain "You can count yourself lucky as I know you're the only one of them with a good heart so you better NEVER mention anything that you witnessed here. Don't forget to take that Sea King lurking around, I know it's your shitty pet, then leave and never return, understood?" Hachi peed himself as he hastily nodded.

Sanji turned around still holding Hachi then threw him with all his strength into the ocean. He flew away in the distance with a visible red burning hand imprint on his neck while releasing a suffering scream.

Sanji returned to the mansion as he sensed Nami and her sister wake up. He finished setting the table just as they entered the kitchen together.

"Good morning sis and Nami-san" Sanji helped them sit down "You two look lovely today"

"Good morning Sanji/Sanji-kun" they smiled back at him as he served them their food.

He sat accross from them and began to eat.

"Where is Genzo? Did he already leave?" asked Nami.

"Yes, he woke up early and left without even eating anything. He said he has alot of work to do as Arlong no longer control the island" he ate a small piece of pancake and downed it with sip of juice then continued "He said there would be huge celebrations later on the village. He told us to be there later"

They nodded as they ate their pancakes.

"By the way the marines came earlier and already arrested Arlong and the rest" Sanji remembered the money briefcase. He took it and presented it to Nami "I already collected all their bounty"

"Waahh! So that's why I don't see Hachi following you around!" Belly signs shined in Nami's eyes as she forgot about her breakfast and began counting the money.

Nojiko shook her head at her sister as she went into her full greed mode. She looked at Sanji "I pity you brother-in-law. Nami may be my sister but I don't know how you could fall for someone who loves money this much"

"It's one of the things I love about her" Sanji smiled as he answered her "Besides I think she's kind of similar to me"

"What do you mean you are similar?" asked Nojiko as she leaned forward on the table. Nami continued counting the money but kept an ear on the conversation.

"What I mean is that I understand her love for money. Life has taught her that without money she'll always be a slave. Her biggest fear in life is to end up not having enough money. So she has to obtain as much of it as possible to be and remain free..." Sanji finished eating and leaned back "You see when I was young I was stuck on rock in the middle of the ocean for 80 days straight with nothing but a small bits of food and loads of treasures. That experience tought me the hard way how truly worthless money can be. So just like her one of my biggest fears in life is to end up only having money... So in a way we're similar but in the opposite kind of way which makes us the perfect complements for each other. Right Nami-san?"

Nami was astonished after hearing what Sanji just said and stopped counting her money. She made eye contact with him and couldn't help herself but turn as red as cooked lobster when she saw him looking at her with so much hidden passion. She felt her heart beat going so fast it's about to break free from her c.h.e.s.t. She swiftly drowned herself back to counting her money to calm her heart down and hide her blushing face from him.

Sanji looked back at Nojiko and smiled "In addition how can I give up on someone this cute!"

"Yeah, I never seen her this cute before!" smirked Nojiko as she eyed Nami.

"S-shut up N-Nojiko!" stuttered Nami.

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