Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 688: Seeking Gu (4)

  Chapter 688 Seeking Gu (4)


   "Master wants to save him?"

   "After all, others are not bad. Besides, there are many demons in this world, and it is the common people who suffer."

   "I see." Xiao Zuo didn't say anything after saying this.

  Leng Qianxun didn't know either, what did he mean when he said he knew?

   Is there a solution? Or do you mean you know about the ice silkworm chrysalis?

   "Miss Leng, after we finish walking this street, let's search around and we should be able to find it."

  Dongfang Yi believed what she said. In the past, Shi Qiang could not pay attention to multiple directions when he was here alone. Therefore, it is not impossible that there are some things that he did not see or that people deliberately guard against him.

   At this time, another question formed in his mind, but that was just his guess.


   This matter was explained to Xiao Zuo, so Leng Qianxun is not in a hurry, let's talk about it after searching this street.

  Every family here, as she expected, has almost three to six people, and most of them have seven people from three generations.

  Besides their gray eyes and a little slow movement, those old people are actually a bit fairy-like.

   "How much milk do you carry back each time?" Thousands of people in the whole region rely on Shi Qiang's own strength, and they are still on the top of this mountain.

   "Ten boxes. Some children and old people drink slowly, and only drink one bottle in two months." He tied them with ropes, holding five boxes in each hand.

   "It's amazing." Leng Qianxun gave him a thumbs up. It turned out that the muscles on his arms were trained in this way.

   "Where, I am also forced to help."

   If he doesn't take so much each time, it won't be able to meet the needs of all people. Therefore, he was also forced.

   "..." Dongfang Yi can understand his responsibility.

  Like him, the suzerain has too high expectations of him. Although it can motivate him, the pressure is also great.

  Leaving him with no time to be lazy sometimes, this virtually becomes his responsibility.

  This street is almost finished, and there is one last shop left.

  Looking at the appearance and shape, it seems to be their ancestral hall.

  Shi Qiang stepped forward to push the door and walked in. At this time, directly opposite them, that is, in the middle of the main hall, there were countless memorial tablets.

   "Great Ancestor Wuyong?!" Leng Qianxun and Dongfang Yi glanced over, and they all had the same surname "Wuyong".

   Isn't Shi Qiang's surname "Shi"?

Could it be that…

  At this time, Shi Qiang, who was standing beside them, spoke slowly.

   "Everyone here is surnamed Wuyong, Wuyonger is my name here, because this surname is rare, in order to avoid trouble and convenience, so my name outside is Shi Qiang."

   It is understandable for people like them who live in seclusion in the mountains to have two names for convenience.

   What's more, he sneaked out to learn art like him, so Dongfang Yi and Leng Qianxun can understand.

   "And..." said Shi Qiang behind his ear, carefully reached out and tore off a piece of human skin.

  He surprised Dongfang Yi and Leng Qianxun by this move. Is this the legendary painted skin?

  It turns out that the appearance he is showing now is not his real appearance, but pasted with human skin.

   Tsk tsk tsk!

  Leng Qianxun thought her eyesight was vicious enough, but she didn't expect that she still didn't see Shi Qiang wearing fake skin... No, Wuyonger.

   Has her insight deteriorated?

   Or is Shi Qiang's kung fu too good?

  Then, did Brother Ye notice this?

   The third update!



  (end of this chapter)

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