Chapter 100

The earthquake and the tsunami are coming together.

The Naval Headquarters shook the ground.

The battlefield on top was in chaos.

With the momentum of the tsunami, three smiling whale boats passed from the flood to the tide.

The Whitebeard pirate group, all members invaded the square in the bay-.

Marine encircled the wall and defeated!

“Jiehahahaha, Whitebeard, this little cleverness is not bad!”

“Now it’s Sengoku bastard’s turn to have a headache!”

Golden Lion Shiki laughed.

“Marine’s encirclement battle is indeed seamless, but it’s a pity that the ancient giants accident!”

“In addition, the melting ice layer also happens to give Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit the most room to play.”

Xia Qi nodded.


“That’s great!”

Cat Viper and Inu Lan both exhaled together.

“That Uncle Whitebeard, really amazing!”

“Then, I can’t sit here anymore, I have to go to Ace’s side quickly.”

The straw hat Luffy stretched his hands, using the bow as a fulcrum, swished out towards the square in the bay.

“What an impatient kid!”

Rayleigh shook his head.

“Straw Hat Boy”

Shemale King Ivankov wants to follow up.

However, looking at the distance and height, he couldn’t help but shrink his head weakly.

“Whitebeard’s first level, only I can get it.”

The original Shichibukai Crocodile did not have any scruples about height.

The body was turned into elements and landed on the square in the bay.

Of course, taking down Whitebeard’s first level is just an excuse.

What really makes Crocodile impatient to leave is the sight of Qi Yu.

He is very sure now.

Nico Robin, who had betrayed him, walked on the thickest thigh on the sea.

The strength and position of the enemy and ours have been completely reversed.

Crocodile is very sure.

Qi Yu, who had never met before, suddenly paid attention to him, it must be because of some small report Robin gave.

If you continue to stay, I’m afraid it will be worse.

What Crocodile didn’t know was.

The reason why Qi Yu sees him is just thinking about whether the original Shichibukai is Shichibukai.

Can you add a sum to the progress of the task, nothing more.

Of course, Qi Yu didn’t mind helping Robin take revenge for the incident that Crocodile almost killed Robin.

Never thought, Crocodile runs fast.

He didn’t even care about Da Zibonis.

But Qi Yu wouldn’t be able to take the small bald head mr1. Just let it go.

Next, naturally, the hunting mission target should be the main focus.

“Shiki, get the boat over!”

“The battle continues!”

Qi Yu calmly ordered.


Golden Lion Shiki laughed and waved.

The large dragon-head ship swooped down towards the square in the bay.

At this moment.

Naval Headquarters Bay in the square.

Four Emperors Whitebeard held the supreme sharp sword and cut through the clouds, standing on the bow of the whale, facing the execution platform not far away.

“Kula la la la la, Ace, bear with me for a while, dad will come right away!”

Whitebeard was gentle and Haki grinned.


On the execution stage, Ace yelled.

At this moment.(Read more @

He wouldn’t say let Whitebeard and the others ignore him anymore, this kind of wayward remark.

Just believing.

Believe in the old man.

I also believe in my partners.

“Whitebeard of Damn it, is this the real purpose of your tsunami?”

Sengoku asked, his face pale.

It never expected that the seamless encirclement of the wall would be cracked by Whitebeard so easily.

“Kula la la la”

“Sengoku, we suffered a lot from your battle before.”

“Next, it’s time for you Marines to suffer too!”

Whitebeard spoke coldly.

“Yeah yeah”

“Enlightenment, Marine!”

“The previous account will be doubled this time!”

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates yelled with anger.

He was beaten by Marine with despicable means before.

Everyone in Bai Tuan was suffocating in their hearts.

At this moment, it expresses itself, magnificent.

Even the Marine elites could not help being overwhelmed for a while.


at this time.

“The Dog”

With a loud shout, it exploded from just below the bow of the whale.

I saw the whale head of the Mothership Mobile suddenly flushed red like a soldering iron.

Next second.

A stream of hot lava ran through the whale head.

He rushed towards Whitebeard’s head.

No one could have expected the sudden magma attack.

Even Whitebeard himself was caught off guard.

Tilt your head to dodge.

The hot doghead lava swept across his face dangerously and dangerously, took away half of his crescent beard, and burned his shoulders and face at the same time.


Marco, who finally reacted, hurried to Whitebeard’s side.

“I’m fine.”

Whitebeard spoke calmly.

“Admiral Akainu!!!”

Diamond Joz sees Admiral Akainu who does not know when through the big hole in the bow of the ship.

“Still missed?”

“I thought I could beheaded with one blow!”

·· ·····Find flowers····

Admiral Akainu shook his head regretfully.

“what did you say!!!”

The captains such as Bista were furious.

He was about to rush forward to report revenge for the sneak attack for Whitebeard.

“All staff retired.”

Whitebeard stopped drinking.

With his knees bent slightly, he landed on the square first, facing Admiral Akainu.

“If you want to take down my first level, you are still far away! Magma Imp!”

Whitebeard stared at Akainu coldly.

“Long difference?”

“If you were young, you might still be evenly matched with me.”

“but now……”

Admiral Akainu shook his head pretentiously.

“Whitebeard, you are old!”

“You are not my opponent now!”

Akainu spoke confidently.

“Kula la la la la, dare to say, magma imp, then start with you!”

…….. 0

Whitebeard laughed deep.

The supreme sharp sword in his hand swept away like a windmill.

Brought up the wind gusts.

The cloud cutting blade with the white shock wave slashed towards Admiral Akainu.

The terrifying shock wave caused Akainu to fly upside down more than ten meters.

“Marko, don’t stop here, Ace will be left to you to save!”

Whitebeard yelled.

“Yes, father!!!”

Marco and the captains responded in unison.

The group led by the white group formed a sharp sword team, and went straight towards the execution platform to kill.

The brutal war that saw blood through the sword and killed every minute of every second started again.

The blood stained the square in the bay.

“Don’t be overwhelmed, pirates!”

Admiral’s alternate Taotu Gion, who had been on standby for a long time on the execution stage, attacked.

Hajime showed his overwhelming strength as soon as he shot, stopping several Bai Tuanban captains including Foil Bista.

“Mr. Sengoku, something seems to be falling~”

Admiral Kizaru pouted to remind.

Sengoku looked up, but saw a figure like an arrow from the string, approaching straight in the direction of the execution platform.

At the same time, there was a shout full of joy.


“It’s so bold!”

“No matter who it is, don’t even think about getting close here!”

Sengoku snorted.

When the whole body is full of golden light, it is necessary to open the real body of the war Buddha and shoot down the people in the sky.


Sengoku’s transformation is only halfway through.

next moment.

A big hand suddenly pressed down, stopping the transformation and at the same time pressing him on the execution platform.

“Garp, what are you guys doing!”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and glared at Garp.

“I’m sorry, but the body is unauthorized…”


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