Police Detective

Chapter 365 Makeup

When he thought that he could rest for four days starting tomorrow, Bai Song continued to grit his teeth and persevere.

He could persist for an hour no matter what. Bai Song felt that he was not that fragile yet. After all, today was just a "test".

When I returned to the house in the afternoon, Bai Song felt like his whole body was falling apart.

"How's it going? Is it okay?" Qiao Qi asked.

"No problem!" Bai Song said.

"Well, okay, this frequency is pretty good. From now on, running every day will remain the same. You can only practice this kind of exercise after work. On weekends, you can go swimming or something to relax, but you can't give it up completely." Qiao Qi said: "You still have to run tonight, don't forget it."

"Ah?" Bai Song said quickly: "Tomorrow is May Day, I have to use the car. How can I not drive the car home?"

"Isn't this simple? Why don't you get up early tomorrow and run to the parking lot to pick up the car?"

There really is a way.

"Okay!" Bai Song gritted his teeth and agreed.

Qiao Qi came over with a smile and began to give Bai Song some restorative massage, "I'll tell you about disguise in a moment."

Regiment-level cadres can choose their own careers.

After choosing a job independently, you will still receive a generous retirement pension every month, which is higher than the pension of a civil servant, and you don’t have to do anything.

Most of those who want to change careers and become police officers want to make more contributions, so Qiao Qi is naturally happy to support his juniors.

Of course, there is often a gap between ideals and reality. After many army cadres transferred to the police station, they were not afraid of fatigue, but they were still made uncomfortable by extremely complicated things, and many of them ended up retiring early.

At the end of this day, I still learned basic disguise. The waterproof makeup on my face was very interesting. It was the first time for Bai Song to put on makeup at such a big age, which was quite novel.

This kind of makeup is different from women's makeup. It is mainly for change rather than for better appearance. Therefore, it requires relatively high skills and a sense of comprehensiveness and drawing.

Maybe in a few years, Zhao Xinqiao will have to ask Bai Song how to put on makeup.

Thinking of this, Bai Song felt secretly happy, as if he didn't even feel tired after running straight home from work.

Before leaving get off work, Qiao Qi took out a mat from his cabinet, "I'm at home on May Day, so I still have to do basic push-ups and the like."

"Is this a yoga mat?" Bai Song asked, "I have this."

"Do you have one? This is a marching mat that contains a certain amount of aramid fiber. If you don't want it, forget it." After saying that, Qiao Qi was about to put it back in the cabinet. He had just put it back halfway when his eyes suddenly flashed and was snatched away by Bai Song.

"Master Qiao, you are just too polite." Bai Song kneaded the mat. The material was much harder than ordinary yoga mats. It was definitely not as comfortable to use as a yoga mat, but you couldn't buy this thing.

Aramid is a fabric with insulation properties. And its other name is well known-Kevlar. Different types of aramid fiber are mainly used for bulletproof vests, bulletproof cloth, bridge reinforcement, and seismic reinforcement.

"Why are you grabbing it?" Qiao Qi scolded with a smile: "This has been kept for a long time. Take it back and flatten it to dry first."

"Hey, okay."

As a boy, there is always little resistance to things with the word "military industry" on them.

After taking the piece of cloth into the car, Bai Song immediately spread it flat and hung it on the clothes drying rack behind the driver's seat. Because it was too wide, Bai Song directly clamped it with two clips on the clothes hanger, leaving more than half of the cloth hanging underneath. Hanging to the ground.

It’s really comfortable to take advantage of nothing~

After parking the car, Bai Song didn't take the cloth for now. He locked the car and ran back home.

Today is more tiring than yesterday, mainly because the training at noon was really unambiguous. When he returned to his residence, Bai Song felt that he was about to become an immortal, his mind was confused, and the six eggs at noon were as if he had not eaten.

On this trip, Bai Song used the navigation software to measure the walking distance from beginning to end, and then calculated the pace. It was indeed about 7 minutes, but he persisted in running the whole distance, which made him very excited.

I can have another fish for dinner!

What a shame. Bai Song feels good about himself and is now able to go out to restaurants and order food every day! Thinking of this, Bai Song gained some more spiritual strength and entered yesterday's restaurant.

As soon as I entered, I was hit again. The table where half of the food ordered yesterday came again.

Generally speaking, if you pay after ordering a meal and the customer leaves after eating half of the meal, the restaurant will not clean it up directly. Because I don’t know if the guests are still eating, I have to wait for a while, otherwise it will be unclear if they really come back after cleaning up.

There are so many left on this table today, and there are even more left than yesterday.

Yesterday was fine, only a few vegetables were left, but today even bacon and other things were left, which was a waste.

Just after running, Bai Song was not very hungry, so he approached the owner of the restaurant and expressed that he wanted to learn how to cook boiled fish, and pointed out that he had come to eat it yesterday.

This is not a private dish, it is just a very common way. The difficulty lies not in the procedure but in the knife skills and the heat, so the boss did not hide his secrets and told Bai Song that he could stand outside the kitchen and watch - the open kitchen.

"Little brother, you can watch as you like, but you look a little unfamiliar." The restaurant owner felt that Bai Song was lying to him: "I didn't have the impression that you came to eat fish yesterday."

"I actually came here yesterday and ordered boiled fish, boiled chicken and so on. It felt very good." Bai Song praised: "The taste is very good."

"Then I don't have much impression." The boss scratched his head.

"Oh oh oh, wait a minute." Bai Song then thought of something. He was still wearing makeup!

Thinking of this, he ran to the bathroom and took off his makeup. Because it is waterproof makeup, Bai Song used the makeup remover given by Master Qiao to successfully remove it.

This shows that he has become so successful that even the restaurant owner can’t recognize him!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Bai Song clenched his fists, his efforts were not in vain! In just one day, it has already reached a point where strangers cannot tell!

After washing his face and going back again, Bai Song looked forward to the boss's surprised expression: "Look again, do you have an impression?"

"What impression?" The boss was stunned for a moment: "Did you just wash off the mud on your face?"

"Mud???" Bai Song's eyes widened: "Do you still remember that I ordered food here yesterday?"

The boss looked at Bai Song carefully: "Well, it would be better to wash your face clean in the future, but I really have no impression."

? ? ?

Do you think this boss is face-blind? ?

Bai was excited, and Bai Song stopped explaining anything to the boss. He turned his head and carefully observed the chef's movements.

This boss doesn't have the same experience as him.

After a delicious meal, Bai Song returned home. He called Zhao Xinqiao and Wang Liang respectively and went to bed early. He would have to get up early to pick up the car tomorrow.

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