Gion stood on the edge of the dock, his whole body disheveled.

What's going on, and why is the scene different from what she expected?

No, I'll have to ask for it myself!

Remember what Luo Lan said about the tavern just now, right?

There are so many taverns in Marin Vando, and so many people go to taverns, it should be easy to find.

Gion gritted his teeth, and simply didn't eat, and he was hungry and had to go to Luo Lan to ask for clarification.

She didn't believe that Luo Lan was really a wood!


"Huh? What did you say? "Sora, who had just finished eating, listened to the report of the guards, and the whole person was messy.

What did he hear?

Luo Lan took a boatload of naval soldiers to directly "occupy" all the taverns owned by Marin Fando.

The thousands of elites he took away all turned into drunkards at the moment and drank in the tavern.

Including Luo Lan himself, as well as Sakasky and Kuzan.

"Forget about Luo Lan and Kuzan, why don't even Sakasky make trouble."

Sora instantly felt that the trigeminal nerve was so painful, and the few serious children in the navy were also taken crookedly?

"You commanded to go down... Tell the patrol to be careful and don't let them get drunk and make trouble. By the way, call Zefa here. "

Sora rubbed his skull, and instantly felt that this marshal was so difficult to do.

That is, this is Luo Lan taking the lead, otherwise he will definitely give an order to stop this behavior.

If this news spreads, what will happen to the reputation of the Navy?

What if everyone thinks that the Navy is a bunch of guys who only know how to drink?

If it weren't for Luo Lan's actions in the South China Sea this time, which would have made the navy a double reputation, the air force would definitely have taught a good lesson about this serious violation of military discipline.

After a few minutes, Zefa arrived at the scene in his pajamas.

Recently, the boot camp was on vacation, and he, an old man, also rested early.

If he hadn't come to call for free, he would have slept soundly by this time, and maybe he would have gotten up and gone to the toilet to go back to sleep.

"Kong Shuai, are you looking for me?"

"Well, your students are drinking heavily, and the impact is not very good, so you can take care of it."

"Hahahaha, is it Luo Lan and Kuzan, those two kids? What happened to the two young men drinking? "

Zefa didn't care, he was still very protective and chose to stand on Luo Lan's side.

Sora shook his head and said, "If it's just a few people, I don't bother to care." This time is different. "

"Could it be a dozen? I guess that's not a big deal, right? "

"You underestimate that guy Luo Lan too much... The thousands of men on his ship were now crammed into the taverns of Marin Vando. "

“...... This. "

Zefa was stunned, this may be the largest "public event" since the establishment of the Navy.

The Navy did not prohibit sailors from drinking outside of duty hours, otherwise Marin Vantow's tavern would not have opened so much.

But this is the first time that so many navies have been drinking together at once.

What's more important is that Luo Lan's group of people really didn't drink alcohol during duty hours, that is, they didn't report to work as soon as they returned.

At best, it was a small mistake, and the mistake was all in Luo Lan's leadership.

In other words, the alcoholism was justified. It's just that no one has ever tried this before.

This is the most distressing thing for Sora.

Zefa also shook his head and smiled: "It is worthy of being the deputy general staff of the navy, and he even understands it so well when he drinks wine." "

The other side.

"Hahaha! Brothers! one! "

Luo Lan stepped on the table, holding a wine glass bigger than his head in one hand and laughed.

Unlike Zefa thought, Luo Lan decided that this event was purely a hot head, and he was instantly on the top.

Of course, he's really on top now.

Alcohol makes people lose their minds, not to mention that he doesn't drink very well.

Kuzan, who had been helping to chill beer and make ice cubes on the side, also sighed when he saw Luo Lan like this.

"Hey... Senior Luo Lan was drunk again. "

Sakasky shook his head as well.

He belonged to the quieter kind of people, and he couldn't make a fuss, so he found a corner and drank a high number of distilled spirits to entertain himself, as if he didn't fit in with this tavern.

The owner of the tavern was happy to talk to Sakasky, after all, compared to the rest of the people, he looked normal.

"This gentleman, look at the money for tonight's drink..."

Seeing the boss's restrained look, Sakasky also understood the other party's concerns.

"Don't worry, we are the navy, and we won't pay our bills."

"Okay, but look at the broken cups and broken tables and chairs, can you also count them?"

Sakasky frowned, then saw the wreckage all over the ground.

"You can do it to him." Sakasky pointed to Luo Lan, who was singing and drinking on the table

"He's the big leader."

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