Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 882: Isn't it cool to let the richest man Tang suffer?

As for Sophie Marceau, who is a professional actor, his achievements in film are naturally higher. In addition to taking over the art films favored by European filmmakers to win word of mouth, he also worked with the French director Luc Bey. Song's cooperation has been successful in commercial-oriented films such as "Love in the Blue Sea" and "Nikita".

That good name-"Kiss of France", has now been upgraded to "Rose of France", which definitely belongs to the most appropriate affirmation of Sophie Marceau's popularity.

In view of the example of Steffi Graf, the gossip media vowed to affirm that Monica Bellucci and Sophie Marceau, the pair of most popular female stars in Europe, also failed to escape Tang Huan's clutches.

However, as long as there is no human life, this kind of chasing after the wind will not affect the person at all. Moreover, there are too many women who want to catch up with the world's richest man, which is not a shame at all. And Monica Bellucci and Sophie Marceau have become accustomed to their roles for a long time.

Since Tang Huan has come to Europe, he must go to Russia for a visit. In order to make the communication methods more diversified, he brought Monica Bellucci and Sophie Marceau as a foil-who made it? The richest man does not have an explicit wife.

As early as January this year, under the advice of the International Monetary Fund and a group of top American economists, including Lawrence Summers, Karma Chin began to implement a radical market-oriented reform program, the so-called "shock therapy". "After that, Russia's economy fell into violent turbulence, which also resulted in internal political disputes.

Under such circumstances, Karma Chin had no choice but to turn to the West in exchange for external support. Therefore, the arrival of the richest man in Tang was naturally given the warm hospitality of the Russian president.

At this stage, the plunder of Russia's national wealth by various forces is in full swing. There is nothing to say about it, it's nothing more than colluding with the inside and outside of the top and bottom to launch various deceiving acquisitions.

Some wealth is not taken for nothing. However, such pursuits have no new ideas and challenges for Tang Huan. He has his own cronies and teams to operate, but he puts his interest in decent and non-causal. Technology and talent.

After the richest man met with senior Russian officials such as Karma, he began to inspect the Internet here non-stop.

During the August 19th Incident in the Soviet Union last year, related news spread on Shanghai, which attracted coup d'état and KGB suppression. Fortunately, this kind of pressure quickly dissipated.

Although Russia’s economy has suffered a severe decline under Karma Chin’s rule, there is still sufficient economic foundation for the development of the Internet—compared to the group of university professors in China and Russia, even when Russia’s inflation is the most exaggerated, its life It still maintains the standard of driving in and out, and a complete set of refrigerators and color TVs at home, while the proportion of Chinese intellectuals in the same period who can achieve this quality of life is not high.

In his speech, Tang Huan expressed the right expectation, that is, to develop into the largest Russian online service platform and the largest service provider in the CIS, and to keep pace with the development of the global Internet.

Next, Tang Huan emphatically pointed out the localized IT company he supported in Russia-yandex, whose initial business was mainly to develop various Russian software on the Fangyuan computer platform; as the West liberalized trade restrictions, Now it has greatly expanded its business scope.

Since it is going to be localized, the CEO Tang Huan selected for Yandex is naturally a former Soviet, his name is Arkadi Voros, who obtained a degree in applied mathematics from the Russian National Petroleum University.

Although most of Tang Huan’s hardware products could not be sold in the Soviet Union before, his it book can easily cross the political and governance obstacles, and then brought out a bunch of technical disciples and grandchildren, 28-year-old Arcadi Vorosz. , Is one of them.

Tang Huan’s advantage is mainly in the field of it, but if others are unwilling to accept high-tech, then his influence can only circulate staringly on the periphery; on the contrary, acceptance means dependence, and the Internet is Tang The territory of the kingdom of Shiit.

Therefore, the richest man has the heart to win the it market in Russia, which has the world's largest land resources, and has high hopes for Yandex.

He bluntly said to Arcadi Voroz: "I hope that our products will become the master of the CIS market, including every kilometer on the Siberian pipeline."

"Now it's the economic system. With our technical strength, we can do this for granted." Arkadi Vooroz replied confidently on his face.

The richest man smiled and shook his head. The other party was still too young, so he explained patiently: "The free economic system does not mean a fair competitive environment, and the influx of suppliers into this broad market is not only philosophers and scholars, Fangyuan..."

Arkadi Vooroz suddenly said, "We will carefully manage the relationship network, but at the top level, we must rely on the headquarters to support it."

"That's a matter of course." Tang Huan nodded, "I have a sincere and humble attitude towards the Russian market, but I don't have the mentality of eager for quick success and quick profit like others do, so brand promotion must be in the first place."

Speaking of it, Tang Huan has a long history of friendship with Russia. For example, more than a decade ago, ea's famous video game "Tetris" was "given" to Russia. When he participated in public events in Russia, he talked about this almost every time and was recognized and accepted by the Russian side.

Regarding the promotion of the major brands in the Tang’s it kingdom, with the arrival of the richest man, the promotion was carried out vigorously. The popularity is unexpectedly good. Gein is too grounded-the scope of feedback can be called comprehensive coverage. The rewards include a wealth of light industrial products, such as toothpaste, soap and other daily necessities necessary for daily life. It is not expensive for the richest man, and it is the right time for the current Russians.

As a result, in just a few days, Tang Huan’s various brands across the fields of hardware, software, culture, etc., have captured Russia’s most developed region in Europe. Even though some of the thousands of households have not yet understood that with the overwhelming All kinds of packaging, the exact meaning of the string of nouns that came before me, were accepted without exception.

The richest man in Tang is not generally industrious. He not only visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are geographically close to the west, but even traveled to Novosibirsk, the largest city in Siberia, and it was a Down's whirlwind.


On July 3, Wilson and his wife reluctantly said goodbye to Xiangjiang. Before leaving, he said to the media with emotion, "It is very sad to say goodbye."

On July 9, Peng Dingchan, who was formally appointed by British Prime Minister John Major, arrived in Hong Kong and took office as the 28th Hong Kong Governor, the true last Hong Kong Governor.

There are many differences between the new governor of Peng Dingfan and the previous governors. For example, he is the only governor who believes in the Roman bishop; he is the only governor who does not come from the military, the colonial ministry or the foreign ministry, but a politician. A Hong Kong Governor from the British House of Commons; a Hong Kong Governor who did not receive any nobility or knighthood before taking office, nor did he wear traditional colonial uniforms when he took office.

Of course, in the eyes of insiders, these so-called differences are not important. The key lies in listening to what they say and watching what they do.

As a veteran politician, Peng Dingzhan is really scheming and brilliant. Just as he took office, he announced that he would start to promote the liberalization of the Xiangjiang telecommunications industry market, immediately breaking the current balance between the Xiangjiang Chinese business consortium. , Triggered an internal fight, making the scene chaotic.

Before Tang's richest man could speak, Dadong Telegraph, an important shareholder of Xiangjiang Telecom, stopped doing it. It is too unprofessional to criticize Peng Dingfan's ability to govern in the UK. In one sentence, it is nothing to do!

HeungKong Telecom’s local telephone franchise began in 1925 when it acquired Sino-Japanese telephone power and obtained the 50-year franchise of the local telephone network issued by the Hong Kong government. Because of the influence of the Japanese invasion of the Second World War and the fall of HeungKong, the franchise was once affected. The suspension did not resume until after the war; in 1968, the Hong Kong government gave an additional 20-year franchise that took effect in 1975, which was regarded as a kind of compensation.

The franchise of HeungKong Telecom's international long-distance business began with the 25-year foreign telecommunications line and service license obtained by Dadong Telegraph Bureau HeungKong Co., Ltd. in 1981. Taking advantage of the privatization of the telecommunications industry during the administration of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Tang Huan This part of the assets was bought, and the British Great East Telegraph Bureau subsequently became a shareholder of HeungKong Telecom.

In other words, the term of HeungKong Telecom’s local phone franchise is up to 1995, and the term of long-distance franchise is until 2006. The former only has three years left. Everything is easy to negotiate, and the latter is in trouble. HeungKong Telecom is definitely not willing. Spit out this piece of fat. It was for this reason that the Dadong Telegraph Bureau could not sit still in the first place.

You must know that this is not only directly related to the problem of profits generated by local calls and long-distance franchise, but also includes the booming mobile phone business.

HeungKong’s mobile phone communication field has been an open market since its birth in the early 1980s. However, mobile phones based on wireless networks are not really free, and they cannot be separated from local calls, especially It is the long-distance fixed network demand. This is also a magic weapon for HeungKong Telecom's mobile communications subsidiary that can crush other competitors-your son must be taken care of.

The liberalization of the Hong Kong Telecom industry launched by Peng Dingzhan is tantamount to cutting off the wealth of Hong Kong Telecom, and it also affects the three major businesses of long-distance, local calls, and mobile.

Regarding the bones thrown out by the new Hong Kong governor, the Chinese-funded consortium of Hong Kong, as long as they have the matching strength, will unsurprisingly join them, including those who are close to Tang Huan. This is the rule of profit-driven market survival.

In fact, in the battle between HSBC and Qinhe before "Black Monday" in 1987, the strategy of abolishing HeungKong Telecom through the revocation of the franchise has surfaced. It is not new, it is just that the franchise was withdrawn early due to compensation. The scale of funds required for the rights is really suspicious. With the "Black Monday" coming one after another, HSBC has completely collapsed and vomiting blood to stop the loss.

Now, Peng Dingzhan, who has been rehashing the old things, is obviously well prepared and will not be blocked in terms of funds-the Hong Kong government has issued the 15 billion Hong Kong dollars estimated by all parties! It is believed that by auctioning up to a dozen local, long-distance, and mobile licenses, a considerable amount of compensation can be obtained.

Peng Dingchan’s plan received firm support from No. 10 Downing Street. The Dadong Telegraph Bureau, which jumped up and down, died soon. As for the reason, it would be nice to share the 15 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash. .

Tang Huan naturally saw the current situation very clearly. In the last few years before the return of Hong Kong, the British Conservative Party and Government had only one goal to achieve, which was the same as when it first let go of the Indian colony~www.wuxiaspot. com~ does everything it can to create divisions, including mechanisms, consciousness, markets, and all other areas.

The hottest thing about Peng Dingzhan is that Xiangjiang, a resource-deficient place, has less and less room for major consortia to move around, and his policy of freeing up the telecommunications industry in Xiangjiang has been re-divided. A site that everyone can fight for is naturally attracted.

As analyzed by some media, Peng Dingfan’s real consideration is not based on economics, but on politics. Otherwise, he would not get the full support of No. 10 Downing Street, so as to suppress the interests of the richest man in Britain. .

In this regard, professional black Tang media such as the British "Sun" have made no secret of their schadenfreude-it must be very cool to let the richest man in Tang collapse!

The "Weekly Magazine", which was so overwhelmed by Tang Huan, also enthusiastically predicted that the freedom of the Xiangjiang Telecom industry will bring great benefits to the citizens of Hong Kong.

The richest man did not complain about how the Xiangjiang Huazi Group was exhausted in the face of the British's arrogance. In terms of business and interests, if you really demand full blame, then there will be no friends.

Therefore, he instructed HeungKong Telecom to issue a very bachelor statement-reviewing the operational achievements of 3 million telecommunications lines, accepting the Hong Kong government's policy of liberalization of the telecommunications industry, and wishing the people of Hong Kong to get better telecommunications services in the future. .

Kristina, who is keen to go to Russia to make money, but hates going to Moscow, the female ship king Christina, when welcoming Tang Huan's return, she muttered angrily: "Look at the happy faces of these British people. It's not just a telecommunications franchise. Well, what's so great!"

The richest man picked up his daughter, Athena, and said leisurely: "There is really nothing great, they will cry soon and they won't be able to cry!"

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