Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 692: The hardware godfather of the mobile phone industry (2)

The conditions proposed by Changtian Technology are very simple.

Carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage can continue to be provided to htc, which is no problem at all.

But every time you sell a set of carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage, you must purchase a seagull camera and a Galaxy Energy battery.

After receiving such a response, Zhou Ming and his team suddenly felt very passive.

The success of htc's Android phones in a very short period of time is inseparable from the hardware of Changtian Technology.

However, in addition to the carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk of Changtian Technology, the cameras, chips, batteries, etc. of htc mobile phones are all from other brands.

Because htc is a company on the island, and because of history and education, it is very close to Toyo, and many parts are purchased from Toyo companies.

For example, htc's batteries are purchased from Panasonic. At least the executives of htc believe that Panasonic's lithium battery technology is the first in the world.

The camera is purchased from Sony.

At present, most of the cameras used in htc high-end mobile phones are Sony's 5 million pixels, which is considered to have created the history of the mobile phone industry.

After all, there are still a lot of mobile phones with 2 million pixels. Among Nokia's mobile phones, 2 million pixels are still high, and more than 5 million are rare.

Sony started out as a camera, and making a mobile phone camera is simply a matter of grasping it, and its technology is the world's leading.

Zhou Ming and his team temporarily left Changtian Technology headquarters to discuss countermeasures at Mochizuki Hotel.

The team is frying!

"What does Changtian Technology mean? You can't buy a single product, you have to buy a set!"

"That's right! Changtian Technology is really disgusting. Putting things that can't be sold on our heads, they are all carbon crystal storage and memory are indeed cheap and have good performance, but we must buy them all other Product, isn't it difficult for a strong man?"

"Mr. Zhou, I think this matter must be reported to the headquarters as soon as possible!"

"That's right, Mr. Zhou, we have signed huge supply contracts with Sony, Panasonic and other companies, and their products will be used in our various flagship mobile phones. If we purchase a set of carbon crystal storage batteries and cameras like this , then what about these contracts we have with Toyo?"

Zhou Ming was caught in a dilemma.

The fame of htcd2 mobile phone has already played out.

The reason for the success is that the carbon crystal storage and memory can make the Android system play to the extreme.

If you do not purchase the storage hardware of Changtian Technology, htc's Android phone will expose a great disadvantage, falling behind in the competition with brands such as Nokia, Samsung and Apple.

But after signing this contract with Changtian Technology, what should I do with the camera and battery contracts that Toyo has already signed?

It can't be a breach of contract.

If you break the contract, the loss of money is a small matter, and the most important thing is that the relationship with Toyo will not be good.

After all, many electronic companies in Wanwan, especially semiconductor companies, all come from Toyo's technology, and their funds also come from Toyo and the United States.

Both industries and capital are highly dependent on both countries.

If you offend Toyo, it will be very unfavorable for the future development of htc.

Therefore, after weighing, htc decided to negotiate with Changtian Technology and expressed its willingness to purchase only carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory.

Zhou Ming and his team immediately prepared relevant negotiation documents and plans, and negotiated with Changtian Technology.

The most important point of business negotiation is to grasp the needs of the other party and the weaknesses of the other party.

Zhou Ming is indeed a veteran of htc. He has mastered the fatal flaw of Changtian Technology in his hands, and is very confident that he can win the negotiation.

With the plan, Zhou Ming and others met with Wang Xiang again.

Wang Xiang is actually very busy right now and has no time to negotiate with htc.

Because Changtian Technology's opinion is very clear, you can buy it if you match it, and forget it if you don't match it.

After all, the world is not HTC a mobile phone company.

This is also the first negotiation between the two companies, and the two sides have no nonsense and directly enter the topic.

Zhou Ming said politely: "Mr. Wang, the cooperation between you and me is quite pleasant. After our htcd2 mobile phone is equipped with the carbon crystal hardware of Changtian Technology, the performance has indeed been greatly improved. This time we still hold With the attitude of win-win cooperation, I hope to sign a long-term contract with your company."

"We will purchase 100,000 carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory in the first batch, and we will purchase more in the second and third batches."

Zhou Ming is also an old river and lake, and he directly broke out a huge amount of purchases.

The purpose of this is to tell Changtian Technology that htc will purchase a large number of products, and the amount is sufficient.

Wang Xiang just nodded and did not express his position.

Carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory have achieved great success on PCs.

Changtian Technology uses advanced manufacturing technology to adapt two things to mobile phones after changing them.

As expected, carbon crystal hardware will be able to sell well in the mobile phone hardware industry.

So Wang Xiang's reaction to htc is reasonable.

And not too excited.

Zhou Ming continued: "But we also have some opinions here."

"This time, Changtian Technology requires us to purchase a corresponding lithium battery and camera for every set of carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory we purchase. I think this requirement is unreasonable."

"Our opinion is that, like our first cooperation, there is no need to change the price. We will purchase a large amount of carbon crystal hard drives and carbon crystal memory, and no other hardware."

"And the transaction method allows you to submit all the payment first, and then get the goods at the end."

This is already the biggest compromise of htc.

In the electronics industry, especially in the electronics industry of mobile phones.

Hardware suppliers are in fact in a weak position, while well-selling brands are at the top of the food chain.

It has always been a brand business that does not settle for a long time after taking the goods. There has never been a brand business that takes the money first and then buys the goods.

Even the Qualcomm chips currently purchased by htc do not enjoy this treatment.

After Zhou Ming said this, he looked at Wang Xiang very seriously.

He felt that he proposed this condition, which should fully meet the needs of Changtian Technology.

Who knew that Wang Xiang laughed and said, "Mr. Zhou, htc has difficulties with htc, and Changtian Technology also has difficulties with Changtian Technology."

"We formulate such a policy, which is completely in line with the company's positioning and in the interests of both parties."

"What I can say now is that, by signing such a cooperation agreement between us and purchasing Changtian Technology's hardware products in a matching manner, htc will not only not suffer, but will become one of the best mobile phone manufacturers in the world."

Wang Xiang smiled and was full of confidence.

Since Changtian Technology does not give in at all, Zhou Ming can only take the second method, step by step, attack the weakness of Changtian Technology, and force Changtian Technology to agree to its own conditions.

Zhou Ming said: "Mr. Wang, we admit that Changtian Technology's hardware products, especially carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory, are indeed leading in the world."

"But at present, some products of Changtian Technology are rarely able to enter the European and American markets."

The most fundamental reason is carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal hard drives. Under the current conditions, there is no way to obtain the relevant certification in the United States.

After Zhou Ming said this, he looked at Wang Xiang calmly, which directly hit the weakness of Changtian Technology.

Zhou Ming just said that the carbon crystal master and the carbon crystal hard drive cannot open the US market under the current conditions. He does not directly say that the technical indicators of these two hardware cannot meet the requirements of the United States, but other factors other than technology, such as International relations, such as competition between technology companies, etc., rely closely on Changtian Technology's own efforts. Carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal hard drives are more difficult to enter the US market than to climb to the sky.

The U.S. market is the weather vane of the international market. As long as the U.S. does not have products that are allowed to enter, it will be more difficult than reaching the sky to find another way to enter the European market.

Even if carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory have achieved some success in the field of PCs and can enter the European market, it is because of the help of American companies.

It is the cooperation agreement reached between Dell and Changtian Technology, so the hardware products of Changtian Technology can enter the European market.

If Changtian Technology had not reached an agreement with Dell and had relied on Shenchuan, a sub-brand of Changtian Technology, the European technology market would never have opened the door to Changtian Technology.

Zhou Ming's meaning is also very clear. htc hopes to follow the example of Dell in the mobile phone industry and build a bridge between Changtian's products and the European market.

Because htc has a strong network, it has a very good relationship in the political and business circles in the United States and Europe.

These relationships are also the fundamental reason why htc put carbon crystal storage on mobile phones and sold it to the United States and did not face strict scrutiny.

After Zhou Ming said this, the whole person relaxed.

He smiled and watched Wang Xiang's reaction with interest.

In fact, Zhou Ming still has a lot to say, but he can be sure that Wang Xiang can definitely imagine it.

For example, although there are many mobile phone companies in the world, the only company that can cooperate with Changtian Technology is htc.

Because htc is a company from the island, no matter what the high-level executives of htc think or what some people on the island think, but in the mainland area of ​​​​Xiaguo, the government still certifies htc as an enterprise in Xiaguo.

And a series of brands such as Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, etc. are all overseas enterprises.

Xiaguo mobile phone brand, only htc can fight and kill and seize the market when it goes out.

The cooperation between Changtian Technology and htc is much more assured than the cooperation with those overseas companies.

Wang Xiang heard Zhou Ming say this, and only at this time did he feel that the boss was really expecting things.

Chen Xiao had long expected that htc would raise such a condition.

However, Wang Xiang felt that the game was speechless and asked htc to purchase the package, which was obviously a favorable decision for htc's 10 points, and the other party would use this condition as a threat.

Wang Xiang received Chen Xiao's instructions that Changtian Technology could interrupt the negotiation with htc at any time.

Zhou Ming is indeed not wrong. There are many mobile phone companies in the world, but Xia Guo's company seems to be only HTC - if you want to regard HTC as Xia Guo's company.

But Zhou Ming didn't take into account that Changtian Technology is best at creating conditions without conditions.

There is no mobile phone manufacturer in Xiaguo with the influence of htc, so Changtian Technology can create a mobile phone production enterprise by itself.

Wang Xiang shook his head with some regret and said: "We know the conditions of President Zhou, but I am really sorry. We cannot meet these conditions, so I also represent Changtian Technology and regret to inform President Zhou."

"This cooperation between our two parties is terminated."

Wang Xiang smiled and told Zhou Ming about such a decision.

The strong attitude of Changtian Technology made Zhou Ming and the htc team feel incredible.

They think that they have made such conditions and also pointed out the weakness of Changtian Technology. No matter how Changtian Technology is said, they must agree.

I didn't expect Changtian Technology to be so resolute and unmoved.

This blow made the htc team with very strong self-esteem also explode.

Htc has been in the mobile phone market for so many years, and no hardware company has ever dared to speak to itself with such a tough attitude.

"What do you mean?!"

"Which hardware company would bundle?"

"That's right, things that can't be sold will be placed in the carbon crystal storage."

"To tell you the truth, htc has reached a long-term strategic partnership with Bidirectional and Sony. Not only our current mobile phones, but our future mobile phones will also purchase Sony's cameras and Panasonic's batteries."

"That's right, the camera of Changtian Technology has Sony's camera, right? Sony specializes in SLR cameras."

"We reject this coercive agreement!"

Wang Xiang and the negotiators of Changtian Technology always smiled and watched the complaints of the htc team.

The expression on Zhou Ming's face is also very ugly, and the negotiation is obviously out of control now.

The emotions of the htc team have been provoked. It seems that it is really outrageous to sign a cooperation agreement with Changtian Technology now.

But these people did not look at the problem from a strategic height. If htc lost the help of Changtian Technology, would it still have the status of the previous days?

But no matter what, today's negotiation is definitely impossible to continue.

After everyone is quiet.

Wang Xiang said: "Mr. Zhou, our two companies can be regarded as having a friendly Although there is no agreement this time, the business is not benevolent and righteous."

"So after being authorized by the company, Changtian Technology still prepared some gifts for htc."

"The relevant gifts will be delivered to you before your delegation leaves Changzezhou."

Zhou Ming thought it was just some simple gifts, and after thanking him, he left the conference room with the team.

From the end of the meeting to the next day before Zhou Ming's team left Changzezhou, the team members kept complaining and muttering. This time the negotiation must have made everyone very dissatisfied.

Before getting into the car, Zhou Ming received a letter.

The above is a list of gifts provided by Changtian Technology.

After opening the list, Zhou Ming was stunned!

He hurriedly asked the staff, but was told that everything had been sent to the island, please check it after returning to the island.

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