In the past few days, in the square of Marin Fando, there is a new scenery.

This pleasing sight usually appears in the morning, noon, and evening of the day.

Well, it's just a big beautiful woman lying on a lookout in the square, looking at the sea in the distance.

Needless to say, who this person is, the beauty of Marin Fando can really be counted on one hand.

"Gion, why are you here again? As I said, it will take at least three days to return from the South China Sea to Marin Fando, and Luo Lan and they still have to hand over tasks and deal with things, how can they arrive so quickly. "

Tsuru stood at the bottom of the observatory and shouted at Gion on the observatory.

Gion was bored and leaned on the railing of the observation deck, completely ignoring the crane's words, and just continued to look at the sea in the distance.

Tsuru sighed, knowing that he wouldn't expose it. It's nice to make that girl silly.

As soon as he exposed it like this, Luo Lan went directly to the South China Sea the next day after it was exposed, and it has been three months now.

If you don't poke that girl, at least you can still have some thoughts, and you can have a silly fun every day, so as for the way it is now.

And Gion looked at the sea in the distance of Marin Fando, and thought to himself.

"Luo Lan, why hasn't he come back yet? Obviously, the mission has ended, and the news of the return came two days ago, why hasn't it arrived at this time..."

Gion's mind became more and more confused, and then he simply lay on the railing completely and began to be in a daze.

And what is Luo Lan doing at this time?

Oh, they caught some pirates on the way back, and they didn't stop by to send them to Advance City.

Anyway, the city of Advance and Marin Fando are not very far away.

It's not a waste of time to send it along the way.

After handing over the last unlucky egg to Magellan, the current deputy director, Luo Lan also took a boatload of drunkards who were about to go to the tavern for a drink.

Three months, do you know how they spent these three months?

I'm so busy with all kinds of things every day that I can't even drink alcohol! As for what taverns to say, there are, but if they are caught, they will be directly confined.

No way, one yard to one yard.

Although Luo Lan is also very similar to drinking, he doesn't want all the soldiers under him to go to work drunk.

I finally got a good image for the Navy, but I didn't want them to lose the results that they had created with a lot of brain cells.

But it's common sense that everyone in the world of pirates is an alcoholic!

How can you let them endure it?

Even Sakaski, who has always been self-disciplined, has some expectations.

The beer on the entire fleet was actually all brought by Luo Lan, and the quantity was not much, only four or five bottles, which had already been killed by Luo Lan and Kuzan on the return trip.

And beer is something like that, and it's hard to drink!

"Target Tavern, Rush Rush!"

After sending all the pirates into the city, Luo Lan stood on the deck and raised his arms.


The Navy soldiers below also responded.

A boatload of people departed amid cheers.

Magellan, who had not had time to walk away, witnessed the whole process.

"What a bunch of drunkards... Not...... Not good! Toilet toilet toilet! "

Magellan, who just wanted to sigh a few words, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and immediately rushed to the toilet.


From the observation deck, looking at the sea that was still calm and could not be seen except for the warships docked in the bay of Marinfando, Gion sighed.

Looks like it won't be there today, right?

As the twilight grew, so did the bells of Marinfando.

Those who live here know that this bell is the changing of the guard of the Navy, that is, the time for dinner.

Gion patted his hungry little belly and prepared to step down from the lookout.

But just as she was about to go down, she saw a sail in the distant sea, and heard a familiar voice.

"Speed up for me! Rush Rush! "

Gion's eyes lit up, he picked up the binoculars and looked at it, and when he saw the person standing at the front of the deck of the warship, he also shouted excitedly: "Luo Lan! "

Immediately, she simply jumped directly from the lookout and stepped on the moon steps.

"Luo Lan..."

Gion stood on the edge of the dock, looking at Luo Lan, who was approaching quickly, and suddenly became nervous.

What should I do, what do I have to say to Luo Lan then? How to open your mouth better? What topics would be natural to talk about?

Just when she was nervous, the warship at full power had already docked.

"Luo Lan, I..."

Gion saw Luo Lan, who was the first to jump off the boat, and just after saying a few words, he felt a hurricane pass by him.

"Brothers, target tavern, rush rush!"


With a roar, Luo Lan took Sakasky and Kuzan, as well as a group of sailors behind him, and rushed directly towards the town of Marin Vando.

Well, Gion was ignored.

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