“Yeon-yeon, what are you going to do?” Qian Chengxue asked.

The authorities are fans, and she and Bibi Dong’s understanding of the plot and grasp of the future situation are completely inferior to Su Yan.

“Now don’t rush to deal with Tang San, what we have to do now is to enhance the status of the Martial Soul Hall in the hearts of the commoners, and try to attract talents for the Martial Soul Hall.” Su Yan said. As long as the Martial Soul Hall has the

hearts of the people, even if Tang San wants to overthrow the Martial Soul Hall, he must see if he has the ability to be an enemy of the whole world. Perhaps the ”

ice and jade” Tang San would only think that the civilians on the mainland had a way to die, but at that time, how big a storm could he make with him alone?

When Tang San joined Shrek, it was the beginning of Su Yan’s suppression of him.

Su Yan looked at Bibi Dong, “Mom, after you finish refining the soul ring with the Rakshasa Divine Power, I will return to the Martial Soul Hall to help you lift the Rakshasa Divine Examination.”

Bibi Dong nodded, “Okay, mom listens to you.”

Su Yan nodded and took out a prepared document, “Mom, sister, this is my plan for the future development of the Martial Soul Hall.

“Wuhun Hall Development Five-Year Plan (I)” Hi hi hey

, let the storm that Tang Xiaosan face come more violently!

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue took the document and read it carefully, Su Yan’s ability in this power scheme, even Bibi Dong, who had been in charge of the Martial Soul Hall for many years, was ashamed of himself.

Before, Bibi Dong couldn’t see the Martial Soul Hall as good, so naturally she would not take Su Yan’s suggestion, but now, after getting back together with her daughter, she sincerely hoped that the Martial Soul Hall could become bigger and stronger.

The two of them opened the catalog, combined with their previous understanding of Su Yan’s wrist, they could guess how much benefit these things would bring to the Martial Soul Hall if they were implemented.

(1) Internal reform of Wuhun Hall (internal affairs) (

2) Control of media and public opinion (people’s hearts) (

3) New type of catering and entertainment (finance) (

4) Real estate industry and banking (focus) (

5) Five-year induction and summary (reflection)

Next, Su Yan began to tell Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue about the detailed operation process and method one by one.

Internal reforms.

Su Yan knew that if the Martial Soul Hall wanted to become the continent unified empire that the true people’s hearts wanted, the Martial Soul Empire could not rely on the means of eliminating dissidents.

As long as the influence of the Martial Soul Hall is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it is impossible for the major forces to unite, or in other words, they have no effect if they unite.

With several titles and Qian Chengxue, the divine examiner, as long as the other party does not have a god-level powerhouse, there is no possibility of the Martial Soul Hall being destroyed.

“Mother, sister, do you remember, Miles, the Bishop of the Martial Soul Hall in Gengxin City?”

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue naturally remembered that they were both impressed by this person. Miles used the power of the Martial Soul Hall

to do all the evil, oppressing the people of Gengxin City for decades, but in the end, because he glanced at the rabbit, he was killed by Tang San, and the Martial Soul Branch Hall was also destroyed.

But whenever Tang San said at that time, “You are doing evil and oppressing the people”, Su Yan didn’t say anything.

As a result, the reason why Tang San killed Miles was that Miles glanced at the rabbit…

Tang San and his gang returned all the people’s fat and people’s ointment that Miles had collected over the years. The

intention of this paragraph in the original book is nothing more than two functions, to reflect the justice of the protagonist, and to reflect the evil of the Martial Soul Hall through the behavior of Bishop Myers.

But in this world, any big force has a dark side.

Su Yan’s most disgusting thing is the creature of the double-standard dog, the original book only describes the darkness of the Martial Soul Hall, are the two empires clean?

The darkness of the imperial nobles is even more unimaginable, in the eyes of the people, the nobles are avoided, only fear, no respect.

Su Yan remembered that in the original work, there was only one nobleman in the Tiandou Empire who could be loved by the people, Qian Chengxue played by “Xueqinghe”.

It’s ironic enough.

The original book used the sin of Miles to reflect that the Martial Soul Hall was an organization full of evil, thus creating the legitimacy and rationality of destroying the Martial Soul Hall for Tang San.

So, you united the Heaven Dou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the Annihilation Martial Soul Hall, these big forces, didn’t they hide dirt? But Tang San can be double-standard, and the Martial Soul Hall

cannot be double-standard, which is related to the attributes of the Martial Soul Hall, and it is a national organization.

As the largest soul master force on the mainland, the Martial Soul Hall has a strong appeal to the world’s soul masters, and it must be fair and just. Originally, the image of the

Martial Soul Hall in front of civilians was good, but those villains in the original work, even Bibi Dong, were doing one thing, that is, self-destructing the Great Wall.

Destroy the positive image that the Martial Soul Hall has established in front of the soul master! The Martial Soul Hall

did not dare to make a move against the two empires, because although the soul master served the Martial Soul Hall, they had their own country, and they would not make a move against their own country. But on the other hand, the soul master, and even everyone in the world, has the heart of the Martial Soul Hall, so the two

major empires and the seven major sects naturally have some fears of the Martial Soul Hall, which is a two-way check and balance.

But Bibi Dong in the original book originally wanted to destroy the Martial Soul Hall, so she did things a little recklessly.

Whether it was intercepting Tang San during the Soul Master Competition, or later launching a soul hunting operation to destroy two sects in a row, or establishing a Martial Soul Empire to provoke a war, these actions were all self-destroying the Great Wall.

What was destroyed was the good image that the Martial Soul Hall had established in the commoners, on the awakened civilian soul masters for thousands of years.

In a word, Tang San wanted to destroy you, but he was worried that there was no reason to make a move against you, so you gave up the reason! When the Martial Soul

Hall changed from a full-name organization to the so-called Martial Soul Empire, it had already lost the hearts of the people and lost the sense of belonging of the Heaven Dou and Star Luo civilians. The Martial Soul

Hall returned all the commoners who had a favorable impression of the Martial Soul Hall among the two empires and several principalities to their own countries.

The “Wuhun Empire” is also a country, and an empire naturally cannot consider the people of the world like a national organization.

Bibi Dong’s move undoubtedly greatly reduced the recognition of the Martial Soul Hall by the civilians, and coupled with her improper operation, it led to the rise of the mainland, and the major forces united to destroy the Martial Soul Hall.

Although the sins of people like Miles cannot rise to the overall organization of the Martial Soul Hall, you cannot deny that in the Martial Soul Hall, there is a Miles who does not know the clouds.

These people are all hidden dangers that the Martial Soul Hall wants to develop, and the first reform of Su Yan’s plan is to eliminate the moths within these organizations as much as possible.

After reading the first proposal, Bibi Dong pondered for a moment, “Yanyan, do you know how many people’s interests will be violated and how many voices of resistance will be violated if this proposal is passed?” When Su Yan

mentioned the name Miles, Bibi Dong understood what Su Yan meant, and she also knew that the depravity of the Martial Soul Hall back then was related to her indulgence.

If the Martial Soul Hall wants to change, it must clean up the pests, but this matter is too involved for her not to pay attention to.

“Mom, if the Martial Soul Hall wants to win the world, it must win the hearts of the people.” Su Yan said calmly, “Can you allow the Martial Soul Hall to be corroded by these moths and finally go to extinction?”

“As for resistance,” Su Yan sneered, “just kill it, there is no need to keep those scum.”

Hearing this, don’t say Bibi Dong, even Qian Chengxue was shocked, you know, Su Yan chose before, but if she can win over, she can win over.

However, the objects that Su Yan chose to woo were all Seven Treasure Glazed Sect or Dugu Bo, a group of degenerates, and they were not qualified to let her go to great lengths.

The white king dyed the throne of red and silver with the blood of untouchables.

If the first world that Su Yan crossed was the Douluo Continent, then she might send these people to prison and let them confess their mistakes in prison.

But now, give the old lady to hell to repent!

After emphasizing some precautions and teaching Bibi Dong some modern supervision systems, Su Yan began the next proposal, she knew what Bibi Dong would do.

For so many years, due to Bibi Dong’s indulgence, those moths in the Martial Soul Hall had long forgotten what kind of iron-blooded person their pope was, and it was time for them to pay for what they did. After this reform, the Martial Soul Hall will usher in a period of weakness,

but after this period of weakness, the various forces on the continent will face a more powerful and clear Martial Soul Hall.

This is the rebirth of Nirvana, and the Martial Soul Hall after that will be stronger than ever.

Article 2: The media and public opinion.

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue naturally know the importance of public opinion, but they have no experience in media wars, and Bibi Dong’s previous rotten proposal, this proposal has been shelved until now.

If the original proposal was passed, the current newspapers are estimated to have spread all over the mainland, and Bibi Dong was a little embarrassed.

In fact, there is nothing to say about this, Su Yan had already written down the precautions and handed them to Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu long before going to Tiandou City, but it is a pity that the two hang-up boys were not powerful.

Su Yan had no choice but to answer Bibi Dong’s question again, which could be regarded as solving Qian Chengxue’s confusion by the way.

What is easy to imitate in newspapers? Tiandou Daily, Xingluo Daily, Haotian Daily… How to cope? Again, the

Martial Soul Hall has the only advantage of the whole continent, it is a national organization, and Tiandou cannot affect Star Luo, and Star Luo cannot affect Tiandou. The Martial Soul Hall

covers the entire Douluo Continent and can serve the people of the world, and both commoners and nobles can obtain the services of the Martial Soul Hall. However, the two great empires

could only supply high-level ones, so even if the two great empires and the seven great sects followed suit, they would only be self-preservation, and they would not be able to truly influence the Martial Soul Hall at all. After all, the purpose of the Martial Soul Hall

is to let the people of the world know what the Martial Soul Hall wants them to know, and they are at most learning a fur and taking it for the nobles’ entertainment.

Even if a very few people saw that it was unusual, the Martial Soul Hall, as the first force to set foot in this field, had enough time to prepare. Just like the standards for establishing the Martial Soul System, as

long as the standards of the entire Douluo Continent media are established, a barrier has been formed, and if you want to get involved, you can only follow the standards of the Martial Soul Hall. Once the influence of the Martial

Soul Hall spread, they could only be frogs in that pot and slowly drown in the public opinion guided by the Martial Soul Hall.

As long as this proposal is passed, selling newspapers will become the industry of the major martial soul halls, and Su Yan has also set up a newspaper subscription service.

At the same time, Wuhun Daily also supports civilian submissions, and each selected work has a certain share.

Whoever masters spiritual food and honor, then he controls the world spiritually.

To be honest, there was a question that Su Yan was very curious about.

Martial souls are strange, there is no sickle hoe soul beast in the world, but there is a sickle hoe martial soul; There is no sausage soul beast, but there is a sausage martial soul. Therefore, is there an instrument martial soul first, or is there an

instrument first, and then there is an instrument martial soul?

These man-made items can become martial souls, so will there be “newspaper” martial souls in the future?

Give this continent another 10,000 years, is it possible that “my martial soul is AK”?

After Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue accepted the second article, Su Yan talked about the third one non-stop.

These four proposals seem complicated, but this is something to be done in five years, and Su Yan is confident that Bibi Dong, who has the support of Qian Daoliu, can do it.

New dining and entertainment.

In the floor tiles of Douluo Continent, where strength is supreme, Su Yan did not feel anything wrong with engaging in these “bells and whistles” things. Although Douluo Continent

respects strength, but the strong are a minority after all, more than ninety percent of the Douluo Continent are civilians, and less than one percent of the soul masters are bastards.

This plan can not only enrich the entertainment and cultural life of the aborigines of the Douluo Continent, but also provide jobs for many civilians and indirectly enhance the status of the Martial Soul Hall.

Civilians have jobs, soul masters in mixed days have a place to go, and the Martial Soul Hall has reaped wealth, maintaining law and order while gaining the support of civilians, why not? Moreover, she

has indeed been a little bored in recent years, and she has missed the milk tea and hot pot in the past.

There is nothing to say about this, the focus that Su Yan wants to emphasize is the real estate industry and banking business of the Martial Soul Hall.

As long as you play these two, it is a fart of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect?!

“Mom, sister, do you want to control the economic lifeline of the entire continent?” The corners of Su Yan’s mouth turned up, and the Dragon King-Su was on the line!

Bibi Dong and Qian Chengxue naturally knew what an “economic lifeline” was, and the two of them looked at each other and saw an excited look in each other’s eyes.

If that step can really be achieved, then the Martial Soul Hall will become irreplaceable, and no force wants to easily shake the foundation of the Martial Soul Hall. Moreover, the development of the Martial Soul Hall requires money, the

cultivation of geniuses requires money, and improving the influence of the Martial Soul Hall also requires money… Who would be afraid of too much money?

“What do you say?”

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