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Jack was destined to break his word, he spent a month looking for Cavendish in the New World, but he didn’t know that Cavendish had returned to the first half of the Great Voyage, and here was also the time when Van Oka was ready to separate from the army, took out a bunch of white powder, and then mixed it with his own nail powder, and the life card was done, and the white powder was still given to him by Shanks before leaving, saying that he would use it, and gave his life card to Van Oka, and Van Oka also left his life card, so he got on the boat and left alone.

Along the way, the hull is already tattered, and it is necessary to find someone to repair it in time, and it is of course best to return to the place where the ship was made in the capital of seven waters.

The capital of seven waters, French, is not called Franky now, but Katy. Fram, back in the capital of seven waters.

“Frankie, Mr. Tom gave me a copy of it and asked me to hand it over to you, but because many things have not been given before, I will now give it to you for safekeeping.” Tom opened the layer after layer of safes, took out a drawing and handed it to French.

“What Mr. Tom left me?” Frankie took the drawing that Tom handed him, and he could vaguely see from one side that it was the design of a battleship, and looking at the design drawing, he couldn’t help but think of the past.

He was born in a family of pirates in the South China Sea, and crossed the great voyage with his parents before he understood things, and was abandoned in the seven islands of water at the age of 10 because he was deemed difficult to discipline by his parents, Mr. Tom saw that he had a talent for making cannons at a young age and his hands itched Frankie let him work under him, Frankie invented 36 French Battle ships when he was under Tom, which was stolen by the Navy and used it to direct and attack the warship, so that Tom was charged with attacking the judicial ship and escorted to the hall of Ainiace, Frankie is seriously injured in a collision attempt to block the sea train that took Tom.

Fortunately, he used a large amount of steel on a nearby scrapped ship and transformed himself into a Coke-fueled remodeler. His family register on the seven islands of Mizuno-Shichima is registered as Kat Foram, so the world government only knows his name as Kat Foram, plus the fact that the navy could not find Frankie’s body at that time and declared him dead, so he dared to appear now.

After hiding outside for four years, he met with his senior brother Esbagu in the form of a modified person, and only then did he have this scene, the drawings of the ancient weapon Hades were entrusted to Franky, and it was really because of this Hades’ drawings that the previous government personnel framed Tom to seize the drawings.

“No matter what kind of ship you build, it doesn’t matter what kind of ship you build in the future. However, no matter who your ship hurts, even if it destroys the world, the master must love it. Only the one who created it cannot deny it, cannot reproach it. The man will sound the boat out of the local area! Franky remembered the last words Tom had said to him.

Tom was taken to Justice Island to be executed on charges of building a ship for One Piece, but his great contribution to the capital of the seven waters is undeniable, and the merits of making the Sea Train are erased.

“It’s back! The capital of seven waters, it really feels strange how you look at it. “Looking at the sea train roaring past the sea, Yui and the fighting eagle and the sea hare were shocked to be able to drive on the sea!

“Hi Barry, long time no see.” In front of the shipyard, Cavendish met Barry, who was smoking a cigar, and it was estimated that he had lost money in gambling and borrowed cigarettes to relieve his worries.

“Hakuba, didn’t you go to the New World? How did it come back? Barry looked at Cavendish very curiously, he thought that Cavendish should have gone to the New World at this time.

“Well, I went, but I felt that the strength was not enough, so I came back to exercise again, but on the way back, I encountered many things and the hull was damaged a lot, so I asked you to repair it, the ship stopped in the port, this is the maintenance money, you let people repair it, I have to enjoy a rare leisure.” Leaving the money cavendish, I was ready to experience the sea train, but last time I was too anxious and the huge waves did not have time to experience it.

Nami went shopping with a group of people, and Cavendi didn’t have that nature, rented a fishing rod, bought a bunch of recent newspapers and fished on the surface.

“That is? Frankie? “While fishing, Cavendish saw French, what was still in his hand, carefully recalled the original plot, this time was almost the time when Franky got the Pluto drawings from the iceberg, Cavendish was hooked, after determining Franky’s residence, bought a camera and prepared for a night visit, although he was not particularly eager for Pluto, but it would not be a bad thing to grab a copy of Pluto’s design in his hands, Pipe Kurt asked for a drug and easily sneaked into French’s room, When Franky had not yet hidden the design in the safe, he took a random picture of the design drawing, then put it back in its place and left as it was.

In this world, there has been an additional information on the design drawing of Hades since then, and Cavendish only glanced at it a few times, and threw it into the cabin without understanding anything, and I can’t use this thing for the time being, and I may be able to take it out and exchange something in the future.

A professional ship repairer is a professional, and the outside looks like a new ship, and it is impossible to see where there was any damage before, and after preparing the supplies, everyone moved towards the windless belt, ready to return to the East China Sea. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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