Looking at the happy crew playing on the sidelines, Cavendish was even more sure that he was responsible not only for himself, but also for the crew.

It was night, gathering the crew, and Cavendish announced the incident.

“That’s what I plan, do you have any thoughts and opinions?” Cavendish asked everyone, of course, Nami and Nokiko and Yui would not object, the two were their own women, and there was another Nami who would definitely be his own woman in the future.

“I don’t have an opinion, anyway, I don’t have anywhere else to go, no one dares to take me in.” Robin also plans to return to the East China Sea with Cavendish Schsh.

“Mu Mu, tweet!” The animals have no opinion, the ship doctor Dokot does not matter, and there are many diseases in the East China Sea waiting for him to treat and crack.

“I want to leave everyone for the time being and return to the Bounty Hunters Guild, once the sniper is rusty, it will be troublesome.” It is indeed difficult for the Gunners to improve after a long period of repair without fighting, Van Oka’s idea is understandable, and he is still hanging under the name of the White Horse Pirates, there is nothing to object.

After receiving the redhead reception on Drifting Snow Island for a few days, everyone planned to return home.

“Boy, the next time we meet, I will call Mihawk, he will be surprised, and who loses and wins by then, it may not be.” The redhead personally saw off Cavendish and the others, which was enough to see the importance he attached to Cavendish Xush.

Hundred Beast Pirates, there are 13 captains, named according to playing cards, from A-10 ten captains, and then there are JQK three disasters, drought jack, the remaining two disasters according to the calculation, the three disasters in Buddhism are divided into three major disasters and small three disasters, the small three disasters do not matter, the big three disasters refer to fire, flood, wind disaster, fire corresponds to jack, should be fire to the first zen, flood to the second zen, and the wind disaster can blow the three zen, in the corresponding playing card jack, queen, king, Therefore, the queen of the flood, the king of the wind disaster, if there is a deputy captain, it is the little king, and Kaido is the big king.

Analyzing the character, the Leng Yan Sutra talks about the three great plagues, and the cause of the flood is greed, and if the greed of people all over the world gradually increases, it will be flooded. The cause of the fire is blindness, volcanic eruption, blindness. The cause of the storm is foolishness; Hurricanes and tornadoes are mainly caused by foolishness.

Anger, anger and resentment. Take the two words apart, blind, open your eyes and stare at people. Anger. It’s still very similar to Jack’s unreasonable image (and keeps giving Jack’s eyes close-ups from the beginning of his appearance). Moreover, as the first to appear in the three plagues, it is still the J in the playing cards, and the weakest strength corresponds to the past that Hatsuzen said.

And this time, it was the drought, one of the three plagues, who went out to find the whereabouts of Cavendish and on the Mammoth, Jack was asking his subordinates Lappshead and Kim Lamy if they had obtained the white horse. News of Cavendish Promise’s whereabouts.

“Someone witnessed them coating the submersible Fishman Island, and it is estimated that they have reached the new world.” Lappshead reports the information he gets to Jack.

Wearing a ponytail and two twisted braids, a strong physique, a metal jaw on his mouth, two ivory-like ornaments on his head and shoulders, willow spikes full of spikes, and a feathered coat, sitting on a huge special chair, Jack was obviously very unhappy with this answer, but he would return to the garrison with the fruit or Cavendish within a month after issuing a military warrant, but now he has not found Cavendish whereabouts for two weeks.

At this time, Cavendish and others are returning to the first half of the Great Voyage according to the sailing route given by the redhead, although they know that diving from the Chambord Islands through Fishman Island and then floating can reach the new world, but no one coated when they go back, or make a request to the world government, and then directly pass through the holy land Marie Joa at the peak of the Red Continent, but the ship can not drive Mari Joa, so they can only abandon the ship, it costs a lot of money to buy a new ship, and the application is time-consuming, but it is safe, but the red-haired pirate group has long opened up a new route , without passing through these two to return to the great route.

However, the road was hidden but dangerous enough, and the ship was forced to dock on a small island because of some problems touching the reef.

“Roar!” There are many creatures on the island that have been clearly extinct, dinosaurs, titan pythons, aeolian pterosaurs, all of which are giant creatures, just like Luffy and the small garden they experienced, but there are obviously many more creatures here than the creatures in the small garden.

“If only someone ate the pet fruit at this time, so much labor and food, it’s really fantastic.” Cavendish felt that if he brought out a group of animals, it would be enough to form a powerful group of animal pirates, but unfortunately, although the creatures here are very powerful, they are not rational, and Mou and other animals cannot communicate with them.

Silently noting the location of the island, Cavendish planned to come here to catch pets after a new crew member ate the pet fruit, but it was not impossible to take everything, and the human-sized dinosaur eggs brought many varieties back and prepared to raise them.

Although there is no boatman, this kind of filling the funnel is basically the most basic thing, and after repairing the ship, continue to return to the first half of the great voyage.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 19th to September 21st)

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