Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 688: Important orders in 2 areas

The president of the Hundreds of Peoples Association is a Chinese ‘female’, ‘sex’, and ‘pretty’ Ying-Yang Xuelan, the vice president of Grey Advertising Company. This candidate also reflects the personal connections of the organizer Tang Huan. -79 Novel Network-

Yang Xuelan, who was just over fifty years old this year, is famous for his family. Her mother, Yan Youyun, was the first female graduate of Fudan University. Her grandfather, Yan Xinhou, was an assistant to Li Hongzhang, an important minister in the late Qing Dynasty. His father is Yan Zijun, a well-known industrialist, and his two sisters, Yan Caiyun and Yan Lianyun, are collectively referred to as the "Three Sisters of the Yan Family."

Yan Youyun’s first husband was a Ph.D. student in the United States and a professor at Tsinghua University, Yang Guangying. He later entered the field of foreign diplomacy. In 1938, he became the consul general in the Philippines. He was arrested after the Japanese army captured Manila in 1942, and was arrested on April 17 of the same year. Japan and seven other foreign officials were killed by the Japanese army.

After the Pacific War, Yan Youyun took three "daughters" Yang Leimeng, Yang Xuelan, and Yang Yingen to settle in New York, USA. He soon served as a protocol officer at the United Nations until he retired after the UN General Assembly in October 1959.

In September of that year, Yan Youyun married Gu Weijun, who was a judge of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This person's background is naturally bigger. He is a famous foreign ‘account’ official in Chinese history, and he must be mentioned in any textbook.

In 1919 after the end of the First Century War, Gu Weijun participated in the Paris Peace Conference as a member of the Chinese delegation.

As we all know, at the meeting, the Japanese government requested that as a victorious country, take over all rights and interests of the defeated country Germany in the east of China.

To this end, Gu Weijun prepared the "Shan_Dong Issues Talking Post", insisting that China cannot abandon the birthplace of Confucius, Shan_Dong, just like Christians cannot abandon the holy land of Jerusalem, which immediately shocked European and American representatives, reversed the situation of public opinion, and won To the surface sympathy of the great powers.

However, the game of international politics must return to Power in the final analysis.

As Italy withdrew from the Paris Peace Conference, Britain, France and the United States were afraid of Japan's withdrawal and threatened the peace treaty's entry into force that would cause the peace conference to abort, so they transferred Germany's colonial rights in Shandong to Japan in order to win over each other.

At that time, Lu Zhengxiang, the head of the Chinese delegation, had already left Paris. Gu Weijun actually took the power of the head of the delegation temporarily. Under his auspices, the Chinese delegation refused to sign the "Versailles Peace Treaty."

Gu Weijun, who did not flinch at the Paris Peace Conference, held out his'lips' with Japanese representative Makino for dozens of rounds, making him unable to resist. It shocked the participants, and won the appreciation of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson among the three giants of the Paris Peace Conference. Even French Prime Minister Cree Monseau and British Prime Minister Lloyd George also admired them greatly.

Kerry'Meng'suo wrote in his memoir: "Gu Weijun is like a civet and a mouse to Japan, showing off his skill in escape."

Since then, Gu Weijun has won the reputation of "China's first foreign diplomatic official" and has been highly praised by international public opinion.

As a result of long-term service in the Beiyang government and occupying a prominent position, when the Nationalist Government won, Gu Weijun was wanted, and after Zhang Xueliang's mediation, he joined the Nationalist Government and returned to the foreign borders.

After the "September 18th" Incident in 1931, Gu Weijun was appointed by the Chinese government to participate in the Litton investigation team of the League of Nations. Despite Japan’s obstruction and even life threats, he insisted on entering Northeast China for fieldwork and independently carried out a lot of work. He submitted a long memorandum to the investigation team exposing the Japanese aggression, exerting influence on the investigation team and fighting for China’s interests.

In the period around the Second World War, Gu Weijun served as the ambassador to the United States for a long time and continued to exert his influence until he retired from the position of ambassador in 1956 and was transferred to the judge and vice president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He completely retired in 1967 and settled in the United States.

Gu Weijun, who has been called a "pretty" color throughout his life, died last year in 1985. Li Luye, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, also went to the Campbell Funeral Home on Macson Avenue to express his condolences.

Gu Weijun, who was 97 years old. The health and longevity is largely due to the careful care of Yan Youyun, who is 17 years younger than him.

It is precisely because of this that Gu Weijun was able to dictate a total of 13 volumes and more than 6 million words of "Gu Weijun's Memoirs" in his later years, which has become an important material for studying the history of China's modern diplomatic relations.

In addition, although his ‘private’ letters and documents have not been published, they are entrusted to Columbia University for safekeeping. Researchers need to apply for a special application to read them.

From this, it is not difficult to see that as long as the influence reaches a certain height, it can naturally walk among all parties, and even be able to continue to exert influence behind him.

Under the influence of this family environment, it is not surprising that Yang Xuelan became a Chinese ‘fine’ British member who stood out in the United States and entered the Hundreds Association.

You know, since 1983, General Motors of the United States has noticed Yang Xuelan because of a successful advertisement, and has been diligently poaching corners until now that it has not given up on the plan.

Tang Huan brought these ‘fine’ Chinese people together in order to share the resources inherited from the previous generation or the struggle of this generation and echo each other-smart people always find ways to add value to themselves.

For this matter, after Tang Huan arrived in New York, he barely moved. Even the affairs that should have been handled in Silicon Valley were temporarily transferred to the eastern United States.

Fangyuan Computer Company is currently pursuing a series of large orders in the financial field. With the further maturity of computer information technology, stock ‘trading’ systems such as Nasdaq and futures ‘trading’ systems, etc., are brewing hardware and software upgrades.

"Who is staring at this cake at the moment?" Tang Huan shook the document.

"IBM, DEC, and HP are all on the list." John Chambers replied with a groan, "The strongest competitor is DEC. Its VAX minicomputer is very popular in the enterprise market; IBM Although we have been beaten up by us in the personal computer market, we still have unique advantages in the high-end application field; HP is not stuck in the middle, which seems inconspicuous, but it is more dangerous."

After listening to the other party's analysis for a while, Tang Huan nodded in agreement, and had to say that these veteran computer companies relied on the special laws of the enterprise-level market and lived ‘quite’ and nourished.

Fighting in the enterprise market does not just depend on the latest and most complete hardware. It is the accounting in the application solution that plays a decisive role. It is difficult for outsiders to understand the complexity. This is also personal The main reason why Fangyuan Computer Co., which is killing the Quartet in the computer field, can only be steady in the enterprise application field.

Take DEC as an example. The operating system UNIX and the programming language C were developed on its minicomputer PDP11. It can be seen that the application range of these products has been expanded, and the user's operating habits and old versions have been brought about by this. Cost considerations such as software and data migration are key points for business decision makers.

One thing that needs to be pointed out is that this piece of cake desperately competing for the industry's giants belongs to the application field of data processing. Its history began almost with the invention of computers. The first-mover advantage of established computer companies has innate advantages.

In addition, application areas such as graphics and image processing are relatively new. Everyone is almost standing on the same starting line. Even if some of the originals are very limited, it is suitable for latecomers like Fangyuan Computer.

The fact is also true. Fangyuan Graphics Workstation currently occupies more than 60% of the market share, and the remaining part is divided among emerging computer companies by Silicon Valley Graphics and Sun Microsystems.

"Judging from these successful experiences, in addition to grabbing orders for traditional IT applications such as data processing with established computer companies, we should also pay attention to digging data and opening up new application areas such as graphics and image processing. The darling of the market, we newcomers can keep advancing among the old people." Tang Huangao gave his subordinates an analysis.

"For these orders in the financial sector, no matter how fierce everyone is, there are not many unexpected variables on the whole. However, it is NASA's side, because of the challenger space shuttle that just happened, and the activities fell into low levels. 'Tide', the orders that have been signed, I am afraid that they will be delayed or even cancelled." John Chambers put this difficult-to-control situation in front of the big boss with some anxiety.

At the end of January, President Reagan personally awarded the US National Technology Award and the US National Science Award. While affirming technology and science at the national level, the space shuttle, which gathered many research results, had an accident.

One of the special characteristics of the space shuttle is the reusable spacecraft. From this point of view, it may be described as "walking by the river, where there are no wet shoes", which can explain the ** in the accident. proportion.

Since its first flight on April 4, 1983, the Space Shuttle Challenger has been used very frequently, traveling between space and the Earth three times a year.

In 1985, the seventh space mission carried out on April 29 last year, Wang Ganjun, who participated in it, became the first Chinese to go to space.

The accident this year was already the tenth mission of the Space Shuttle Challenger. As a result, it exploded and crashed in 73 seconds after launching in the live TV and live watching. All seven astronauts on board were killed.

Bureaucracy is everywhere, and the United States is no exception here. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the most obvious example. Before the launch of the Challenger space shuttle, there were already good reasons to suspend the launch, but it was ignored.

Of course, all conclusions have to wait for the Presidential Commission of Inquiry to finally come out. And NASA, which'spends' money like water, will inevitably be a low-key man during this period.

Tang Huan was not as pessimistic as John Chambers. He slowly said: "Two salesmen went to an island country to sell shoes, but found that the people there were barefoot, so the first salesman turned around without saying anything. Just left, and the second person stayed and explained the benefits of wearing shoes to the locals, and then enjoyed the market exclusively and made a lot of money."

"Because of the Space Shuttle Challenger accident, NASA must have been hit hard, and many activities had to be temporarily shelved, which affected the demand for computers; but we must see the development of the space industry. It’s not going to stop and wait for others. NASA will soon have to return to its current pace of work orbit."

"At this low'tide' stage, there are so many people in NASA, and they can't be idle. There is always something to do?"

Having said that, Tang Huan suddenly changed his mind and asked: "If I remember correctly, the game entertainment room in Silicon Valley has already been equipped with a game called "Flight Simulator" that is still in the internal testing stage. , Have you ever been to play?"

John Chambers shook his head in confusion, wondering why Tang Huan had such a question.

"The origin of this game is a bit complicated. The development is not EA alone, but uses part of the results of the simulation flight cabin project in the Zheru R&D Center. As you know, with the maturity and popularization of 2D graphics acceleration technology, On the computer platform, there will always be some unexpected and eye-catching development results."

John Chambers woke up, "You mean, just like the current scientific research on genes uses our simulation software extensively, let NASA increase the proportion of computer simulation, and then let our products Instead of being left out, it will rely more heavily on it."

Tang Huan smiled comfortingly, "Whether or not this crisis can be turned into a business opportunity depends on your specific execution capabilities."

"I know, you can find the answer to your question." John Chambers hurriedly drew a few strokes on the memo and continued: "There is one more trouble. I'm here. Consider whether to suppress it directly instead of putting it directly in front of you. It is John Scully of Apple, who has started to imitate us in business, such as letting the newly designed new generation of MAC enter the field of desktop publishing applications."

The president of the Hundreds of Peoples Association is a Chinese ‘female’, ‘sex’, and ‘pretty’ Ying-Yang Xuelan, the vice president of Grey Advertising Company. This candidate also reflects the personal connections of the organizer Tang Huan.

Yang Xuelan, who was just over fifty years old this year, is famous for his family. Her mother, Yan Youyun, was the first female graduate of Fudan University. Her grandfather, Yan Xinhou, was an assistant to Li Hongzhang, an important minister in the late Qing Dynasty. His father is Yan Zijun, a well-known industrialist, and his two sisters, Yan Caiyun and Yan Lianyun, are collectively referred to as the "Three Sisters of the Yan Family."

Yan Youyun’s first husband was a Ph.D. student in the United States and a professor at Tsinghua University, Yang Guangying. He later entered the field of foreign diplomacy. In 1938, he became the consul general in the Philippines. He was arrested after the Japanese army captured Manila in 1942, and was arrested on April 17 of the same year. Japan and seven other foreign officials were killed by the Japanese army.

After the Pacific War, Yan Youyun took three "daughters" Yang Leimeng, Yang Xuelan, and Yang Yingen to settle in New York, USA. He soon served as a protocol officer at the United Nations until he retired after the UN General Assembly in October 1959.

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