Seized by the System

Chapter 809: Void Borrowing

"Okay, let me ask you to understand." After a while, Fang Ning finally said.

God is a god, and he needs to get a universal bacteria. Obviously, the other party is going to do all in one battle, so that he can have multiple functions, and even say that he can evolve freely and adapt randomly.

In the ancient mythology, this **** of plague has a bad reputation. He is not treated by people, nor by God. After all, wherever he goes, the yellow wind is rolling and the green is full of green. It is not a good way to look at it. Guys stay together?

However, coming to this world is different. He, who has absorbed modern science, is afraid that the power will advance by leaps and bounds, far superior to many gods before. ——Well, from now on, Fang Ning decided to take these guys seriously and began to change from the title to show real attention.

"Uncle, quickly ask Anderson to prepare, find an expert in microbiology, and make me a consultant." Fang Ning ordered.

Naturally, he has no divine wisdom and knowledge accumulation, but he is hung up and can cheat ...

"Got it, Anderson is already in place, and twenty evil scientists are in place too, and I can provide you with cheat sheets at any time." The uncle answered quickly.

"Consultant, it's not a cheat sheet. You said, I've fallen into the magma ..." Fang Ning said silently.

"I didn't understand what you said." Uncle Yu said.

"Magma, in some simulation management games, represents the bottom layer." Fang Ning had to explain.

"Oh, it's not deep enough. Your big one, here in me, has already become a negative number." Uncle suddenly said.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say, because that was the case. He used to work hard for a while, and then his habit declined again.

This is very consistent with the behavior pattern of a normal person. However, compared with the uncle, it is dwarfed, and the difference between learning scum and learning gods.

Uncle never slacked off, occasionally stupid, but never lazy.

Fang Ning was very embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject: "I will ask him now, and I will not talk nonsense with you."

He said yes, but Fang Ning didn't move a step, and directly transmitted to the black silhouette in the distance.

"Goddess, what is the role of the omnipotent bacteria you are developing?"

"There are many effects. When there is sunlight, it can be transformed into chlorophyll and produce organic matter. When there is no sunlight, it can decompose the organic matter into inorganic salts and water. In addition, it can fight various harmful bacteria and can evolve rapidly according to the environment. You need to change your own role positioning, you can reprogram, and accept control. "The black figure introduced continuously.

Although he had just had a spat with Fang Ning, now it seems that nothing has happened.

Sure enough, it is a divine instrument.

"It's very powerful. It's just a matter of the world. It will inevitably have both pros and cons. It can never be perfect. What are the disadvantages of your omnipotent bacteria?" Fang Ning asked.

The black figure smiled coldly: "The creation of God must be perfect, at least its disadvantages are beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"What is the answer?" Fang Ning questioned.

"Humph, I will give you a lesson today. Do you know what it means to borrow from the void?" The black man's shadow revealed a trace of arrogance.

Obviously, although the strength of Chivalry A is overpowered, it is still far from the bottom. No matter whether he is a true dragon supreme or not, he is only practicing for less than three years, compared to his millions. As far as my **** experience is concerned, there is no difference from a new born baby.

It's just that the baby is holding a laser gun in his hand, which is like cheating.

"Want to hear the details." Fang Ning said humbly.

With what the uncle just said, he already knew the pros and cons of the two sides. Although these gods are above all, they have their own strengths, but they do n’t have a system like the uncle ...

"Void Borrowing means to draw strength from Tiandao in advance and wait until millions or even hundreds of millions of years before returning it. In this way, you only need to enjoy the benefits within the hundreds of millions of years without paying the price, so there are no disadvantages. . This is one of the roots of many God-made things, perfect. Its shortcomings are not what mortals are qualified to see. "The black figure said lightly.

"It turns out that way." Fang Ning already understood that the other party was very tall, but it was actually the same thing.

The uncle suddenly said excitedly: "Hey, well, we have to do the same."

"You are excited about the wool!" Fang Ning said, "We have done similar things before. Do you remember I said that we want to build the Galaxy Skynet? At that time, the Earth Heaven Road paid 30,000 days of merit, but it was limited to Within a thousand years, have n’t I had any movement? But the earth ’s sky is stingy, freezing most of us, and not thawing without completing the task. So the other party ’s means may not be used on the earth. "

"Oh, is that true? Then ask him if he can do it?" Uncle still didn't believe it.

Fang Ning had no choice but to ask: "As far as I know, the way of this world believes in exchanges and exchanges, equivalent exchange, the so-called law of conservation of energy is exactly the same, your kind of void borrowing, may not be feasible?

"Hum, what you said is before, it may not continue to be like this in the future." The black figure said pointedly.

Fang Ning was awe-inspiring, he quickly said to the uncle: "It seems that their intervention in the heavenly path of the earth has entered a new stage, you should pay more attention to it."

"What should I pay attention to? Your dad never talked to me that day, and I don't know my existence. Alas, this makes the warriors ineffective, because they are stolen by patting horses." The uncle was very depressed.

"You don't talk nonsense, you should pay attention to the skills related to Tiandao merits and see if they can be used. I will let frogs and parrots help you observe the evolution of Tiandao. I always feel that Tiandao ’s father is not so weak, it It does n’t seem to be at the mercy of people. Although human history is very short, the birth of the earth ’s heaven and earth is only three years, at most more than two decades, but its deep heritage is at least four or five billion years of evolution. Such a long history I am afraid that only a few saints in the upper realm can reach it. It is impossible for ordinary gods to stay so long. They can live for millions of years. It is very important. Anderson ’s information contains many gods that are hundreds. Only in 10,000 years will there be a historical record of the world. "Fang Ning analyzed.

Uncle heard it aloud: "It's the same thing, you didn't use Dao that day, but Grandpa Tian is still very powerful, running for billions of years on its own, and it is still safe, which is great. If you Dao can absorb this well that day A legacy that understands the operation of the Universe Avenue may not be able to suppress the gods and become our powerful helper. "

"That's why, why am I compromising? In fact, it is here that we must fight for a long time to wait for change. In addition to its own value, human beings are still one of the foundations of the earth's heavenly path. Although the heavenly path itself does not survive and survive. , But Tiandao consciousness is a collection of human consciousness. "Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.

At this time, the black figure saw that Fang Ning hadn't answered for a long time, and said again: "The God is busy, you just do it, don't come to disturb again ~ ~ Fang Ning does not care about the other person's tone, his problem has been solved, The other party seems to be using the power of heaven and earth to make a perfect universal bacteria without any side effects. It seems that it should be true.

If he dares to lie in his own face, what will happen in the future, I believe that he is very clear.

In this case, I believe that this Biosphere III should be able to be successfully completed.

Fang Ning remembers that one of the root causes of the failure of Biosphere II is that microorganisms consume too much oxygen, the proportion of plants is relatively small, and cannot complete the cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide, plus the interference of construction materials, and finally cause the cycle to fail. Species Extinct.

With the help of the gods, these problems should be solved in a short time.

The mysterious side naturally has the benefits of the mysterious side. The advantage of science and technology is that step by step, one step at a time, is conducive to inheritance and learning. Anyone can theoretically master a full set of scientific systems, but energy and time are not allowed.

The mysterious side is difficult to understand and difficult to generalize, but it can create some miracles.

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