Chapter 0084 – Burn the Hades Drawings, I Bet The Straw Hat Will Win!!!

[What Spandamm wants most, in addition to Robin, who can make him a Jin Jue, and Franky. 】

[It’s the Hades drawing on Frankie…]

[Even if he hasn’t seen it, he knows very well that if he masters such a terrifying weapon, then the whole world has its own place! ] 】

[Spandam is bad, but he is also stupid, so he has few eyes, and he actually said his inner thoughts in front of everyone… Yes…]

[Originally, his thoughts were surprising enough, but even more surprising]

[When Franky heard this, he took out a look at the drawings directly in front of everyone! ] 】

“Do you want this thing?”] “】

[Looking at the traces of history above, and the fine designs…]

[Everyone instantly knew that this was one of the three ancient weapons in that legend… Design drawings of Hades! 】

“That was… Hades with the same name as Aquaman and Heavenly King? ”

“Is there really such an ancient weapon in the name of God?”

A trace of shock appeared on Shanks’ face…

As long as it is a person living on this sea, whether it is the navy, pirates, or civilians.

They have more or less heard rumors of ancient weapons.

This kind of existence is said to have the power to destroy everything and even threaten the world!

But as for what the three ancient weapons are, and what kind of power they have…

Most people don’t know.

For them, the existence of ancient weapons is no different from legends.

But Shanks, who is the Four Emperors… but have a certain understanding of it.

It is rumored that Hades is the worst warship in the history of shipbuilding, possessing one-shot destruction

An island, and even a country’s terrifying power!

And this… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

And such an existence, if obtained by pirates, any side of the navy, can directly rewrite the current situation!

Just because…

Ancient weapons with such terrifying strength!

“Unexpectedly, the Hades drawing actually exists…”

“And it’s still in the hands of Luffy’s crew, it’s incredible!”

Shanks was shocked by Frankie’s background.

After all, this is the three generations of ancient weapons Hades!

His design drawings were actually brought by him like this!

Not to mention Shanks and his crew…

At this moment, even the remaining four emperors, and even the revolutionary army, navy…

All without exception, shocked!

Just because they are also familiar with it for the first time, the Hades drawings actually exist!

This ancient weapon that exists in legends, for the first time, is so close to everyone!

At the same time, everyone was amazed that this reformed person who looked so unorthodox…

It actually has such a big origin!

Just when everyone was shocked.

This moment!

The picture in the sky also continued to play…

[Everyone knows that it is the manufacturing drawing of Hades! ] 】

[Spandam’s whole body was excited, and he raised his hand to grab it. 】

[But how could Frankie give him that?] 】

[Instead, he looked at him with great contempt, and said lightly:]

“The rumors in this world are really unreliable, Nicole Robin, I already knew before I came here, you are not a demon who can use ancient weapons! “】

[“This is the lie of the world government, and the purpose is…”]

[“If this ancient weapon falls into the water of an idiot like Spendham, it will be the misfortune of the world! “】

[“Since there are so many people who are greedy for design drawings, and I am the custodian of this generation of drawings, the only way is to…”

[Spandam was so excited that everyone trembled, and his face showed disgusting excitement. 】

[“Yes, give it to me! “】

[Franky’s face turned fierce, “To you uncle! “】

[Immediately, a fire directly spewed out from his hand, just giving the Hades drawing that everyone coveted, giving it alive…”

[Burned! ] 】

[Soon, the drawings were reduced to ashes under the flames, and at this moment, Spandam was dumbfounded. 】

[Including CP9, Robin, and even Nami and others not far away, they were also stunned. ] 】

[Because they couldn’t believe that Frankie actually burned the drawings that everyone dreamed of!] 】

[Spandam instantly became even more dead, looking at the ashes on the ground with a look of despair. 】

[What I have been searching for for five years, it has become flying ash in an instant…]

Franky’s boldness also shocked many bigwigs in the world!

They never expected to face the design drawings of such a devastating weapon as Hades

Paper, he actually said burn it!

No hesitation at all?

Even the four emperors of Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, and Aunt couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

And in the naval headquarters, Karp, Sengoku, and the three major generals and Nanabukai, these are these

People, it’s not much better.

The crowd behaved almost identically.

I can’t believe it, the Pluto drawings, just gone?

Everyone’s mood was like riding a roller coaster, and only a second ago they were shocked to confirm that there was really an ancient weapon like Hades in the world.

The next second…

Just watch him gone!

This feeling of watching the baby being ruined in front of their eyes makes everyone feel distressed.

Especially the ambitious Kaido, Auntie, and the red dog, Mingo and the like

I feel even more violent!

Even if Karp, Shanks, Whitebeard and the like have no idea about Hades

Watching the drawings be destroyed also feels too wasteful…

Meanwhile, the capital of water…

At this time, in the corner of the water that is not easy to perceive, French is looking at the sky outside through the gap.

He had already left the French House with a group of younger brothers, after all, he would not be stupid enough to wait for someone from CP9 to come and catch him.

And this place where he is hiding…

It’s also safe enough!

Unless the people of CP9 turn the capital of water over, it is absolutely impossible to find themselves!

It is precisely because of such an absolutely concealed security that Franky can watch the live screen so leisurely…

It’s just that he didn’t expect that there would be so many changes in the future.

And the Straw Hats actually did not hesitate to offend the world government, risking their lives to bravely enter the island of justice!

This boldness and determination…

Frankie suddenly understood why he hated the pirate himself so much.

Will join the Straw Hats in the future.

Perhaps, it is precisely because they value the determination of their partners so much that they are the reason to impress themselves?

But this… Not enough!

“Did I actually burn all the drawings of Hades…”

There was a faint smile on Frankie’s face.

It seems that he is not unusual at all about this move!

There is no other reason!

It is precisely because he who has carried the Hades drawings early on knows very well that one day the Hades drawings will bring him danger!

And myself, I have long been ready to burn it at any time!

As for whether it will be a pity if the drawings of such ancient weapons are burned…

Frankie didn’t feel the slightest!

Just because…

He had already completely memorized the design drawings of Hades!

Every slightest bit of it, every step, even if you close your eyes, you can draw it completely!

Hades drawings…

It has long existed in my own mind and can never be forgotten!

[Franky who burned the drawings, laughed at Spandam and CP9.]

【“…… People like you are simply the scum of the world, I bet that the Straw Hats will win, they will definitely knock you all away! “】

[When Spandam heard this, his already irritated mood became even more annoyed at this moment, and he was about to make a move. 】

[But the next moment…]

[A bell rings from the judgment building…]

[It turned out that not only Luffy and them came, but even the younger brothers of the Fernci family all came. ] 】

[Because I was too short before, I didn’t see it, but now when I saw this scene, French was so excited that he cried out directly. ] 】

[The little brother of the French family also cried out after that, how noisy and noisy! ] 】

[“Noisy to death!!! “】

[Luffy couldn’t help it, and directly yelled at them. 】

[Solon and Nami looked speechless, “You still have to scold people at this moment of reunion, are you the devil?] “】

[Luffy said seriously: “Robin is still waiting for us, we can’t get by without building a bridge!”] “】

[It turns out that the distance between the two sides is too far, if the suspension bridge is not lowered below, Luffy and they will not be able to pass at all…]

[Nami and Solon reacted, and immediately yelled at the Franky brothers louder than Luffy! ] 】

[“You cry a fart, build the bridge for me!”] “】

[But at this time…]

[The disheartened Spandam actually kicked Franky down, because he felt that Franky without the drawings had no effect! ] Pregnant】

[And the French brothers saw the boss fall, and they all panicked for a moment, and the little bridge that was hard to put down bounced back…]

[Seeing this scene, Luffy Solon and the others were speechless, if it weren’t for the conditions, they all wanted to pull out their knives and cut people…]

[But at this time, Granny Coco Luo was the driver of the sea train and came to the inside of Justice Island! ] 】

[With the huge impact, the sea train actually took off! ] 】

[Not only caught the falling Franky, but also rushed towards the judgment building in front! ] 】

[Seeing this, Luffy and the others were immediately excited, and they all jumped up! ] 】

[Led by the sea train, towards the Judgment Building, towards Robin, towards CP9…]

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