Ron Weasley: A Noble's Ascension

Chapter 74 - Successful Recruitment

Exiting the Room of Requirements, Ron made his way into the nearby secret passageway. One leading to the first floor and subsequently the Great Hall. It was moments like this, when he was feeling famished that he truly appreciated the Marauders Map.

While the multitude of other students rushed out of their classrooms, shoved each other and ran like wild animals. He could simply take a light stroll and reach his destination in the blink of an eye.

Stepping out of an oddly whimsical portrait, it only took him a few steps to reach the grandiose Hall. Although his appearance did garner a few side way glances the Hall was for the most part empty. Allowing him to make his way to the Ravenclaw Table and take his seat, located on the back end of it. Of course the food wasn't entirely set up, but a few baskets of bread and other smaller dishes were.

"* Albeit a bit rude and improper, I doubt anyone will notice If I have a quick bite.*"


Shortly after, waves of students made their way to the Hall. Other than to give slight nods to his brothers and a few smiles to a girl every now and then, Ron payed them no attention. That didn't work both ways, as many of the incoming students took notice of his presence.

With the looks obviously came the hushed whispers spreading rumors. Made evidently when more than half of the tables were filled. Making those "Hushed" voices much louder and clearer for everyone to hear. Acting oblivious to their words, Ron patiently waited for his two companions.

Gazing at the entrance, he soon noticed the two girls, one in a uniquely chaotic state while the other was imposing prim and proper. Glancing over at them both, he was surprised to see, their contradicting personalities and appearances complementing each other so well.

"* Had I not seen this peculiar sight before? Maybe since I've only thought of them as my pawns it went over my head. Witnessing I now, all I can say is they make a great pair... *"


" Ron!"

They both spoke with a layer of shock and surprise. Which he knew came from his unusually early arrival.

" So how was, History of Magic? Was is as fun as I remember it?"

" Oh, stop it. You've never even gone to a single class."

Replied Hermione before Daphne chimed in;

" Yeah, and you're lucky since we had to cover for you again. We told Prof. Binns you were still too weak and stayed in your room to rest."

Not hiding their annoyance with him, Ron could only plead with them. While also promising to make it up to the both of them. Which they were actually keeping track as to how many he owed them.

" Hmph, at this rate you'll owe us more favors than we can count."

Quickly added Daphne while Hermione joyfully nodded, and Ron smiled awry. Before scooting over making room for the duo. When he did so, he caught a slight glance of his two ongoing targets.

"* What am I going to do... I already have Daphne, Hermione, and Neville on my side, yet I'm still missing those two. Theodore Nott who's surprised me twice now and Susan Bones the key to my emergence into the bigger stage. I WANT them by my side.*"

Unsure of his following actions, Ron sighed before taking his napkin, unfolding it and placing over his l.a.p. He was still very hungry and hopefully he'd come up with something after his meal.


Unconsciously or unwittingly Ron actually caught himself staring at Susan's back. Turning away, he was met by Daphne staring directly at him, with a small pout. In an attempt to blow things over, he tried to play dumb.

" What?"

As soon as he heard what came out of his mouth, he instantly regretted it.

"* Not that dumb!*'

Likewise Daphne wasn't pleased by his question. Asking her question she made sure to have him look directly at her. As to not have him play coy or disregard the question.

" You were staring at Susan. Why?"

Sitting but a few inches away, Hermione heard what was said and turned to face the boy in question. Who simply smiled as he tried to come up with an adequate and believable answer.

"* My lack of knowledge and understanding of the female mind is truly one of my biggest flaws. Do I answer honestly or do I formulate another white lie? Also why didn't I notice Daphne gaze? Is it due to simple carelessness or caused by my recent over analyzing? Either way she noticed me staring at Susan... Wait! -- She named her!*"

Unknowingly when Ron came to, he took hold of Daphne's hands. Bewildered by his action she was momentarily stunned. Causing her to not catch what he was saying to her. As her entire concentration was on his hands tightly holding on to hers.

" ... So could you do it, please, Daphne?"

As the last few words made it to her ears she subconsciously answered;

" Sure, anything you want."

That being said Ron pulled back his hands, waking her up from her daze. Still a bit disoriented, she looked over to Hermione who's face was one of confusion. In that moment she realized she'd just agreed to something which she had no recollection of. Yet now it seemed far to late to decline the offer.

"* What did I just agreed to do?*"


With Daphne accepting to use her former friendship with Susan to bring her into the fold, only Theodore remained. With only one remaining target, Ron was feeling quite full of himself. While he might've been more cautious in dealing with both Susan and Theodore. Dealing with just the latter didn't seem all that challenging.

As such, Theodore's inclusion to the Study Group was almost a for gone conclusion for Ron. Making him that much more calm as he continued his meal, this time enjoying every bite. Startling Hermione, since Daphne was still trying to remember what he'd asked her to do.

" Would you like another helping of roast potatoes, Hermione? Or would you rather try the smashed potatoes?"

Caught off guard by Ron's sudden query, Hermione wasn't able to respond before having her plate filled with food.

" Here, you should eat more. Studying takes alot out of people so you need to have sufficient energy."

Taking her plate back she awry smiled at the unrecognizable boy. Sure he was always charming and confident but rarely so open and overbearing.

" Oh, theirs still some... "


As lunch came to an end, Ron swiftly waved goodbye to Daphne and Hermione. Looking were he was heading they were surprised to see it was towards the Slytherin Table. Facing each other they both asked themselves the same question;

" Why is he going over there?"

Their concern wasn't unfounded, since as soon as he was noticed by the Slytherin's he was met with jeers.

" What do you want, huh?"

" This isn't your table, brat."

" You're not welcomed here."

If those childish insults could make him turn back, Ron should rethink his life plans. Of course they proved to be ineffective and Ron stood in front of his last target.

" Hello, Theodore. Could I please borrow a minute of your time?"

Although Theodore towered over Ron, his weak build somehow made them appear as equals. That was more so Ron's enormous amount of charisma and imposing nature than Theodore's slim frame.

" I'm sorry but I don't want to be tardy for my next class. Maybe some other time... "

Replied the lanky Slytherin boy, yet Ron was able to see that before answering he looked at his surroundings. Which due to their current position was in the middle of all the Slytherin students. Taking note of that, Ron faced the encircling Slytherin's prior to asking a following question.

" You're next class is Potions correct? We can walk together, what do you say?"

Doing so he was able to pin point who exactly was trying to interfere in his plans. While simultaneously leaving Theodore no room to back out of their conversation.

" I.. I.. -- sigh*-- Okay."

He begrudgingly accepted, under the furious glares of his fellow House Mate's.

" Great, we can talk and walk."

Like that, a duo made of a tall introvert and an albeit shorter charismatic extrovert walked out of the dining hall.


Exiting the dining hall, making their way through a packed corridor, they entered a much less populated one. Where Ron motioned the Slytherin boy to follow him into an unused classroom. Once they were both inside Ron drew Longinus causing Theodore to take a step back. Fear and confusion visible on the surface of his face.

" What are you doing!?"

Instead of answering his panicked question, Ron made a quick gesture followed by a incantation.

" Muffliato."

Now that no one could eavesdrop on their conversation, Ron turned to face Theodore. Who's expression was nothing like a few seconds ago, he was much calmer even at ease.

" That's not the same wand you used to against, Draco, and I'm confident to say that this one is your true wand. Am I right?"

Having one of his biggest and most well kept secrets exposed, caused Ron's heart to ache. Nonetheless he barely acknowledged his words, simply nodding before replying.

" You're correct, so far you're the fourth person in the entire world to know of it's existence. However I didn't bring you here to display my wand."

" Why did you bring me here? As far as I'm concerned we don't have sort of relationship to speak of."

" That's right, however I wish to change that. I want you to join me, or more precisely a Study Group I'm creating."

" A study group? Not to be disrespectful but what could I possibly gain from joining this group? I'm not sure if you're aware but I have little to no trouble passing my classes."

" You disappoint me, Theodore. The Study Group isn't what's important, what's important are the people in it..."

" Who's in this study group?"

" My two good friends, Daphne Greengrass, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Cormac McLaggen, Susan Bones and a handful of others. Oh, and myself of course."

" Daphne and Susan are somewhat competent but the other three... Granger is a Muggle, Neville is a complete mess and I don't even know the third. Truth be told you're the only one remotely interesting in the names you've listed."

" Ah, but that's because you're only seeing them at face value. That's a childish mindset to have, and a mistake I don't make. So let me tell you a bit of my plan... "

Ron took a few steps forward only stopping until he was directly in front of Theodore. Causing the latter to subconsciously take a step back in panic. Leaning in closer, he began to whisper into his ear. Which after a few lines caused Theodore's eyes to become wide open.


Moments later the door to the classroom was opened and they both walked out. However unlike before, when they did so Theodore walked closely next to Ron. Reminiscent of how Daphne and Hermione did so.

"* While I've successfully recruited Theodore and Daphne is going to use her childhood friendship to bring in Susan. The next few steps are to be taken much more delicately, otherwise I risk the danger of being sent to Azkaban.*"

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