The Rido Brahma Academy is one of the six major schools under the jurisdiction of the Sumeru Fataka, and it is the Mingshu faction of the six schools that occupy this college. The research objects of the six schools are different, and the research center of the Ming School is the starry sky that has enveloped all living beings from ancient times to the present. Layla was one of the many scholars of the Minglun School. She hadn't been studying at the Akademiya for a long time, but she had already been given a lot of strange names. "Sleepwalking Monster", "Humanoid Self-Propelled Calculator", "Essay from the Sky"... These are the nicknames given to her by people who know Layla. And as the days go by, her nickname continues to increase. Character Story 1 (Opens after Opinion Level 2) There are always two types of people in each training room of the Akademiya: One is skilled and calm, whether it is doing experiments or writing papers, they can always put on a comfortable appearance. The other group of people was full of sorrow and sighed. They were at a loss to hold the experimental equipment for a while, and then they wrote two words on the paper and crossed them out, looking very painful. Layla in the training room undoubtedly falls into the latter category. Poor health and lack of sleep are the norm for some scholars, but in Layla's case, the situation seems to be particularly serious. Her huge eyes and tired face clearly told the story of how much pressure she was under. When I got closer to her, I could even hear Layla muttering "I can't think of it", "Why", "It's over"... Words like that make people sympathetic. The Akademiya is not only the most desirable temple for scholars, but also a source of their nightmares. Countless scholars here endure the torture of failed experiments and proven theories. It is said that there are many students who choose to drop out of school every year because they can't bear the pressure. Layla, it seems, is on the verge of giving up. But in fact, several classmates who enrolled in the same batch as her have left, but she is still persevering. On the road to knowledge, talent is important, but perseverance is also essential. Character Story 2 (Opens after Opinion Level 3) The reason why Layla's physical fitness is so bad is because she has been suffering from insomnia for a long time, which in turn comes from the pressure of schoolwork. All Akademiya students are required to take courses, complete a dissertation, and pass an examination or review meeting. It doesn't sound complicated, but each of them requires a lot of time and effort from the students. Unfortunately, Layla's dissertation was always slower to complete than others. She always has to think for a long time: is her argument reasonable? Will it be too simple compared to her classmates? Every time she calculates, she can't help but wonder herself: Is this really accurate? Even if it is, is this the most concise way? She felt that since she was a student of the Akademiya, she must not slack off in her schoolwork, but the more she thought about it, the more she did not dare to write hastily. In such hesitation, time slipped quietly from her fingertips and between her brows. The homework that should have been completed was still there, and not a word was moved. She had to stay up late again and save the sleep until the day. However, as soon as the day dawned, a new school awaited her, and everything seemed to have turned into a vicious cycle. Her body began to show abnormalities. She often gets up from her sleep and walks around, only to wake up with no memory of what she did, much like the legendary phenomenon of "sleepwalking". Classmates who have heard her "sleepwalking" say that she seems to appear in various places irregularly and suddenly, and no one can fully say where she went or what she did. Along with the act of "sleepwalking", there is another strange thing in her life. Every time she "sleepwalks" and wakes up, she finds that all the papers she hadn't written before going to bed have been completed. And these papers are logically rigorous, the data is accurate, and even the handwriting on the paper is her own. What's even more bizarre is that the author unceremoniously criticized other people's papers and research methods in her name. It's not something she can do by herself, who is joking with her? But Layla thought back to her journey, and from her hometown to the Akademiya, no one seemed motivated to do so. In Sumeru, the proverb often uses the phrase "Heavenly Paper" to describe an impossible miracle, but what happened in front of her eyes was not a "Heavenly Paper". Did the great starry sky finally respond and bless her, moved by her persistent study of astrology? Whatever the truth, "Starry Sky Blessing" solved her urgent need, and she was able to turn in papers for several courses. The rest, let's wait until she has the energy, and then it's time for her to go to class. Character Story 3 (Available after Opinion Level 4) In addition to her heavy schoolwork, Layla will also find time to relax. She loves to take a boat trip to Port Omos to hang out. There, the merchants set up their stalls, selling all kinds of new and interesting gadgets, and displayed all kinds of jaw-dropping tricks, which always refreshed the tired Layla. She had seen the wonderful challenge of throwing knives, where the desert folk's adept knives rose and fell, and the apple was placed in the distance. She'd seen strange people who claimed to be able to fly, and who could fly off the ground with just a mediocre blanket. What impressed her the most was a stall owner who invited people to draw lotteries. At his stall, pieces of paper marked with different prizes are placed in wooden boxes, and the stall owner shuffles the wooden boxes containing the prizes at an alarming speed, and finally invites those who are interested in participating in the lottery to choose the wooden boxes. Layla hadn't won the jackpot once in the first few times she participated in the lottery, but the more she participated, she slowly saw the way. The stall owner's hands are so fast that it is difficult for ordinary people to see clearly, but his left thumb barely moves as he moves the box. The closer you get to the wooden box of his left thumb, the smaller the change in position becomes. With her keen observational skills, Layla has hit the jackpot many times. When the curious stall owner learned that Laila had discovered his housekeeping skills through observation, he couldn't help but admire the little girl and willingly gave Laila a generous bonus. For Layla, whether or not she can get the prize money is secondary, and it is the most joyful thing to see such a wonderful technique. She did not despise acrobatics and craftsmanship as the conservatives in the Akademiya did, but were grateful for the good mood of the vendors in Port Ormos. Character Story 4 (Available after Opinion Level 5) At the end of her first year at the Akademiya, Layla had written down her strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper, planning to make a personal summary. Her observation and speculation skills are not bad, and she can always quickly draw the trajectory of stars according to the star map, which is twice as fast as others. In addition, her arithmetic is also quite passable. Faced with some simple arithmetic problems, she doesn't even need a pen, and she can report the answers in the blink of an eye. Before entering the Akademiya, Layla had a chance encounter with her future mentor. At that time, the mentor praised her, saying that she was a child blessed by the stars and had the qualifications to seek knowledge. It was these strengths that gave her hope and gave her the courage to pursue wisdom at the Akademiya. But after actually stepping into the Akademiya, she realized that compared with her peers, her strengths seemed to be not worth mentioning. The Akademiya was as strong as a forest, and with the best of the best, she couldn't help but feel overshadowed. As for the shortcomings, Layla felt that she had a lot of them in her mind - for example, she always looked ahead and thought about problems, and it took a long time to come up with an idea. She's also not good at socializing. When discussing issues with everyone, I am always considered to be pretending to be high-minded and disdain to discuss because I don't like to express my opinions. Probably because of this, she doesn't have many friends in the hospital. What made her even less confident was that many of the papers she handed in were not written by herself, but the blessings brought by the "Starry Sky Blessing". In Layla's opinion, she was surprised that she was the teacher herself, and I was very optimistic about this student. Some people, because of their overly cautious personality, always believe that they are not good enough, and they will humbly bury their heads in the future. It is precisely this kind of comparison that will never be self-talented, which is still too far behind. But she also longs to be excellent, and she can't be unrestrained to be able to compare with real geniuses, and once her body goes into hibernation, her heart gains a temporary self-esteem

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