Rebirth 2003

Chapter 225: Porsche Cayenne

After receiving Lu Yang’s promise, Tong Yaqian stayed here for a while and then left, saying that it was to make Lu Yang feel at ease with the code. After Tong Yaqian left, Lu Yang adjusted his mood and continued to write. The e-cigarette in his mouth looked like real With a white mist like a cigarette, the plot of "Magic Sword Eternity" has progressed to the point that Qin Yu has practiced the first magical power in the round sea realm-the sea rising and the moon.

When I just comprehended the chakra state, the chakra was dry. As Qin Yu's cultivation deepened, sea water slowly grew out of the dry chakra, and the sea filled the chakra little by little. When the first layer of chakra became complete, The round sea, which originally seemed to be just a small pond, suddenly turned upside down, with huge waves surging into the sky. When everything calmed down, the round sea seemed boundless, and Qin Yu's consciousness couldn't detect the edge of the round sea.

It's just a huge sea of ​​rounds, a dead silence, without any creatures, without a trace of wind and waves, only a piece of lifeless boundless sea.

Qin Yu was groping for his cultivation, and finally one day, below the level of the dead sea of ​​chakras, he suddenly jumped out of a crescent moon and slowly rose to the sky of the dead chassed sea.

Qin Yu didn’t know what this round of meniscus would do, but when he was confronting a master of the White Bone Dao Palace, he subconsciously used that round of meniscus, and finally realized that this round of meniscus was not a decoration. At that time, the opponent's spells could not hurt him at all...

All laws are not invaded?

The opponent was stunned, and Qin Yu also stayed for a moment, and then used a close fight to slash the master of the White Bone Dao Palace under the sword.

Just as Lu Yang was meditating on the code, Feng Tingting, wearing a white bathrobe, wiped her wet hair with a bath towel in a simple and elegant double dormitory in Shanghai. While reading a novel in the notebook.

In her previous life, she rarely read novels, but in this life, for some reason, she gradually likes to read it on the Internet. It's mainly someone's work.

In "Magic Sword Eternity", these four words are displayed at the top of the computer screen.

Lu Yang went for an internship in y province K city, but she came to Shanghai, an international metropolis, and worked in a foreign trade company. She majored in English at Level 6. She had already passed the exam.

English is her best skill.

It's rare for her to relax this Saturday. Just after taking a shower, look at the chapters accumulated this week, dozens of minutes later. After reading all the chapters for a week, Feng Tingting looked at the last page of the last chapter on the computer in a daze.

She has read Lu Yang's several novels in the past three years. Every book has progress.

The first "Doomsday Wasteland". Let her see that Lu Yang is different. He who is usually so taciturn has such a bizarre world in his mind, which is even more bizarre than her most bizarre dream.

The second "Master of Loneliness" made her understand a lot. The masters were originally piled up by loneliness. Is this Lu Yang's understanding of this world? It made sense, and then she began to pile up her major English with loneliness. Sure enough, I easily got CET-6 in the junior year. Not only that, in the book "Master Loneliness". She seemed to see Lu Yang's view of love.

Shijiansha’s betrayal, Xi'er, in order to take care of the undergraduates, did not hesitate to kill people like hemp, and was called Xi lunatic by the world. After falling in love with Yiyun, he could not leave and retreat together, and Fanghua’s peerless Purple shirt...

That book made Feng Tingting look at Lu Yang with admiration. So his thoughts are so deep? In his eyes, does the value of a person have nothing to do with appearance? The biggest difference between people is character and soul?

The third "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms", let her see Lu Yang's profound historical knowledge and his freely written writing skills.

The related historical events of the Three Kingdoms are readily available, and the Jin Ge Iron Horse and the love of the sons and daughters switch at will, but the integration is seamless, not at all blunt.

There is also a fourth book of "Infinite Killing", an unprecedented novel theme, which opened the eyes of countless readers, and also opened her eyes. The hastily end of "Infinite Killing", countless readers deeply regret it, she too, she thought that " "Infinite Killing" is already the limit of his inspiration. Unexpectedly, after "Infinite Killing", "Magic Sword Eternity" is less novel but more attractive. It has a different path of cultivation. The giant in the dream will break away from a layer of seal from time to time. The sword, and Qin Yu's innocent heart...

After a moment of silence, Feng Tingting opened q`q, and in the group list, there was a group name of "the only group of Wen Chou" hanging there, and she was also a member of that group.

Click to open this group, and there are still many readers chatting today.

The topic of the chat was the "Gate of Rebirth" he invested in. I heard that the script of that movie was also written by him...

Feng Tingting's mood is very complicated every time he comes to the group here. The person who empathizes with each other has become more and more successful in his career. Not only does he write novels, but he also invests in movies. It costs millions to invest in a movie, right?

These years, an ordinary family like them has a deposit of one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, even if they are rich, he can actually do this.

The first leader of the undead policeman released a few photos of the crew in the group today. There are bar photos of the demons dancing in the bar, a picture of the unremarkable male protagonist standing in front of the bathroom mirror, looking confused, and the glorious, very sexy. Photo of the heroine.

Many male readers in the group are exclaiming, asking who plays the heroine of the Master League? How come you haven't seen this beautiful before? Is it a newcomer?

The atmosphere in the group reached a climax after the crew photo of the heroine was posted.

Feng Tingting watched quietly, without speaking or speaking in the group. Her expression became more and more complicated. Looking at Lu Yang's works in the past few years, she has been thinking in her heart, why did he empathize in the first place? Although they had never confessed to each other, even other classmates could see each other's feelings. He came to this university because of her.

But why did he change just after entering the university?

I remember when he was on the train, he was very enthusiastic to help her carry the suitcase and buy her water and food. Why did he suddenly become indifferent when he got off the train?

Why on earth?

Feng Tingting was puzzled.

Is it because that Cao Xue is more beautiful? Or is it because I said something wrong?

For her, this is destined to be an unsolvable mystery.

Suddenly, the white mobile phone she had placed next to the computer rang, and someone called.

Open the phone cover, the name displayed on the phone screen is: Team Leader Song.

Looking at the name, Feng Tingting hesitated a little. He hesitated for several seconds before pressing the answer button, and then a bright male voice came from the phone: "Good evening, Miss Feng! Are you free now?"

Feng Tingting bit her lip and said, "Hello Team Leader Song! Is there anything wrong?"

Team Leader Song’s voice was very hearty, and he smiled: “I’m downstairs in your dormitory. I would like to invite Miss Feng to enjoy a meal together. Will Miss Feng give this face?”

Feng Tingting's face changed slightly, "Are you downstairs in our dormitory?"

Team Leader Song: "Yes! You can see me when you open the window!"

Feng Tingting glanced at the window of the room for an instant. After hesitating for a second, she quickly walked over and opened the curtains, opened the window, and looked down. She saw Team Leader Song standing outside the door of a car with a mobile phone sticker. In the ear, looking up at the window upstairs, when she opened the window and looked down, she waved to it.

Team Leader Song, who is less than 30 years old, seems to have a good background in the company. Many leaders are polite when they see him, and his car is actually a Porsche Cayenne.

"How is it? I've already come over, will you let me go back alone?"

Leader Song's hearty voice came from the phone in his ear again.

Feng Tingting looked hesitant, and looked back at her laptop subconsciously with complicated eyes. Several good boys had pursued her in the three years of college. She also tried to accept her, but in the end she lost to that person. That has already moved. Don't fall in love, no longer care about her guy.

Will it be like that this time?

"I'm sorry! I have already eaten it."

Feng Tingting didn't know why she refused like this, she knew that the person might have forgotten her.

"Haha! How about going for a cup of coffee together?"

Team Leader Song was unwilling to persevere and shook Feng Tingting's heart little by little.

"Tomorrow! I am ready to go to bed, and I am a little tired from work recently." Feng Tingting refused again.

Team Leader Song's voice choked, and then he smiled again: "Okay! Then I will come to see you tomorrow morning, bye!"


Behind the window, Feng Tingting closed the phone cover, quietly watching Team Leader Song get into the car, and then the Cayenne turned around and left quickly.

It has been more than a month since she came to this foreign trade company. Unlike the classmates who went to school to teach, the foreign trade company she interviewed did not say about the summer vacation, so she was asked to report in the middle of last month.

After working here for so long, she could not have known the popularity of Team Leader Song among the female employees. Many young employees wanted to be favored by Team Leader Song, but unfortunately no one had succeeded. No one expected a company reception half a month ago. After that, Team Leader Song began to pursue her privately.

After standing at the window and blowing the cool night breeze for a while, Feng Tingting went back to the computer and found Lu Yang’s q`q number from the reader group and opened the private chat window. She didn’t know whether Lu Yang was online or not, she posted Sent a private message in the past.

Flowing years: "Wen University! Are you there? I have an emotional question to consult with you. I have someone in my heart. It has been for many years, but he left me. I tried to accept other boys, but I found that it didn’t work. Now there is a man who has better conditions than him chasing me, Wenda! Can you tell me what should I do? Accept or reject?"

"Like Water Flowing Years" is Feng Tingting's screen name. Lu Yang never knew her screen name or her q`q number. She asked Lu Yang in the name of a reader.

After the private message was sent, she gave a wry smile and thought: You will definitely persuade me to accept it? Most definitely! (To be continued...)

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