Since the top eight of the "Moon Lotus Cup" Animal Trainer Contest were able to take the participating mushrooms away and raise them, Layla, who hoped to be accompanied by the mushrooms, also participated in the "Moon Lotus Cup". Exhausted while using the Orb of Mind to find his fellow mushrooms, he is helped by Traveler, Paimon, and Henier. Layla's ace mushroom is the floating wind mushroom "Spinning Beast". After going through the "special training" mentioned by Yae Miko with the Traveler, he played well in the tournament and managed to reach the quarterfinals, losing the duel with the Traveler. Entrust the Wanderer to the Traveler before the final to compete in the showdown with Henier. When the Traveler is besieged by the Fatui, he breaks the barrier with Miko and Hanieer to help, and after awakening the controlled mushroom beast with everyone, he watches the Fatui being defeated. Finally, while waiting for the Orb of Mind to improve, Layla temporarily entrusts the Spiral to Henier, who is determined to reconcile with the Mushroom. Invitation Event: Layla Act 1 "Hoshimoto Speaks" Layla is troubled by completing her dissertation and comes to the Akademiya to find the legendary "Wise Fairy" who can solve all problems. The traveler happened to pass by the Akademiya and met Layla, who talked to her about studying at the Akademiya, mentioning that she had a sleep disorder, so she sometimes sleepwalked, and always seemed to be helped by another mysterious being in her studies, calling her "Blessing of the Starry Sky", but thinking that the "Blessing of the Starry Sky" could not always help her, so she decided to find the legendary "Wise Fairy" to answer her questions. The traveler chooses to help Layla find the "Wise Fairy" to answer her questions. After leaving a message to the "Knowing Wisdom Fairy", Layla received a reply from the "Knowing Wisdom Fairy", but the "Knowing Wisdom Fairy" thought that Layla's question was an attempt to get something for nothing, so she did not directly inform the answer, but left many clues, asking Layla to seek the help of the "Knowing Wisdom Fairy" to write her paper. Instead of following the "Wise Fairy" to find clues, the Traveler and Layla planned to find the "Wise Fairy" himself. After collecting a lot of information about the "Wisdom Fairy", the traveler found that many rumors about the "Wisdom Fairy" were similar to Layla, and vaguely guessed the true identity of the "Wisdom Fairy" and "The Blessing of the Starry Sky", and chose to induce Layla to enter a sleepwalking state and saw Layla's second, more confident personality manifested in the sleepwalking state, and learned that it was the "Wisdom Fairy" and the "Blessing of the Starry Sky". The second personality of Layla does not want her existence to further deny her own worth, and affirms her talents, hoping that the Traveler will keep it a secret when she wakes up, but after Layla wakes up, she realizes that the Traveler is hiding something from her and begins to ask questions. Ending: "The Unspeakable" The traveler and Layla follow the clues left by the "Knowing Fairy" to find them, and along the way, they pass through many places that leave Layla with bad memories, such as the place where Layla lost the amulet given by her mother, the place where Layla's rented experimental equipment was scrapped and she went into debt, and the place where Layla witnessed her family being robbed by the Treasure Troop but was unable to do anything about it, which made Layla feel a sudden increase in stress. The traveler believes that the "Wise Fairy" is teasing Layla, and proposes to stop looking for clues in order to take care of Layla's body and mind. The two were attacked by monsters while resting, and this time Layla summoned up the courage to fight side by side with the Traveler in order not to repeat her past regrets, and finally defeated the monsters, and Layla took the first step of courage. Ending "I don't want to repeat the mistakes of the past" The traveler is willing to accompany Layla to continue to look for clues, and Layla does not choose to escape, the two come to Vimo Village according to the last clues, and meet the family that was robbed by the Treasure Hoarders, and learned that it was Layla who went to Sumeru City to find a helper to drive away the Treasure Hoarders, and then had a relationship with this family, but Layla didn't know about it. The family gave Laila the letter she had left at their house, in which she found the amulet she had lost, as well as the letters that Lyra's second personality had left to her, and in which she received encouragement and support, causing her to cry. Ending "Costs and Rewards" The traveler advises Layla to write her essay on her own, but also thinks that Layla needs more rest to study more efficiently, so she goes to the Puspa Cafe. In the café, the two meet Layla's classmate Munell, who is very dissatisfied with Layla's behavior of always being very good but pretending not to know anything, and not wanting to help other classmates, Traveler stands up for Layla, and also learns that Layla is unsociable, easily anxious, and cares about the opinions of others. In order to help Laila relieve stress, the traveler advises Laila to relax completely. Layla and the traveler went to the countryside of Sumeru to enjoy a meal, swim by the lake, reminisce about the feeling of home, and cry out happily after climbing to the top of the mountain. That night, in the company of the traveler, Layla slept well for the first time in a long time. Ending "A Moment of Restful Sleep" The traveler suggested that Layla take the initiative to solve his own problem, and Layla mentioned that her thesis was still unfinished with the most critical part of the surveying and mapping, but she could not borrow an astrological observer, so she went to Catherine's introduction to find the astrology enthusiast Azam for help, and Azam admired Layla's astrological knowledge very much, and lent her own collection of high-precision planetariums. After that, Traveler and Layla went to the Palace of Wisdom for a mock defense. After a successful mock defense, Layla finally completed her dissertation, but she also realized that if she could really take charge on her own, she might no longer need the help of the "blessing of the stars", and she was reluctant to do so. Ending "It Comes Naturally" As the traveler asks a completely different question from the subject that Layla had prepared during the mock defense, Layla falls into maximum anxiety, and the "Blessing of the Stars", that is, Layla's second personality, also appears in this situation, writing down many points related to the defense and questions that may be asked, as well as some words of encouragement for the more timid self, asking the traveler to give these to Layla and asking the traveler to hide his existence from Layla. Ending "The Expectation of the Starry Sky" The Grand Ceremony and Wisdom Act 1 "Butterflies Go to Butterflies" This year's Academy Competition is a representative of the Ming Theory faction. Role-related Layla's name Layla is of Persian origin and means "night". In terms of character design, Layla has a dual personality, and when she sleeps, she becomes a more confident and open personality than usual (see Character Story 5). Layla will sleep in the resulting "Curtain of Sleep" after unleashing her Elemental Skill, which many players have joked about resembling the position of the Ice Abyss Mage lying in a shield. Considering that the Abyssal Mage and most of the hilichurls were transformed from the cursed remnants of Kanria, some people even complained that "the hilichurls should feel similar to us looking at the Abyss Mage as we look at Layla." Due to the official release of Layla's character introduction image by mistake as "God's Vision" as "God's Heart", Layla inexplicably has the title of "Ice God" among players.

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