Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 297: The Spring and Autumn Era of Personal Computers

I have to say that as a legend in the original time and space, Don Estelic always finds the most appropriate challenger in the process of confronting the personal computer almighty warrior built by Tang Huan. ⊙Four ⊙Five ⊙Chinese ⊙Chinese

    Electronic spreadsheet software is an example, and the same is true for dbase.

    In fact, dbase has been on the rise for two or three years, and its developer is Wayne Ratliff.

    Up to now, this person is still working at JPL.

    This institution, located in Pasadena, California, was founded in 1936. It has a huge background. It is a subordinate agency of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is responsible for the development and management of unmanned space exploration missions. It is administratively managed by the California Institute of Technology .

    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has a language-programmed database project called, and Wayne Ratliff is imitating it, and dbase was developed in 1978, but the name of this program was Vulcan at the time.

    Wayne Ratliff participated in the pirate program of NASA to explore Mars, and wrote a database management system for the software support of the lander.

    The purpose of his development is to manage the bets on football matches and to earn some extra money through mail-order sales. However, after selling for more than a year, the market has been up and down.

   & is developed on Altair's copycat models with intel8080 assembly language, so its operating environment is cp/n.

    Therefore, it attracted the attention of two personal computer software vendors-geetate and hallashlee. They reached a licensing agreement with Wayne Ratliff and established a company named -tate-Ashton-Tate. Operate this software.

    Because this name has already been used by other companies, hallashlee re-named it-dbase, and set the version to be upgraded directly to 2, that is, the price is 695 US dollars.

    Actually, no code changes have been made to this program. But it gives people an impression of maturity and stability, which is the genius of professional marketers.

    Everyone patronizes for gold, but no one notices that the originality of creativity has been incorrect since the very beginning. This will inevitably bury a huge hidden danger.

    Of course, Tang Huan must have the same mirror in his heart, but could he shout all over the world?

You should know that authoritative professional personal computer media such as "byte" and "" have regarded philosopher's spreadsheet software, word processing software, and database software ebase as gods. Respectfully known as the troika driving the development of the personal computer industry.

    Recently, the emerging field of the desktop publishing market has also been pointed out for the personal computer industry, but because the technical threshold is too high, other companies are temporarily unable to enter.

    Such an evaluation, whether it is an ally or an opponent in the industry, has recognized it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is convincing.

    First of all, under the guidance of Tang Huan. Zheru Software is powerful enough, as long as he wants, he can crush any competitor technically.

    Secondly, with this strong position, Zheru has made some technical authorizations that are getting more and more positive reviews, such as public coding schemes, interface specifications, and so on.

    A discerning person can see that this is philosopher's use of his superior position to try to establish industry standards.

     But even if you can see it, most personal computers have the shadow of philosopher software, and colleagues have already used the bait thrown by philosopher. Support for interacting with, ebase, can you fall behind?

    Moreover, as the market situation changes, everyone is beginning to discover. The capacity of the personal computer market is too large, and the types of hardware platforms supported by Zheru Software are also limited.

    Therefore, you can still drink soup after following the software of Philosophy.

    Especially the price of Zheru software is increasing step by step, in fact it leaves room for other products.

    This makes many small workshop-style companies grateful, and they deserve to be the leaders in the industry. It's so good-natured, he didn't force his peers to death.

     In essence, after the software matures, it is logical to increase the price, and it will increase from US$100 per copy to US$250 per copy. How could philosophers fall behind?

    In addition, with the increasing number of software functions, the development environment of Zheru Software has all used the C language, and the assembly language will only be used in rare cases where there are special requirements for execution efficiency.

    Due to the limitation of software complexity, Zheru Software will naturally only choose to support valuable hardware platforms, and there are also big differences in function implementation.

    Our own Fangyuan computer is fully functional, followed by Apple, and other types of personal computer hardware platforms have been extended. The mystery here is hard to discover without careful understanding.

     Therefore, the generosity of philosophers is required by Tang Huan’s layout, but also limited by objective conditions.

     Anyway, Zheru Software uses its dominance to exert influence on the software market, which is generally regarded as a leading and forward-looking move.

     In the final analysis, other small fish have followed the personal computer industry to live very well, naturally sullen their heads to make money, and have no time and courage to play any games that challenge the supremacy.

    For example, the company's Seymour Rubinstein, he has always been thinking about grabbing market share from Tang Huan, and he has also tried to form an anti-Tang alliance to stifle the menacing philosopher software.

     But in reality, it has been imitating all the time. Zheru’s public standards have been copied one by one, and its sales have grown from 500,000 US dollars in 1979 to over 10 million US dollars now.

    Struggling over and over, isn’t it just for profit? No matter how ambitious Seymour Rubinstein is, he has to recognize the situation and recognize that keeping a distance is the best way to survive at the moment.

    When Adam Osborne used his shares to fight for free software for the Osborne generation machine, he knew that Adam Osborne had received a lot of support from Tang Huan, and Seymour Rubinstein was still involved. He even became chairman of the board of directors of Osborne Computer Company.

With such a wealth of Seymour? Rubinstein, when ibm recruited him, he was confidently rejected. The Blue Giant's finger-pointing about Microsoft is already an open secret in the industry, and his life is getting nourished. I don't want to be so controlled by others.

   &-If the market prospects are promising, I will naturally support this platform without you worrying about it.

    Seymour? Rubinstein's ignorance of praise, brought a trouble to ibm's word processing software layout.

   &-The accompanying software includes Microsoft's and operating system, spreadsheet software, the company's financial software, and a text processing software.

    Among them, it will be acquired by msa company. Even if its financial software business strategy changes, ibm's successful wooing is enough to fill this territory.

    It stands to reason that the troika of the giant blue version of the personal computer application created by Don Estelich is already in place.

    Unfortunately, after being rejected by Seymour Rubinstein, another piece of software used to replace the word processing software was lost.

    From the perspective of technical difficulty in development, the database is the most difficult among the troikas. Zheru's ebase has been succumbing to failure in the microcomputer database market since its inception. It has not even touched on the concept of relational models. At present, it can only be said to be a make up.

    The difficulty is in the middle of the spreadsheet software, which can be inferred from the products that have appeared on the market, and other products, and Microsoft announced that it is developing.

    It is also analyzed based on the number of products appearing on the market. The development of word processing software is the least difficult, except for, and, like this unknown. There are at least ten items.

    Although the development of word processing software is not difficult, it is very easy to make this product really good.

    Various typesetting functions, both powerful and easy to use for users, are not quick to build by just relying on manpower. It is from this kind of heritage that Seymour Rubinstein's waist is so stiff and he prefers not to be a oxtail.

   &-This random text processing software used to make up the numbers is weak in function. The key is that its bugs make users intolerable. Coupled with such benchmarks, it immediately attracted constant criticism. Directly accused of detrimental to the image of ibm-.

     was sprayed a little embarrassed by Don Estelitch, helplessly, while urging improvements, he set his sights on another word processing software that performed well.

    There is the largest religious university in the United States in Utah, and it is also the third largest private university in the United States, that is, Brigham Young University.

    The graduate student of the school-Bruce Bastian and the professor-Alan Ashton, in 1979, developed word processing software for the minicomputer system datageneral, which was born.

    Bruce Bastian and Alan Ashton are very intelligent, which can be seen from their original time and space in the future, can be among the rich list.

    The two people retained the copyright and jointly established a company called-to operate.

   &The sales method is very creative. They hire students to promote products and after-sales service, which has won a good reputation.

    In view of the failure of the previous negotiations with Seymour Rubinstein, the one who threatened the philosopher was not wooed, and he was caught up in a commotion. Therefore, Don Estelich was playing with Bruce Bastian. When Alan Ashton negotiated, his attitude was more pragmatic and flexible.

    You are not willing to give up product development on other personal computer hardware platforms? No problem, as long as the ibm- version is completed in accordance with the agreement, and ibm also provides the necessary technical support.

    In such a low profile. Obtaining satisfactory results of the negotiations is naturally a matter of course.

    This is also the main reason why Microsoft is eager to announce its R&D plan for its own spreadsheet software. The Blue Giant previously spoiled itself, but now more and more come to compete for it. It is bound to be covered with rain and dew.

    Looking at the charismatic Don Estelich in the newspaper, he confidently announced that the troika on the ibm-platform—electronic forms, word processing, and database—has been built, and the construction of the factory has also been completed. It will be done soon. And the needs of users will surely be 100% satisfied at that time.

    "This guy's work efficiency is very high." Tang Huan put down the newspaper, muttered to himself, and pondered.

     Regarding the current pattern of changes in the US personal computer market brought about by ibm, Tang Huan is vigilant but fearless.

    For him, the more well-known the parties involved, the more famous they are, or even the big names, the easier it is to grasp them.

    This time. The ministry reports that everyone has arrived and the meeting can begin.

    Tang Huan nodded, picked up the newspaper again, got up and went to the conference room.

                                           ;Ask it casually while showing the photo of Don Estelic in the newspaper


    "On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, ancient China. More than 2,000 years ago, there was a historical period called the Spring and Autumn Period. The vassals, large and small, attacked each other, and finally survived the fittest, leaving only a handful of them."

    Tang Huan said leisurely: "The current pattern of the US personal computer market. It is similar to this. There are at least a dozen different hardware platforms. The country competes for land and population, and enterprises compete for markets and customers. "

    Speaking of which, Tang Huan looked around at the audience, "Have you ever thought about it. In the market competition of personal computer hardware systems, what is the core contention?"

    "Standard." Someone turned their brains quickly and quickly answered.

    "Yes, it’s for standards." Tang Huan nodded appreciatively, "In my opinion, the elimination of personal computer hardware systems in the market will be divided into two stages. It is now in the first stage, those with poor market prospects. Personal computers are out, and the accompanying hardware standards disappear. After the last few most advantageous personal computer hardware systems are left, there may be competition for compatible computers within them, but the premise is that they have approved The standard for this hardware platform."

    Tang Huan asked people to distribute the documents and continued to analyze: “Among the remaining winners after the first phase of elimination, our Fangyuan computers will definitely be ours. This is a matter of course. Otherwise, we are not the participants and it is difficult to discuss. Go on."

There was a burst of laughter in the conference room, but it also reminded everyone that if this happens, then everyone's good day at ease will come to an end.

    "Apple computers should be one, because they always have their own operating system, and control the hardware and software platforms in their own hands. IBM personal computers are also one, because they are powerful enough. As for others, they use cp. A personal computer with the /m operating system, no matter who the boss behind it is, there is only one thing left to survive without dying."

    Tang Huan coughed lightly, "However, companies like Tangdi, Kang Maoda, and Atari may have some exceptions. Because Tangdi Computer already belongs to us, philosophers may provide some support for them. The personal computers of Kang Maoda and Atari have achieved the characteristic of winning because of their excellent game performance. Huan's analysis naturally integrates multiple aspects.

    For example, Kang Maoda, it was the company that Jobs planned to package and sell the entire Apple company, as well as himself and Woz, at a price of 1 million US dollars, but was rejected.

    Commoda acquired the company that produces microprocessors in 1976, so it can be very low in price.

    Commoda acquired the company that produces microprocessors in 1976, so it can be very low in price.

    Commoda acquired the company that produces microprocessors in 1976, so it can be very low in price. (To be continued.)



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