Chapter 99

Naval Headquarters, on top of the battlefield.

The war restarted by pressing the pause button because of the battle of the king.

With the order of Marshal Sengoku.

In this war, Marine’s lore plan for the Whitebeard Pirates-the battle to encircle the wall is launched!

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom)

The continuous sound of artillery fire awakened the Bai Tuan pirates who were immersed in excitement and shock.

Looking at the dense rain of cannonballs covering the world.

The white group pirates on the three whale boats couldn’t help but numb their scalp.

For a time, he was even horrified and dull.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from the sky and the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the cracking sound of’Kaka’ was endless.

It was Whitebeard on the bow of the White Tuan Mothership.

When the fists fell, the atmosphere broke again.

The rain of cannonballs exploded when it touched the cracks in the atmosphere.

“Boom boom boom boom boom”

A series of bright fireworks exploded in the sky.

“Don’t be stunned!”

“Everyone, intercept!”

A blue line of fire flew across the sky.

Marco, transformed into a phoenix, brought a gust of wind to intercept the first round of missed shells.

The captains of the white regiments and the elites on each ship also moved together.

Minimize damage caused by cannonball rain.

However, the pirates did not wait for a sigh of relief.


“Bang Bang Bang Bang~”

The second round of cannonball rain covered it again.

“Pacifists, you also launch!”

Zhan Momomaru, the captain of the Marine Science Corps wearing a red bellyband, led a group of “Big Bears” up to the wall.

They should have been waiting at the only exit.

But now the ice is completely melted by Qi Yu’s flames.

They can only transfer naturally.

Under the order of Zhan Tao Maru.

Dozens of human weapons and pacifists opened their hands and mouths wide.

Hundreds of terrifying golden lasers shot out from their palms and throats.

The three whale boats towards the center of the bay landed.

Compared to shells that can be intercepted.

The laser of the pacifists is the really tricky thing.

The damage soon appeared on a large scale.

At this moment.

The pirates of the White Group finally understood their situation and the terrible aspects of Marine’s battle.

The Marines don’t need to come down to fight them melee.

Only need to continuously fill the cannonballs to kill them Whitebeard Pirates.

Now this crescent-shaped bay is an urn.

And their Whitebeard Pirates are the turtles caught.

“Damn it, it’s so despicable, Marine.”

“That is, let us pass if you have the ability, and I will hit you all.”

“This is what you Marine calls justice? It’s just a bunch of incompetent rats with hidden heads and bare tails.”

The pirates of Bai Tuan clamored.

I was frustrated with Marine’s vile but very effective strategy.

“Don’t be confused by their nonsense, our Marine mission is to destroy Marine…”

“It is the best to be able to use this simplest method, but it can greatly reduce the casualties of our army.”

General Marine yelled at him to stop those young people who were blushing after being hit by the aggressive generals.

The brutal encirclement battle is in full swing.

At this moment.

In this battlefield filled with war and smoke, the only pure land is the sky.(Read more @

“Jiehahahaha, if you want to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates without a single soldier, Marine is really insidious!”

Golden Lion Shiki’s face was cold.

“They also know this trick is insidious, so even the video phone bug has been shut down.”

“The reporters at Chambord Square can’t see this picture anymore.”

Xia Qi shook her head.


Murloc Shichibukai Seaman Jinbei yelled anxiously and jumped off the boat.

Even if his personal strength is limited, he still needs to do something now.

It’s not just Jinbei who is also anxious.

There are also cats and dogs double king cat viper and dog arashi.

It’s just that in a strict sense, they are not members of the White Group.

Now that Qi Yu has arrived, they must obey Qi Yu’s dispatch and can no longer act without authorization.

This is an order given to them by Rihe.

“Not good!”

“Uncle Whitebeard whom Ace respects is in danger, and I…”

Straw Hat Luffy wanted to jump right after Jinbei.

However, he didn’t wait for how high he jumped.

Two white, slender hands came out of thin air from the deck and grabbed the ankle of the straw hat, causing him to fall and eat shit.

“Calm down, Luffy!”

“Your strength alone can’t change this situation at all!”

Robin said, his gaze shifted to Qi Yu who was beside him.

Qi Yu smiled slightly, just touched Robin’s hair and said nothing.


Rayleigh looked at the Golden Lion and raised his eyebrows suggestively.


“This is their Whitebeard Pirates’ war, not ours!”

“If everything needs me to wait, they might as well join us!”

“Besides, that fellow Whitebeard is far from impressed!”

Golden Lion Shiki laughed.

Hearing that, Rayleigh, Cat Viper and others did not say much.

at the same time.

Surround the wall bay.

Marine’s onslaught continued.

“Ahhh, not good! Moby No. 3 was sunk!”

“The second ship here is almost unable to hold it!”

“Damn it’s Marine!”

Under the terror laser bombardment of artillery shells and pacifists, the Whitebeard Pirates are on the brink of desperation.

If you don’t do anything, it will inevitably end in ruin.


“Those ‘Big Bear’ lasers are very tricky, it’s impossible to retreat!”

Marko fell back to the bow of the ship, his face full of anger.

“Kula la la la”

“In that case, go ahead!”

Whitebeard smiled lowly.

The pale golden eyes fell on the only gap in the front of the port.

Under the suppression of Oz’s huge body, the surrounding wall over there did not close.

“Marine, kid Aokiji has fallen!”

“This time I see what else you are using to block it!”

Whitebeard grinned at the prow of the whale.

“Not good!”

On the execution stage, Marshal Sengoku’s expression suddenly changed.

“Does he want to…”

Lieutenant General He also guessed Whitebeard’s intentions.

Next second.

The shock of terror came as scheduled.

The whale bow, Whitebeard’s strongest Paramecia Shock Fruit ability, burst again.

An empty earthquake triggered an earthquake.

The earthquake triggered a sea quake.

Finally, the force of the sea quake triggered a tsunami that obscured the sky and swept toward the Naval Headquarters.

But compared to the first time.

This tsunami was much smaller in scale.

Because Whitebeard’s purpose is not to destroy everything.

If the tsunami is too big, even they themselves will be destroyed.

“Everyone, deal with the shock!!!”

Marshal Sengoku just finished speaking.

The terrifying tsunami has already crashed down.

This time.

Already exhausted, Admiral Aokiji, who was seriously injured and collapsed, was unable to solve it with his ice age.

The tsunami is indeed coming to Naval Headquarters.

All of Marine’s formation was destroyed in an instant.

The marines in charge of the fort were swept and scattered by the force of the tsunami.

The pacifists also experienced short-term failures due to the flooding.

Under Whitebeard’s tsunami offensive that killed a thousand enemies and harmed 800.

Marine’s loss was not uncommon.

And worse than the impact of the tsunami followed.

Under the cover of the tsunami, by the thrust of the tsunami.

Three whale boats leaped over the gap created by Oz from the middle of the bay in one breath, and boarded the square in the bay.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

“Asshole Marines!”


The white group pirates who hung firmly on the boat roared in unison.

“Kura la la la la! The war has just begun! Sengoku!”


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