Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 381: Different appearance

  Chapter 381 Different appearance

   "Huh? What?"

  Ye Wushang looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.

   "What? My host! After eating, this steak will become hard when it is cold." Leng Qianxun cut a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Well, the steak here is really good!

  The steaks I have eaten before are all fragrant on the outside and inside, but now this one is fragrant on the inside and outside, and it does not lose the original flavor of beef.

   Seeing that he was quite satisfied with eating, Ye Wushang asked him. "How about it?"

   "Well, it's okay." Leng Qianxun had a steak in his mouth and spoke inarticulately.

good? Why is it so difficult for this guy to say something nice.

   It’s okay, that is, it can still be accommodated.

   But seeing how he devoured his food, it didn't look like he was accommodating.

   "It seems that this kind of food can't be wasted like this in the future, I'd better take you to a roadside stall." Ye Wushang said shaking his head.

   "That's not enough. Only by changing the taste occasionally can we compare."

  Ye Wushang saw that the game in front of him was instantly killed by him, and what he said was completely opposite to what he had just said.

   "Do you want more?"

   "It's not that there is one, it's super big." The lobster served by the waiter was bigger than she imagined.

   "This is the treasure of our store, King Shrimp." The waiter took a look at Ye Wushang and introduced him.

  What the BOSS ordered, he must have ordered the chef to cook the best one with the most shrimp paste.

   "Shrimp king? Did you cook the shrimp king?" At this moment, Feng Shangxie, who was two tables away, heard the voice and came over.

  When he saw the king prawn lying on the plate, he immediately pounced on it, trying to grab it.

   "Hey, how do you grab other people's food?"

   "I... I bought this shrimp, and you actually said that I robbed you of food." Feng Shangxie gritted his teeth.

  Every time he came to eat this shrimp, he was stopped by Shang. Now pour it, cook it and put it on someone else's table.

   "Joke, what did you buy? Brother Ye invited me to eat."

  Leng Qianxun sat down, and quickly held the belly of the shrimp in his hand, which was full of shrimp paste.

   "You... deduct wages one by one. Shang is the boss, and I am also the boss. Why is the treatment different?"

   "The appearance is different." After finishing speaking, Leng Qianxun noticed what Feng Shang said just now, Brother Ye is the owner of this store?

  Leng Qianxun was surprised when he heard this, and stayed there in a daze for a while, and completely forgot to react when Feng Shangxie reached out to grab the shrimp paste in her hand.

  Ye Wushang glanced at him and woke him up, "Hurry up and eat."

   "Oh!" When she realized that she looked down and saw that there was nothing in her hands, she immediately blew up.

   "Feng Shangxie, can you stop being so wicked, just grab a little and even **** all the shrimp paste."

   "..." Feng Shangxie ignored him, he had already divided half of it, put it on Lei Meilian's plate, and was about to eat it.

  Leng Qianxun walked halfway, and quickly stopped it, "If you dare to eat it, I'll boil all the lobsters you have here and take them away."

   "Are you threatening me?" Feng Shangxie did as he wished, opening his mouth away from the shrimp paste.

   "Correct answer, 3P reward..." Leng Qianxun looked confident.

   "Stop! Just pay you back." Upon hearing this sensitive word, Feng Shangxie immediately surrendered.

   After finally meeting someone, he didn't want to scare her away just because of such a trivial matter.

   "It's not too bad, but for the sake of this shrimp you kindly provided, I allow you to eat one of his legs."

   Feng Shangxie had an expression of wanting to vomit blood, who the **** did he meet?

  When the commander is a bit wrong, it seems that Shang is wrong this time.

Reward list: Thank you good friends "Amaicao Yanyi" 100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100 book coins, "Clear Sky Xilan" 588 book coins, "Qingqing Orange" 1888+ 1888 book coins, "Qili" 999 book coins, "Lazy Cat Work Hard" 100 book coins, "Shuiyue Yibing" 100 book coins, "Jade Tassel" 100 book coins.

   Thank you for your kind help!



  (end of this chapter)

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