Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 129: Outlander

"Tony, we sold that painting cheap!" On this day, Brian hurried to Tangning's place with a painful expression on his face.

"Which painting?" Tangning asked in confusion.

Bryan replied angrily, "Which one is there? It's a ghost painting!"

"Didn't you sell that ghost painting for a thousand dollars, how can you say it was cheap?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Then do you know how much this painting is being sold for now?" Brian asked.

Tangning shook her head and replied, "Then how do I know, but it must be more than a thousand dollars from what you mean, right?"

"Now the painting is this number!" Brian replied with a wave of his palm.

"Five hundred dollars?" Tangning guessed.

Brian replied, dumbfounded, "How can I do that for one thousand and five dollars? It's obviously five thousand dollars!"

"What?! Five thousand dollars?! Are you kidding me?" Tangning couldn't help but exclaimed.

Brian snorted coldly: "Who are you kidding me, this is not necessarily the last and highest price, because there are still people asking for it!"

"But that painting isn't worth so much anyway!" Tangning muttered to herself. In fact, it wasn't the five thousand dollars that shocked him, it was the price that destroyed his eyesight and confidence.

"I don't know if it's worth so much, but now a lot of people are robbing this painting. Hey, if I had known, I wouldn't have sold it so soon!" Brian said regretfully.

Although Tangning really wanted to tell Brian that the painting was indeed not worth that much money, and had already earned it when it was sold for a thousand dollars, the current situation made her unable to open her mouth.

"The Age of Rebirth"

At this time, Brian said again: "Fortunately, I grabbed another painting. This time I will say nothing and will not make this mistake again!"

"Wait a minute, you grabbed another painting, what does that mean?" Tangning asked curiously.

Brian explained: "Tony, you're in New York recently so you don't know, because after the two things about your 'Oath of the Batavias' and mine's Venus, now the whole New Orleans I started to rummage through those old paintings, not to mention, I just found a few valuable oil paintings, and I managed to grab a piece of Boucher's Leda and the Swan!"

"You said you bought Boucher's Leda and the Swan?" Tangning asked in disbelief.

Brian replied proudly: "Yes, how is it worth it?"

"Where did you buy it?" Tangning asked.

Brian replied proudly. "A farmer saw that a recent oil painting in New Orleans was valuable, so he took a painting from his family's ancestral to the gallery, but it was discovered that it was the work of Boucher. I happened to be there that day, so I stole it."

Hearing this answer, Tangning felt a gurgling in her heart, because you must know that François Boucher was the most famous Rococo master in France. He was the president of the French Academy of Fine Arts and the chief painter of the royal family. Now, even when he was alive, it was extremely valuable, how could it be found in a farmer casually?

So Tangning stood up and asked, "Where is this painting now? Take me to see it!"

"It's in my safe!"

When they arrived at Brian's house, Tangning only glanced at it and concluded, "This is definitely not Boucher's painting!"

"Tony are you sure?" Brian asked with a frown.

Tangning nodded vigorously and replied, "Of course I'm sure, I've copied Boucher's paintings many times, and I'm sure I won't get it wrong!"

"Well, it doesn't really matter if it's Boucher's or not. I'm not collecting it. As long as someone is willing to buy it, I can make money!" Brian comforted himself.

"You said someone wants to buy this painting from you now?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Yes, several people!" Brian replied proudly.

"Then what price are they willing to pay?" Tangning asked.

Brian replied, "I paid $500. Some of them paid $600 and some paid $700!"

"Since there is a profit, I advise you to sell it quickly!" Tangning advised.

Brian refused without hesitation: "This is not good, I can't make the mistake of the ghost painting before!"

"Bryan, listen to me, I don't think this is right. Think about it, our New Orleans is not London or Paris. How can there be so many oil paintings of masters in the private collection?" Tangning continued to persuade patiently. .

Brian retorted: "Why is it impossible, our ancestors all migrated from Europe, and those masters painted so many paintings, many of them were famous after death, so they lived in Isn’t it normal for some folks? Isn’t it normal with the migration to New Orleans? Our New Orleans is the city with the most French immigrants, otherwise where would it come from the French Quarter? In addition, this is not due to your “Oath of the Batavians” ” and the influence of that ghost That’s why everyone took out all the oil paintings at home, isn’t it all reasonable?”

"This, this..." Tangning was at a loss for words, not knowing how to respond, but he just felt something was wrong, so he could only sigh helplessly and leave.

After returning home, Tangning was surprised to find that her little apprentice, Deanna, was here, so she asked curiously, "Dianna, don't you have to take care of the shop today?"

Deanna shook her head and replied, "No, Aunt Melissa is taking care of me!"

Then he turned the conversation and asked, "Teacher, do you know that there are a lot of valuable oil paintings in New Orleans recently?"

Tangning nodded and replied, "I heard a bit about it, but why did you close the painting?"

"That's not true, but I also helped my friends to identify a few paintings, because they all know that I am following you to learn oil painting identification!" Deanna held Tangning's hand, and then changed the topic again, "But I don't know why, I always I don't think this is right!"

"Oh? What's wrong?" Tangning asked casually.

Diana replied, "I wonder if you have noticed, Teacher Tangning, there are a lot of out-of-towners coming to New Orleans recently!"

"Is it strange that there are foreigners in New Orleans?" Tangning replied in disapproval, because as almost the largest port city in the Confederacy, it is surprising that New Orleans has no foreigners.

Diana waved her hands quickly, "Oh, Mr. Tangning, I didn't express it clearly, what I meant was that those who made paintings are from outsiders, and many farmers suddenly have more valuable oil paintings in their homes, and foreigners have been there before. their home."

PS: I'm so nervous. Tonight is likely to be the moment to witness history. Who is the paper tiger will be revealed immediately, stay up all night and wait!

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