Chapter 0083 – Robin: I want to live and take me to the sea!!!

The posture of Luffy and the others standing on the wall of Justice Island…

Undoubtedly, it deeply shocked the whole world!

Such perseverance, as well as the will to never look back, were deeply engraved into everyone’s hearts.

At this moment, whether it is the navy, pirates, revolutionary army, or civilians of many kingdoms.

All moved…

Just because of this picture, it is too shocking!

What’s more, the wall they are fighting is still the island of justice that represents the majesty of the world government!

The Straw Hats are fighting for partners under the threat of the world government!

This momentum and determination is so moving…

[The posture of the Straw Hats gang unexpectedly shocked the navy and spies on Justice Island. ] 】

[Spandam, who is as timid as a mouse, was almost scared, but fortunately, looking at the CP9 in front of him, 1 felt a little more stable in his heart. ] 】

[I saw him fiercely ordering towards CP9! ] 】

“I order you to kill the pirates in front of you!”] “】

[“However, you can only be killed on this island, and you must not go outside…”

[Hearing this, Lu Qi and Kaku and the others were unhappy in their hearts. 】

[They naturally knew what Spandam meant, because only killing the Straw Hats on this island could count his credit. 】

[In this way, it will not affect his addition to the official Jin Jue…”

[Spandam looked at Luffy and his group, and his face showed madness. 】

[Just because for him, Luffy at this time is a walking experience package, a stepping stone to his promotion! ] 】

[This is the 12 islands of justice, not only does it have tens of thousands of navies, but also the CP9 who kills decisively…]

[There is also a golden phone bug that can issue a demon slaughter order!!! 】

[Rubbing the golden phone worm in his hand, Spandam’s face showed a very unbeaten look at this moment. ] 】

[And Robin when he saw the golden phone worm, his heart…”

[I can’t help but think back to the past…]

Navy headquarters…

Karp Sengoku, and even the three major generals such as Red Dog, the more you look at Spandam in the picture, the more unpleasant it is.

Just because of his mercenary and treacherous villain, he really owes a beating!

To be honest, if it weren’t for this picture…

Karp wanted to rush in and lift him up and hang and beat!

Including the pheasant, they were all speechless at this time…

He really couldn’t understand how his future self intersected with such a product.

He also handed over the golden phone worm representing the Demon Slaying Order to him, Genima…

Don’t even say that the Navy is upset.

Even Lao Sha and Brother Ming behind him and other Qiwu Hai were very unhappy.

I have the idea that if I meet him at sea one day, I must kill him…

[Robin as a child lived in O’Hara, which is a sacred place for archaeology! ] 】

[I also had a happy time there, but because of the hundred years when scholars investigated the blanks, I was hit by the Navy’s demon slaughter order! ] 】

[Robin witnessed what is called hell, witnessed what is called pain! 】

[After escaping from there, she was an unarmed little girl, but she was named the son of the devil, and the bounty reached a terrifying 79 million Baileys! ] 】

[Along the way, all those who meet themselves are ready to betray themselves, gradually…”

[Robin lost trust in people, even when he grew up! ] 】

[Just because everyone I met either had a plot for themselves, or wanted to use themselves, they never treated themselves sincerely. 】

[And the words I heard the most were also… To live is a sin, and you should not exist in this world! 】

[For a long time, even Robin began to wonder if his existence was really a sin…]

[But with the appearance of the Straw Hats, it was like a ray of light, dispelling the darkness in his heart! ] 】

[Even in the face of the threat of the world government, Luffy and his party are not afraid! ] 】

[“Sniper King, knock down that flag! “】

[With the moment the flag of the world government was broken, everyone finally believed Luffy and them, actually came really!? 】

[Would actually offend the world government for the sake of a companion!?] 】

“Robin at this moment recalls the advice given to him when he was a child! “】

【”The sea is so vast, one day you will meet a companion who is really treating you”】

[Robin cried, because until now, he finally met his companion who was sincere with him! ] 】

[If you can live well, who wants to wander everywhere or even die?] 】

[Finally, for the first time, she had the courage to say the words that had been buried in her heart]

“I want to live!”] “】

[“Put me… Let’s take it to the sea too! “】

[Robin’s tears welled up, and his voice of excitement and sadness resounded throughout the island of justice at this moment! ] 】

[Luffy’s smile also appeared on his face at this moment! ] 】

“Wait, Robin, I’ll definitely bring you back to the sea…”

This moment…

The world shook for it!

They finally understood Robin’s origins.

This girl’s life has been really too bitter.

Along the way, countless hardships struck.

It turned out that she had grown up like this…

In their hearts, everyone’s hearts sympathized with Robin and were touched by it.

Similarly, everyone also knew why the island of O’Hara had collapsed because of this…

Isn’t it to investigate the hundred years of history that disappeared?

Because of this, the world government will erase it and ban it permanently!

Could it be that in that hundred years of history, there are secrets that are unknown to the world government?

At this moment, the doubts of everyone in the world about the world government deepened dramatically.

And the prestige of the world government, at this moment, began to crack…

Even in the headquarters of the Navy, riots were caused…

“O’Hara’s demon slaughter order was personally issued by you!”

“The two green pheasants and red dogs, pro supervision!”

“Such inhuman destruction, and unconvincing reasons, I have long disagreed, but there is no way to stop it!”

“The world government may be really wrong in some places…”

Karp looked at the Warring States and said slowly, his face full of regret.

He knew about it from the beginning and opposed it.

Even if the world government wants to prevent someone from investigating that hundred years of history, it doesn’t need to be erased by the slaughter order, right?

However, he was sent to other places on a mission and could not participate in the slightest…

Sengoku listened to Karp’s lesson, and his face couldn’t help but move slightly.

Although he was in charge of that matter, he also felt a little unbearable

But all of that is an order from above, and I can’t help but carry it out…

Chi Inu suddenly spoke: “It’s a pity, there is still a survivor who escaped, but it’s okay, one day I will personally solve it!” ”

On his face, there was an unquestionable firmness.

After all, the justice that Red Dog runs through is the perfect execution of the will of the world government, and there is no room for the existence of any unfavorable factors!

Even if he directly bombarded O’Hara’s refuge ship at the beginning, he still does not feel the slightest bit guilty.

This kind of iron-heartedness, or dedication to justice, makes both the yellow ape and the green pheasant sigh to themselves.

But the red dog turned around…

“It’s just… What puzzled me was that under the bombardment of the Demon Slaughter Order. ”

“How did this little girl who was a few years old escape in the first place?”

As soon as these words came out, Yellow Ape 260 was also puzzled.

“Yes, you can still escape under the demon slaying order, Nicole Robin is really incredible?”

“This thing is quite strange…”

The green pheasant’s face involuntarily changed slightly.

Because no one knows better than him how Robin escaped…

The reason why he let Robin go in the first place was not to be loyal to the navy, and like the red dog, it was also for the justice in his heart.


The justice between the two is just a little different.

“But no matter how she escaped, she can’t escape being sanctioned by the world government!”

“Straw Hat Boy, Nicole Robin, right now, there are two big criminals on this ship!”

“And they also attacked Justice Island en masse, hum…”

“This crime is not a big deal!”

On the face of the red dog, a touch of excitement appeared.

Because as long as Luffy and the more trouble they broke into, the greater the amount of time he could personally arrest them…

[“It’s going to be on, guys! “】

[After getting Robin’s exact answer, Luffy began to warm up and prepare for a big fight! ] 】

[Solon, Nami, Usopp, Choiba and others, too! ] 】

[And on the opposite side…]

[A group of CP9 people led by Lu Qi looked at Luffy and the others, and a hideous smile appeared on their faces. ] 】

[A group of people in CP9 can’t understand the conversation between Robin and Luffy at all. 】

[In their view, the freedom they seek may dare to destroy the banner of world government.] 】

[No matter what point you look at, it’s stupid and pitiful…]

[They’re also rubbing their hands, ready to start… Hunt! 】

[Hunting this group of pirates who entered the Justice Island, did not know whether they were dead or alive, and did not know the height of the sky! ] 】

[The atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder, the big war… Also close at hand! 】

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