Rebirth of the Tech Madman

Chapter 883: I can be the richest on my own

The arrogant, frivolous and rebellious female ship king, why did she bow her ears to Tang Huan, and even used a Boeing-747 upside down to please the man she fancyed as a private jet, and staged an extremely luxurious female chasing male scene? It's because I was convinced by Tang Huan's strategizing.

Facts have proved that this move can be regarded as Christina, who has repeatedly become the target of media sarcasm, and the most correct decision made in her life. Today Onassis is prospering more than ever, and Gein is backed by the richest man in Tang.

Take one of the investments in recent years. Although the fall of the Berlin Wall triggered a large influx of East Germans into West Germany, and even the reunification of the two Germanys, West Germany was burdened with a heavy economic burden and the fiscal deficit was predictably large. The increase in the rate, and the trend of currency depreciation is obvious, but Tang Huan is optimistic that its value will stand out in the entire European exchange rate mechanism system, and thus make a lot of profits through related investments.

It can be said that since being accepted by Tang Huan, the female ship king doesn’t know how much more relaxed than before, and has almost returned to the carefree life of the girl’s generation of spending money and prodigal money. She is so happy that she is indescribably happy. Men's words are regarded as golden rules.

Therefore, Christina, who has always liked to watch a lot of excitement, naturally yearns for Tao. "I hope this good show will be staged soon, I can't wait."

While the two were discussing, their daughter Athena struggled away from her father's arms, stared wide-eyed, and said to Tang Huan earnestly: "Dad, I'm not allowed to hug me like a child in the future."

Tang Huan smiled and said, "This protest is effective. My little princess has grown into a big girl, and I am getting more and more unable to hold it."

Jincheng, who had just walked in, took the conversation and teased the twin sister, "That's why Dad can hold you, a little fat guy."

"Nonsense, they have always been in good shape." Athena grabbed a small tennis racket and waved it threateningly at her brother.

Seeing that the second elementary school had finished fighting, Tang Huancai asked, "Have you settled all your brothers?"

Jincheng replied stubbornly: "They have already selected a room."

The Barcelona Olympics is about to begin, and the sons of the richest men who have a strong interest in sports will naturally not miss it.

This year, Jinying and Jinjie, who were born by Zhao Yazhi, are also ten years old, so they have more freedom in their activities. Following Jinchang, Jinge, Jinming, and Jinliang, they traveled from the United States to Europe.

The goal that this group of children pursue is mainly the unprecedentedly powerful American National Men's Basketball Team.

Due to FIBA’s changes to the rules to allow professional players to participate in international basketball games, the current US national men’s basketball team has included Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippen, Clyde Drexler, and Larry. Many NBA star players including Bird, Chris Mullin, Karl Malone, etc., turned out to have a fantastic lineup and amazing combat power. I don’t know how many fans have been attracted to him. The sons of the richest man are one of them. molecular.

When this six-person team arrived in Europe, it was naturally hosted by Jinlong, Jinfeng, Jincheng, and Jinna from the female ship king Christina.

This old man, Tang Huan, personally checked the situation of the small people, nodded in satisfaction, and exhorted: "After watching the Olympics, I will take care of my heart. I will add a social practice to your summer vacation. class."

Jin Ge blinked and asked tentatively: "Is it related to the data that Aunt Meng Jing stayed in the computer center all day to calculate?"

Tang Huan didn't answer directly, but waved his hand, "When the time comes, you will know."

Jinfeng, who just showed off his experience at Eton College with his brothers, asked curiously: "Dad, don't you go to Spain to watch the Olympics with us?"

"Maybe." Tang Huan smiled playfully, "I want to help you prepare textbooks first."


After arranging the family chores, Tang Huan called and called George Soros to his eyes, ready to communicate. The other party was dangling in Europe during this period, so he quickly rushed to Paris.

George Soros, the head of the Quantum Fund, must be enthusiastic about the richest man. Because his Quantum Fund needs the patronage of big benefactors, Tang Huan is one of the very important ones.

In recent years, the return rate of the Quantum Fund has basically exceeded 140% every year. But this does not mean that George Soros is excellent and victorious. Take the "Black Monday" in 1987, which caused him hundreds of millions of losses.

Therefore, not everyone can buy a quantum fund, at least they must have the ability to withstand a big loss.

The richest man Tang asked bluntly: "I heard that during this period of time, the Quantum Fund was exploiting the loopholes in the European exchange rate mechanism in Europe, specifically shorting some currencies?"

George Soros, who was full of confidence, replied with his nostrils in the sky: "Don’t need to pay attention to these details. You just need to know that my Quantum Fund does not make customers very rich, but makes customers the most. rich."

"I can be the richest on my own." Tang Huan waved his hand with a golden sword. "The reason why I asked you to raise this issue is to know whether the pound sterling is also within the target range."

Upon hearing this, George Soros suddenly laughed, "Tang's strength is obvious to all. You are really making wealth, and I am just searching for wealth from speculation."

George Soros is really a strange thing, never concealing his preference for capital plunder.

However, the richest man Tang was not interested in listening to his compliment, and immediately stared at the other person's eyes, and asked: "You haven't given me the answer yet?"

George Soros groaned: “Don’t want to teach the current British Prime Minister John Major’s mood, I can understand it, but the pound is very fluid and it is too difficult to snipe it. At least from the current situation, no Qualified."

"I can understand that you are not going to talk frankly with me?" The richest man made a signing gesture, "Do you need me to pay for this conversation."

George Soros quickly changed his words with a smile: "I don't dare to touch the pound for the time being. Tang must be able to understand that playing games with central banks in Europe requires sufficient funds. If you want to short the pound, there is no US$10 billion. , There is no chance of winning."

The richest man in Tang smiled slightly, "I voted for you 500 million US dollars. With your golden sign and leverage, you can raise 10 billion US dollars. Shouldn't it matter?"

George Soros thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Tang's team is sure that there are so many talented people. Since the heart of shorting the pound is so firm, why not operate it yourself? Wouldn't it be more free of enmity?"

The richest man shrugged, "Then do you think that even if John Major was ousted, his successor, the new British Prime Minister, and the cabinet, would be willing to be friends with me?"

George Soros, who maintained his peace of mind about his capital speculation, did not feel embarrassed at all, but laughed with a knowing heart, "Indeed, my identity is much more free and comfortable than Tang."

The richest man in Tang continued to show his energy, "In addition to funds, I can also provide you with instant news on financial and political affairs, such as the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont, and the president of Deutsche Bank Helmut Schley. Singh’s latest developments in these important players."

George Soros opened his mouth, but suddenly realized that he had nothing to say. He likes to stay under the spotlight, and through the charity platform, he has repeatedly sought opportunities to contact leaders of various countries, such as the Eastern European region he particularly favors, but he obviously cannot compete with Tang Huan, who has a huge industrial kingdom. It also does not have the corresponding strong political connections.

"At present, Stanley Druckenmiller is responsible for the daily operations of the Quantum Fund. I will go back and communicate with him." George Soros got up and said goodbye: "Does Don need me to put Stanley Drew on Kenmiller called for a meeting."

"There is no need to be so troublesome. I invest in you." Tang Huan shook his head and emphasized meaningfully: "I have no intention of exploring your way of making money by sniping the pound. In addition to providing me with regular monetary returns, you also You can teach me John Major, who has a bad attitude towards me, that's enough."


After George Soros left, Christina, the queen of ships, walked out of the compartment and asked suspiciously: "My dear, you left the work to George Soros. Are we just watching the fun?"

"Of course we can't be so idle." Tang Huan explained patiently: "The reason why sniping on the pound has so much maneuverability is because there is now a main reason for capital to flow freely internationally compared to before. Then, once a suitable speculative sign appears, managers will invisible tacitly swarming forward, forming a wave of wolves attacking, which is enough to crush the traditionally invincible central banks of various countries. Therefore, the so-called sniping on the pound sterling , Will never simply snipe the British pound, there are certainly many other currencies that will suffer, such as the Italian lira."

"We, based on industry, of course don't understand the offensive things like attacking the currencies of other countries, but we can take advantage of certain countries that are bound to resolutely resist and make normal investments before raising interest rates."

"In addition, U.S. capital is already staring at the overvalued currencies under the European exchange rate mechanism. The outbreak of short selling is nothing more than a leading Mars, and George Soros is likely to become such a leading role."

"Under this situation, in the next few months, the European stock market will inevitably be the decline in Germany and the rise in the United Kingdom. They are also great opportunities for normal investment with great grasp and substantial returns."

"Of course, if you are dissatisfied with John Major, you should do it a little bit more clearly, lest their IQs can't understand our dissatisfaction. I will give Xiangjiang's Qinhe strategy a position of more than one billion US dollars and participate in it. Let’s take a look at this game, and at the same time arrange a more interesting summer camp for the genius children."

Christina laughed and said: "My dear, how did I hear a conspiracy from the United States in your words."

"What's so strange that the next step of the European exchange rate mechanism is to unify the European currency. Europe, which is too clumped and becomes powerful, will obviously affect the presence of the United States. Real investment cannot be separated from the profound political and governance. Analysis. Otherwise, those business school students can become billionaires by simply watching charts."

Speaking of this, Tang Huan solemnly urged: "Don't ask more about the news in this regard, so as not to talk with your best friends like the Princess of Wales, you will leave your mouth."

The female ship king nodded obediently, "I am just curious about it temporarily."


Even if he is too busy to pay too much attention to the Barcelona Olympics, Tang Huan still has to take a trip to Spain.

After all, the position that has been prepared for the richest man at the opening meeting can't really be empty.

What's more, the closer the ripe time for sniping on the pound is, the more significant the high-level social activities that can provide important sources of information.

The Olympic Games, held in Barcelona, ​​the hometown of the current IOC President Samaranch, is another major event in Spain after the 1982 World Cup.

In history, there have been three bids, but none of them were successful. Barcelona, ​​which has only now achieved what they wanted, naturally cherish this hard-won opportunity. For example, it has worked hard to promote a real Olympic family portrait, that is, for 20 years, all the members of the International Olympic Committee have gathered in Barcelona.

You know, even with Samaranch, the current IOC president's convenience card, it is not easy for Barcelona to do this.

The 1992 Olympic Games was the first Olympic Games after the end of the Cold War, and the pattern of participating countries changed a lot.

For example, at the end of 1991, after the Soviet Union officially declared its disintegration, many of the original world-class athletes were scattered to independent countries, and the prospects for participating in the competition became blurred.

After many negotiations with all parties, the International Olympic Committee helped to solve the most realistic funding issues and finally brought it back together. The original 15 republics of the Soviet Union, with the exception of 3 Baltic countries, and the remaining 12 countries formed the "Union of Independent States". The "sports" team participated in this Olympics, thus ensuring the high level of competition in this Olympics.

For another example, due to the war in Yugoslavia, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 757 at the end of May this year, prohibiting athletes from Serbia and Montenegro from participating in international competitions and international cultural exchange activities.

In order to change this situation and encourage athletes from this region to participate in the competition, the President of the International Olympic Committee Samaranch went all the way to shuttle diplomacy. It was not until 3 days before the opening that he finally got the approval of the UN Security Council.

Tang Huan, an old friend who provided a lot of emergency sponsorship funds, was specially arranged by Samaranch to sit beside him to thank him for his selfless contribution.

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