Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 128: Accident

"Tony, it's troublesome, troublesome, this time it's really troublesome!" This morning, Tangning was shaken by Danina who hadn't slept yet!

Tangning rubbed her eyes and asked displeasedly, "What's the matter, making you so anxious?"

"Paul is awake!" Danina replied with a look of fear.

"Paul woke up? You mean he has regained his memory?" Tangning speculated.

Danina nodded vigorously and replied, "That's right, Paul has regained his memory! And he said he was coming to find me! Tony, what should I do now?"

Tangning could understand Danina's feelings at this time. Although she was only with her after it was confirmed that Maxie was dead, since Maxie didn't die, the two of them felt sorry for him.

Fortunately, Tangning was well prepared for this situation, so instead of answering, she asked, "Do you prefer the current life or the previous life?"

Danina replied without hesitation: "Of course it's life now!"

"That's fine, then when Paul arrives, you can take him to see your clothing store, and tell him that you like your current life, and you can't go back!" Tangning explained.

"This, can this work?" Danina asked unconfidently.

"Don't worry, Paul is not the kind of man who is difficult to deal with!" Tangning "guaranteed".

"Okay then!" Danina agreed, but then added, "Tony, why don't you go, wait for Paul to come..."

Before Danina could finish her sentence, Tangning interrupted, "What are you kidding? If I were there, it wouldn't be as simple as breaking up. Paul would probably kill me. He has no right to blame me."

Danina quickly explained: "Tony, don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to help me negotiate with Paul, but as long as you're here, I'll be at ease, so stay with me, okay?"

Tangning couldn't bear the entanglement, so she reluctantly agreed, and then came to Joanna's residence and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Miss Lopez, I have encountered an emergency, so I have to stay in New York. Stay a little longer."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, then I'll go back to New Orleans first!" Joanna answered cheerfully.

A few days later, Daniela received Maxie at the station uneasy, and hugged him very embarrassingly, but then she keenly found that Maxie was even more embarrassed than herself.

Sure enough, just finished drinking a cup of coffee after getting home, and after chatting for a while, Maxi said, "Joanna, I'm sorry, I haven't come to see you all this time!"

"It's okay, I know your illness has never been cured!" Danina replied politely.

"I heard that you have a women's clothing store now, and it's doing well, isn't it?" Maxi asked suddenly.

Danina nodded and replied, "Yes, I'll take you to see it later."

Unexpectedly, Maxi waved his hand and said: "No, I know you are doing well. Actually, I have something I want to discuss with you today, Joanna!"

Realizing that business had finally come, Daniela immediately became nervous: "What's the matter? Paul?"

I saw Maxi pondering for a while, and then replied: "Dannina, you know, I got married again during this period of amnesia, I know it's my fault, but I really didn't think about anything at the time. Get up, and Audrey is really kind to me, without her, I might not be able to survive!"

"I know, I don't blame you, Paul!" Danina reached out and held Maxi's hand. Although she didn't have much affection for him at this time, after all, it was a husband and wife relationship, and what happened to him was enough to make people feel Sympathy and understanding.

Unexpectedly, Maxi's words changed: "Dannina, Audrey is not as good as you, and can live so well alone, and also started her own business..."

Hearing this, Daniela felt something was wrong, and sure enough, Maxie continued: "And at first you didn't particularly want to come from London to New Orleans, so I think we should separate, of course Dan Don't worry, Nina, I can give you everything you want!"

To be honest, Danina was already a little confused at this time, because she had always felt guilty and felt sorry for Maxie, and didn't know how to talk to him, but she didn't expect Maxie to say that she wanted to divorce first. It caught me off guard!

Maxi naturally didn't know what Daniela was thinking at this time, he thought that Daniela couldn't accept divorce, so he said guiltily: "Daniela, I know I'm doing it too much, but I really don't have it now. Method......"

At this time, Danina had already adjusted, so she stood up coldly and said, "You don't need to say it, I agree! Talk to my lawyer about the specifics, I don't want to see you again now. !" He turned around and left.

Originally, Maxi wanted to stop him, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only sit down and let out a long sigh.

After listening to Danina's story, Tangning was also very surprised, "You, you said that Paul felt sorry for you, so he wanted to divorce you?"

Danina nodded and replied, "That's right, isn't it a surprise? To be honest, I was also blinded when I heard it. I thought I had to ask for his forgiveness, but he was actually begging for my forgiveness!"

"It's really unexpected, but it's a good thing no matter what, isn't it?" Tangning asked rhetorically.

Danina echoed: "Uh, that's true!", but then the conversation changed and she said with some displeasure: "But this also shows that he really fell in love with that Audrey!"

"I don't think you need to worry about this. After all, you never fell in love with him before. Your marriage was a political marriage. Now you have found the career you are fighting for, and Paul has found true love. Isn't this a good thing? !" Tangning urged.

"You're right, so I don't have to feel guilty! By the way, do you want to see Paul?" Danina asked again.

Tangning thought for a moment, then waved her hand and said, "Forget it this time, because it's not easy to explain how I knew he was from New York. Let's talk about it when we get back to New Orleans."

"Do you think Paul will return to New Orleans?"

"Unless, of course, he doesn't want to inherit Uncle Sean's estate!"

PS: I saw a more interesting new book "Evolution from the Locust Tree". In fact, this kind of alien flow is not easy to write. It belongs to the standard type that is easy to write at the beginning and more difficult to write as it goes to the back. However, this book is from the current It looks good. Another wave of subscriptions!

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