“There are female warriors from Nine Snake Island who assist the other party, so it is convenient to be on Nine Snake Island.”

Time was urgent, and the Warring States did not hesitate much and said all the information.

After pondering for a moment, Sengoku scanned the presence for a week, “Which of you is willing to go to Nine Snake Island and fight the pirates?” ”

Hearing this, Karp said without the slightest hesitation, “I am willing to go to Nine Snake Island!” That little guy, very interesting, I also want to play with him when I am prepared to see who is stronger and who is weak. ”

Naval hero Karp! He has forced One Piece Roger into a corner several times and almost arrested, and is the most pinnacle existence on this sea. In essence, the combat effectiveness of the naval hero Karp is not inferior to that of Whitebeard.

Although the old combat power has slipped a little now, it is definitely the peak level of the general, and it is much stronger than the green pheasant red dog.

“Who else but Karp!”

Sakaski’s face was cold, with awe-inspiring killing intent, “And me!” Those who violate justice must arrest the other party, even at all costs. ”

If it’s just two people, it’s obviously not enough. Warring States was quite dissatisfied in his heart, but after looking around for a week, he found that the yellow ape had a casual look on his face, obviously not paying attention to this matter.

The childish face was quite excited. Seeing this scene, Sengoku made a decision in his heart.

“Yellow ape, you stay, the green pheasant follows the big team to fight against it.” Sengoku said in a deep voice.

The presence of two generals, plus naval hero Karp, should be able to arrest each other.

Although Su Ye’s strength is indeed terrifying, and his methods at home are strange, and he can appear in the marshal’s office by inexplicable means and hurt him, his essence is only the existence of the level of the four emperors.

If it is a four-emperor-level pirate group, with the two generals and Ekapi, it may only be able to contain it, but if it is only to deal with a four-emperor-level existence, it is more than enough to arrest him.

“Okay, no problem!” The pheasant nodded.

At this moment, when the naval headquarters was discussing things, in the cabin of the small sailboat returning to Nine Snake Island, Su Ye sat cross-kneeled.

After Su Ye killed the Draco and robbed the Heavenly Gold, the female warriors of Nine Snake Island were even more in awe of Su Ye.

After all, the One Piece world was originally a world where the strong were respected, and daring to attack or even kill the world nobleman Draco undoubtedly symbolized its own boldness.

But at this moment, Su Ye did not have the heart to accept the awe of the female warrior of Nine Snake Island. He is receiving a surprise at the moment.

“Spirit of Death, are you saying that because I killed Draco, and Draco himself possesses great evil, I am willing to make an exception for me and let me summon a top-level powerhouse soul?”

This can really be said to be a surprise, and Su Ye has seen it now. The spirit of death seems to take this aspect of the first killing more seriously.

For example, when he first killed the guilty pirate, he won a lottery.

And now, when he killed Draco for the first time, he also got a chance to reward.

Of course, this is a reward that can only be obtained by the first kill. If you kill Draco for the second time, or kill a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions for the second time, there will be no such good thing.

“Host, you are right,” the Spirit of Death said indifferently, “whether to start choosing!” ”

The voice of the death god elf was indifferent, there was no hurried urging, nor did it slow down, no matter what Su Ye chosen, he would not have the slightest fluctuation.

“Kill the Draco, I’m afraid the world government will go crazy! Although I have good strength now, it is good to go further. ”

Su Ye thought of this, his expression became solemn, and he nodded seriously without the slightest hesitation.

“No problem, let’s start the random selection now!”

Su Ye didn’t really value this, just because after he realized how many top powerhouse souls the Spirit of Death had, he didn’t bother to look for it himself.

Because there are too many, there are many names and surnames, and looking for them one by one will make Su Ye spend too much time.

Su Ye is simply random, maybe he can get an unexpected joy.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the soul of the dead of the Great Onmyoji An Yao Qingming!”

“Great Onmyoji An Qingming?” Su Ye was stunned, and then his expression took on a hint of strangeness.

Is the strength of the Great Onmyoji strong?

“Spirit of Death, briefly introduce the specific information of the Great Onmyoji An Yiqingming!” Su Ye said after hesitating for a moment.

Although the Great Yin-Yang Master An Bei Qingming had a great reputation in his previous life, there were too many guys carrying the name An Bei Qingming, and Su Ye couldn’t judge who An Bei Qingming was from a name alone.

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