Seized by the System

Chapter 808: Universal bacteria

After the chat, the chief designer of the biosphere project, Dr. Edison, continued to lead Fang Ning to visit.

Everything is fine, and every detail is explained clearly.

For the first time, Fang Ning truly realized the charm of the combination of modern technology and mysterious technology.

In the past he certainly had the opportunity to visit similar projects, but he was too lazy to leave it to Anderson to manage.

According to the doctor, the giant greenhouse is roughly divided into five areas from A to E.

Area A is an experimental culture area, through genetic adjustment to cultivate and transform the necessary organisms on the ecological chain.

Area B is a natural ecological area, simulating the earth ’s ecological environment, and has ecological communities under various climate models of tropical, temperate, and cold zones, with a total of more than 34,000 species of animals and plants.

Area C is a human habitation area. There are traditional farming areas and handicraft areas. There are 300 people living together. They use primitive technology and do not obtain energy and technological products from the outside world. They are all self-sufficient, including food, medical treatment, living, and walking.

Area D is a test area, which focuses on testing the viability of certain organisms in certain extreme environments and the ability to transform the environment.

Area E is the master control room, which monitors and adjusts the operation of each area, while also shouldering the important role of observers from various countries and receiving foreign visitors.

The latter is not optional. Through this method, it can increase the confidence of human migration, appease the emotions of the people, and prevent the doomsday epidemic.

This is often overlooked. Man is not a machine, man is an emotional animal, and hope is closely related to morale. Only by maintaining morale can the entire migration be ensured smoothly, otherwise, the end of the world will easily occur.

People in despair can do anything.

Under the guidance of Dr. Fang, through a dedicated visit channel, he first came to the B zone-the natural ecological zone by car to watch the ecological community inside.

They are not visited in order, because compared to other areas, the natural ecological area is the most interesting to watch for laymen.

The plan participants are all elites selected from various countries. They are definitely the best of the best. Scientists do not mean that they are all nerds.

Fang Ning looked up and saw that there was a temperate grassland in front of him, the grass was yellow, and the weeds were everywhere.

"Uncle, adjust my kryptonite eyes to microscopic mode, I want to see the state of bacteria." Fang Ning ordered.

"Receive, and transform immediately." Uncle was quite happy.

System prompt: (The system activates "Ghost Eyes" and the observation mode changes.)

Fang Ning learned in the review of the previous materials that the uncle has gone through a lot of hard work, and has furthered the profound meaning.

The knight's vision is already very strong, and can be seen hundreds of kilometers away.

After the blessing of true gas, it can be adjusted to the microscopic mode, which is equivalent to the super high power microscope.

Fang Ning looked at it again and saw that the grassland suddenly changed.

Under the yellow grass, there are clusters of cell-shaped microorganisms, some of which are more active, but most of them are squirming weakly.

There are a lot of dry grass leaves in the soil, which seems to have not been decomposed.

"Huh, these microorganisms are not viable enough, it seems difficult to complete the normal decomposition cycle." Fang Ning said subconsciously.

"His ... can you see microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi directly?" Dr. Edison exclaimed.

The accompanying people were also very shocked and then felt normal again.

Sure enough, these top powers have far exceeded the understanding of mortals. The world in their eyes is very different from the world in the eyes of mortals.

This is why the **** of plague, just after coming down, can do harm to the world ... Compared to their own power, their observation, creativity, and analysis are the most terrible. Because the latter is the main component of adaptability.

"This little Doyle," Fang Ning pretended lightly, his heart dark, but the problem still had to be solved, "You have a solution."

"This problem occurred a long time ago in the Biosphere II experiment, because the ecological space is small and the total amount of microorganisms is too small. If the ratio of microorganisms to animals and plants in the large biosphere of the outer earth is tens of billions to one, in In this huge greenhouse that gathers many animals and plants on the earth, it can only reach a ratio of tens of millions to one, which eventually makes it difficult to complete the decomposition of the dead bodies of animals and plants. In turn, it affects the lowest-level microbial community, causing them to have insufficient vitality. "Dr. Edison obviously has long studied this issue.

Fang Ning frowned: "If that's the case, how should it be solved?"

"This problem is a problem that is being tackled. We plan to cultivate some new bacteria to enhance the decomposition ability. However, this adjustment can easily bring about unknown effects. The biological chain is so complicated. A seemingly good adjustment is likely to affect As a whole, the whole ecology collapsed. Just like people pity the deer, hunt and kill the wolf, and finally the deer group itself is extinct in the epidemic of disease, it is precisely because the hunting of the wolf group can play a role in eliminating the sick deer old deer Extra effect. This effect is unknown until it has a negative effect. People can only see the brutal hunt of the wolf pack, but they cannot find its positive side. "The doctor said with a headache.

"Oh, does that plaguer know this situation?" Fang Ning then asked.

"He knows and tells us that he is experimenting with a universal bacteria." The doctor said with a serious face.

"Universal bacteria? These gods are really good at integrating into nature." Fang Ning exclaimed subconsciously.

When they were in the upper realm, they followed the old ways, that is because the old ways can bring the greatest benefits. Now, they are aggressive and absorbing everything on earth, naturally because innovation can bring the greatest benefits.

The so-called **** is nothing more than this.

They are a group of people who can maximize the biological profitability and can adjust themselves to the advanced life that is most suitable for the operation of heaven and earth.

Do you have a chance to win against such a guy?

To know that as long as the name of a positive **** is hung, it means that in the past they all spent the energy of the protagonist of the novel, even more than those protagonists, because they are real and have real wisdom, not limited to the author of the novel. The upper limit of wisdom.

Fang Ning feels cold, he is not a very smart guy, he can only say a thousand people exam, can enter the top ten level, but also must rely on hard work, not the kind of learner who can lie down and take the first place .

"Why is there no chance of winning? Don't be so mournful ... for a while, you will be upbeat, and for a while, you will be depressed, and you will persist for less than three days."

"Uh, you seldom brag about yourself. The true God is definitely not the one that manifests in front of you, unless it is a false god, or not a god, bragging into a god. However, at the level they are currently showing, they are definitely not blowing out. Fang Ning sighed.

Uncle disdain said: "Well, they may be gods everywhere else, but when it comes to fighting, I am the only fighting god."

"You are the only tease ..." Fang Ning took the opportunity to give the uncle a stick and let it sober.

"Damn, as long as I have Xin Krypton, I will be invincible and invincible. Who can do this? Impossible, they can only use the avatar to try wrong, and then make a comeback, without committing the first False. Besides, Anderson mentioned that now the upper realm is suffering, the vitality is weak, the gods are living by the family, and the avatar consumption is also very large. If one is lost, it will take a lot of material mana to practice back. We are different. Experience value can accumulate more and more ~ ​​ ~ Don't worry about clean consumption, and more and more wars. "Uncle straightened.

"Uh, you say this, I have a little more confidence. It is also sad to think about it. If it were not for your comparison, against these gods, human beings really can only let it go. What if Ren Ruofeng is smart? He was killed by a little finger. What about Shang Qingshan's hegemony? Not only can he be shrunk in the secret realm and dominate the king, he never dared to fight in the wild, and he could only use a phantom to replace the meeting. " Road.

At this time, everyone was watching Mr. Dongfang Dengda daze in a careless manner, no one spoke, and did not dare to disturb.

Obviously, the omnipotent bacteria, this newly emerged thing, is also very important for Mr. Shenlong.

Will this thing become another prop that the gods deter humanity, or a chess piece.

Compared with unpredictable gods, humans have too few cards. The history of civilization, counted in thousands of years, is one of the few, and cultural technology. I am afraid that these gods will be fully understood at a glance.

The seemingly advanced modern technology, for these gods whose wisdom far exceeds mortals, I am afraid there is no threshold for understanding.

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