Rebirth 2003

Chapter 226: progress


At around 11:30 that evening, Lu Yang finished two chapters, logged in to the author's backstage, and updated today's third chapter. Seeing that the time had not reached 12 o'clock, he logged in to Q`Q, and someone sent him new messages every day. , Usually when he has time, Lu Yang will go up and reply.

Q`Q has just logged in. Q`Q's profile picture is jumping and ringing like usual, opening seven or eight private chat windows in a row, and then Lu Yang sees the readers with the screen name "Looking Like Water". That paragraph of private letter.

   As Feng Tingting expected, Lu Yang did not know that this screen name was her Q`Q.

   Looking at this passage, Lu Yang checked her personal information. The information showed that the other party was a female, 21 years old.

   The message of "flowing years like water" made Lu Yang think of himself and Feng Tingting inexplicably, as if! The heart was touched a bit, but he would not have thought that this was from Feng Tingting.

Sitting in front of the computer, Lu Yang passed through the memories of the past between the two of them, both sweet and painful. The final picture was frozen on the day when she said that he had broken up. He was stunned there, and the voice of the whole world seemed to be inaudible. And she turned and left blankly, walking farther and farther, until she completely disappeared in his world.

  Broken mirror cannot be reunited!

   After a long time lost, Lu Yang cleared up his emotions and replied in the chat box: "Let the past pass! Since he can't make you happy, try other options!"

   This passage is about "The Years Are Like Water" and Lu Yang said to himself. If he didn't think so, he would never ignore Feng Tingting after he was reborn.

   missed, he won't look back.


   Early the next morning, Tong Yaqian dialed Lu Yang's cell phone and said briskly on the phone: "Lazy pig! Have you gotten up? Hurry up and get ready to go!"

   Lu Yang gave a hum, put down his phone, and saw that it was not long before dawn outside, and the water drops on the window glass hadn't dried yet.

   pursed his lips, Lu Yang got up from the bed, put on his clothes, went to the water room to brush his teeth and wash his face, and just returned to the dormitory, he saw Tong Yaqian already waiting at the door.

   "Hurry up! I'm starving to death! Today we are going to eat Xiaolongbao!" Tong Yaqian's mood was obviously very good today, with a cheerful smile on her face, which Lu Yang hadn't seen on her face for a long time.

   Lu Yang cleaned up, and the two left the school together.

   After having breakfast at the school gate, I took a taxi to the city.

   In the taxi, Tong Yaqian took out a local map and enthusiastically asked Lu Yang where to go first and where to go later?

   The smile on his face has never disappeared.

   It's rare to see her so happy, Lu Yang didn't let her down, and said, "You decide the route!"

Tong Yaqian gave Lu Yang a white look, but he was still in a good mood. The two of them first went to the big shopping mall in the city center, and then went to various specialty stores. Tong Yaqian tried a lot of things, but when Lu Yang asked her if she wanted to buy them, they basically all She shook her head and said to Lu Yang, "Women's fun in shopping is shopping, not buying."

At noon, I ate something at KFC. In the afternoon, Tong Yaqian was still in high spirits. He led Luyang into specialty stores and major shopping malls. It was good. In a shopping mall, Tong Yaqian saw a dress in front of which the colors and styles were good. Liang, whispered in surprise, and when he trot over there, he suddenly wanted to see something, his face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to hide, but his feet were crooked and twisted, and the pain was so painful that they covered their mouths and eyes. He glanced in the direction just now, endured the pain and squatted down quickly.

   Lu Yang felt nervous when he saw it, and ran over to support her, and asked, "What's the matter? I twisted it? Isn't it serious?"

   "Squat down, squat down! Ouch!"

   Tong Yaqian's first reaction when he saw him running over was to make him squat down, then she frowned and groaned while holding her right ankle.

   "What's wrong? What did you see?"

   Lu Yang squatted down half of his body in doubt, blocking his figure with a slip of women next to him, looking in the direction Tong Yaqian was looking at, and then immediately understood why Tong Yaqian suddenly wanted to run back just now.

   It turned out to be ten meters ahead. Director Chenzheng of the Office of the Third Middle School and Vice Principal Zhou’s wife were holding hands to look at the clothes, talking and laughing.

As mentioned in the previous article, Director Chen of the School Affairs Office is Vice Principal Sun’s dogleg, and Vice Principal Zhou’s wife works in the School Affairs Office. At the last meeting, Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian had both met, a young woman under the age of 40. , Can you count as a young woman?

   usually wears heavy make-up, and her appearance can only be considered medium, but her figure is very hot. The most striking thing is a big round hip, which is much wider than her shoulders, and her **** are also very material.

   At the last meeting, I saw her dressed up and pouring tea to the leaders, but she didn't expect to have a relationship with Director Chen. When Tong Yaqian saw this scene at first glance, she was naturally surprised, and subconsciously wanted to run back, but turned around too quickly and twisted her ankle.

"Did you see it? Don't keep staring at it! It's definitely not as good as we are!" Tong Yaqian saw Lu Yang stretch her head to look over there, and hurriedly pulled Lu Yang back. The two hid behind the women's clothing and you watched. I, I look at you.

   "You said, she is the wife of the vice-principal, why do you want to get together with Director Chen?" Tong Yaqian blushed and asked Lu Yang.

If Tong Yaqian is not a girl, Lu Yang will say: "Definitely Vice Principal Zhou can't satisfy her!" However, this kind of thing is not good enough to tell Tong Yaqian, he shook his head slightly, and said: "I don't know! Maybe they are brothers and sisters. Bar!"

   Lu Yang laughed as soon as he uttered these words. Even if he is a sibling or a tens of years old, he wouldn’t be able to walk hand in hand!

   Tong Yaqian rolled her eyes and tweeted: "Pull it down! Korean TV dramas won't do it like this!"

   While hiding, the two of them quietly paid attention to the situation there. After all, this is also the women's clothing area. If the two of them came here, they would have nothing to hide.

Fortunately, the two of them left soon. Vice President Zhou’s wife’s surname is Qi. People usually call her Officer Qi or Teacher Qi. When she left there, she pulled her hand out of Director Chen’s hand, but Director Chen took advantage of the situation. A touch on her iconic big round hips made her look like anger but not anger.

   Behind the women's dress, Tong Yaqian who saw this scene squinted at Lu Yang, blushing and said: "I see it? Will my brother touch my sister's ass?"

   Lu Yang: "……"

   After the two people left, Lu Yang helped Tong Yaqian stand up, looked at her right leg, which couldn't stand up straight, and frowned, "How about? Can I still go?"

   Tong Yaqian frowned and shook her head.

   "Let me help you! Take you to the doctor!"

   Lu Yang carried the clothes he bought earlier in one hand and Tong Yaqian in the other. The two went out from the other exit of the mall like thief.

   This is the first time I visited the shopping mall in the city, and I encountered such a scene. Tong Yaqian was also regarded as a natural disaster.

   I got out of the mall and took a taxi. Sitting in the car, Lu Yang was still thinking about the two people. It was so strange! At the weekly meetings in my memory, Director Chen relied on being supported by Vice Principal Sun. He was obviously not right with Vice Principal Zhou next week, and he could still hook up with Vice Principal Zhou’s wife.

   When these two people hooked up together, did Vice Principal Zhou completely ignorant?

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Yang suddenly felt that Tong Yaqian's smooth hand grasped his left hand and looked down. Sure enough, her right hand was held together with his left hand, and she turned to look at her, only to see her looking at the car window. Outside, it seems that the right hand is not hers.

   Lu Yang blinked, did not draw his hand back, let Tong Yaqian hold it.

   The taxi quickly arrived at the door of a clinic. Lu Yang helped Tong Yaqian in. The doctor looked at it and said that there was nothing wrong with him. He opened a bottle of bodily alcohol and some anti-inflammatories, and was dismissed.

When giving the Bie Da Jiu, the middle-aged doctor glanced at Lu Yang with a smile, and said to Tong Yaqian: "Go back and let your boyfriend wipe the Ji Da Jiu! Your boyfriend must be very happy to do this, yes. Right? Let him massage you for a while! Just rub the wine in!"

Tong Yaqian was very excited when he went out to go shopping. When he went back, he grinned and could barely land on his right foot. When he first sprained, it didn't hurt much. After some time passed, the ankle was obviously swollen, and Lu Yang had to let him take a taxi. Drive downstairs to the dormitory, then carry Tong Yaqian upstairs and send it to her room.

   On Sunday, Xu Xiaoman didn't know where he was going, and he was not in the dormitory, which saved the embarrassment of meeting.

   Put Tong Yaqian on the single bed, Tong Yaqian watched Lu Yang not speaking, and glanced at Lu Yang's hand at the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Wine.

   The clinic is doing very well. The only two aunts who are nurses have been busy. When the middle-aged doctor told Lu Yang to help her come back to rub the boiled drink, she did not object, and Lu Yang did not object.

   Neither of them wanted the middle-aged doctor to rub Tong Yaqian.

Lu Yang put down the clothes he bought, opened the bag containing Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and anti-inflammatory drugs, and silently took out Chinese Chinese traditional Chinese medicine and poured some on the palm of his hand, then rubbed his hands and started to massage Tong Yaqian's ankle, even though he Nothing can be done.

   When she first touched her ankle, Tong Yaqian took a breath of pain and her face was deformed. The sprained area has long been swollen like a bun.

   has been massaging for more than half an hour before Lu Yang stopped. One-fifth of a bottle of Chinese orthodox wine was used up. Although Tong Yaqian's ankle was still swollen, the bruises had dispersed a lot, and it was no longer as scary as before.

Then Lu Yang poured her boiled water and took the medicine. Tong Yaqian quietly accepted Lu Yang's service. When Lu Yang helped her leaning against the head of the bed, she silently took Lu Yang's hand and eyes. Looking at him silently, without speaking, an atmosphere of **** slowly grew.

   She did not say, Lu Yang also understood what she meant.

Lu Yang didn't speak either. He stared at her silently for a moment, then sat down on the edge of her bed in silence, and gently stroked her white and smooth cheek with his right hand. After hesitating for a moment, his face slowly approached her, Tong Yaqian's lengthened. The eyelashes blinked, and the two of them had already breathed and heard each other. Tong Yaqian did not dodge. Lu Yang's movements were a little slow, he approached slowly, and then gently kissed Tong Yaqian's soft lips.

Tong Yaqian kept looking at Lu Yang's eyes, her eyelashes quivered, she slowly closed her eyes, and quietly hugged Lu Yang's head with her sweaty hands, her cheeks getting redder, Lu Yang's hands on her cheeks, obviously I could feel her cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

   At the beginning, Lu Yang still kissed very softly. After kissing, he slowly applied his force. When Tong Yaqian opened his mouth slightly, Lu Yang also stuck his tongue in.

   Lu Yang's eyes were also closed. The two of you hugged me and I hugged you, and they kissed indignantly. After a few minutes, the lips of the two of them parted.

Lu Yang wanted to sit upright, but Tong Yaqian hugged his neck and hugged him tightly. Her tall chest was tightly pressed against Lu Yang's chest, her chin rested on Lu Yang's shoulders, and her fiery ears touched her land. On Yang's cheeks, neither of them spoke, but they were more silent than speech.

   was holding a big beautiful woman in her arms. She kissed him again just now. At this time, she was still holding him tightly, with her chest close to his chest. How could Lu Yang bear it?

   Subconsciously began to touch his hands from behind Tong Yaqian, Tong Yaqian did not stop at all, let Lu Yang touch his back with both hands, touch his waist, and then his hips, chest, round and smooth thighs...

Not long after, Tong Yaqian kissed Lu Yang again. The two did not speak from beginning to end, only silently communicate. I don't know when Lu Yang's hands touched Tong Yaqian's chest from under Tong Yaqian's clothes. So far, Tong Yaqian The cheeks were red as if they were drunk. But she still did not push Lu Yang away. On the contrary, she still kissed Lu Yang in confusion Seeing that the two of them are about to develop to the last step today, the door of the dormitory outside the bedroom It rang, it was the sound of the key opening the door, and then when the door opened, Xu Xiaoman asked if Tong Yaqian was there?

   The two people in the small bedroom woke up and stopped continuing.

   Tong Yaqian still hugged Lu Yang, did not let go, and did not respond to Xu Xiaoman's voice outside. Xu Xiaoman asked twice. Maybe she thought that Tong Yaqian was not there, so she didn't ask any more. He heard the voice and entered her own bedroom.

"I gotta go!"

   After waking up, Lu Yang said softly.

   Tong Yaqian shook her head slightly and said: "Xu Xiaoman will hear the sound of opening the door!"

   Lu Yang: "What should I do?"

   Tong Yaqian: "You can stay here with me for a while! I am boring here alone, Xu Xiaoman always has to go out when eating."

Lu Yang nodded, rolled over and got off Tong Yaqian, lying side by side with her against the head of the bed. The single bed was a bit small, and the two of them lying side by side were a bit crowded, but Tong Yaqian didn't care, and moved his head to Lu Yang's side. One point, his head pressed against Lu Yang's.

   then said softly: "You kissed me yourself this time, will you ignore me in the future?"

   Lu Yang stretched out his arm to rest behind Tong Yaqian's head, shook his head slightly and said, "You don't regret it."

   Tong Yaqian held Lu Yang with one hand, fingers interlocked, and said softly: "No."

   That afternoon, Xu Xiaoman never went out. Lu Yang stayed with her in Tong Yaqian's room until dinner time when he heard Xu Xiaoman's going out. Lu Yang left quietly. RS

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