World Government, Holy Land Mary Joya.

The faces of each of the five old stars were a little heavy, and a little anger appeared in their pupils.

“Draco was killed by someone, killed above the fleet of heavenly gold!”

“Unforgivable. Draco is a world nobleman, and daring to kill Draco is the heaviest challenge to the world government! ”

“Is the enemy above the sea a pirate? Shouldn’t pirates be handed over to the Navy? Why are thieves still so rampant under their management? Even dared to openly kill Draco. ”

The five old stars, you say every word, the words are cold and with an awe-inspiring chill, especially when it comes to the navy at the end, the contempt and disdain in the words are clearly revealed.

“It seems that the Navy is still too sluggish and calls the Warring States! Let him give Draco an explanation as quickly as possible. ”

“But before that, go and appease Draco!”

The five old stars thought of appeasing the Draco, and their hearts added more anger to the existence that inexplicably killed the Draco.

Draco is notoriously difficult to deal with.

After the news reached the headquarters of the Navy, the headquarters of the Navy was shaken.

Among the naval medical rooms.

Sengoku looked gloomy, watching the medical staff constantly wiping the potion on his burns. Sighed heavily.

These burn potions make the injuries on Sengoku’s body not more serious.

He had already driven away the immortal Amaterasu, but even so, Sengoku had suffered a lot of injuries.

Although it was not a fatal injury, it was a shame for a naval marshal who rarely participated in frontal wars, being injured in the marshal’s office.

“Marshal of the Warring States! Five old stars called. ”

Sengoku’s expression changed slightly, “Bring the phone!” ”

After receiving the phone, Warring States was unsurprisingly severely criticized by the five old stars.

In the end, the five old stars gave the final order.

“At all costs, capture the pirates who hurt the Draco within this time!”

After hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku’s face turned blue and purple.

Just because of that kind of inexplicable attack, he was injured, and in a blink of an eye, he was severely criticized by the five old stars.

Warring States could not help but rise with anger in their hearts.

“What’s going on, who attacked Draco? Bring the intelligence? ”

After receiving the more detailed information, the Warring States looked at it twice, and they couldn’t help but be stunned.

It looks like a face of only fifteen or sixteen years old, and his strength is extremely strong, and he can drive huge purple skeletons, and its power is suspected to be that of a demon fruit ability…

Why does this power sound so familiar?

Isn’t this the attack method of that four-emperor-level imp when the red dog was attacked before?

“It was that imp who killed Draco.” Sengoku gritted his teeth, new hatred plus old hatred, he was completely angry.

There was a knock outside the door.

“Come in!”

After the Warring States answered, the yellow ape, the red dog, and the green pheasant rushed into the current three major generals.

“Marshal of the Warring States!”

“Wait a minute, there are still people coming!”

The three major naval generals glanced at each other, and their hearts were a little heavy.

Being able to let the three major appear at the same time is already a big deal, and the three admirals are still unable to handle it. You can imagine how tricky this thing is.

Could it be a big event about the Four Emperor-level Pirate Group?

After waiting a little longer, Karp and Tsuru also walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Karp said with a big grin, “Sengoku, now you should take a good health!” Don’t think so much if you’re okay? ”

While saying, he also nibbled on the senbei.

The corner of Sengoku’s mouth twitched twice, and he felt his headache.

If it weren’t for the fact that Karp is a naval hero, a legendary sailor, and Karp’s strength, he would never have summoned Karp together at such a moment.

“Marshal of the Warring States, what happened?” The green pheasant noticed that the Warring States was in a very complicated mood, and said after a moment of silence.

“Draco is killed!” Sengoku said heavily, and then looked around the scene.

To his surprise, everyone present was very flat on the news.

But soon, Sengoku remembered something and added another sentence.

“Kill Draco! It was the lawless imp who dared to attack inside the marshal’s office. ”

As soon as this sentence came out, no one could remain calm anymore. Even if he didn’t have a heart or lungs, his expression changed slightly.

“Attacking in the marshal’s office and injuring the Marshal of the Warring States, Lieutenant General Karp and General Akainu, who forced him to retreat, is really a remarkable character!”

The green pheasant sighed with some emotion, and there was a hint of battle intent in his eyes, he heard that the kind of flame that would never be extinguished, and even magma could be incinerated.

He was curious whether he could extinguish this flame with all his strength.

If it weren’t for the immortal flames being collected and sent to the special research room of the naval headquarters, the pheasant would definitely give it a try. But now, it seems that there is an opportunity.

“I’m going to send the navy on a crusade!” Sengoku said softly, lightly, but with firmness.

After pondering for a moment, Tsuru’s expression changed slightly, and he frowned and asked, “Can you confirm the location of the other party?” ”

Although Su Ye caused a great impact, after all, he was a newly rising existence.

And it is very different from the Four Emperors Pirate Group, Su Ye is only one person, so it is difficult to grasp the specific location of the other party.

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