Seized by the System

Chapter 876: Sharp knife

After Bai Family's ancestors said this, Bai Shifu's eyes showed uncontrollable disappointment.

He thought that the other party might have some ways to force the evil **** to give in.

It seems that the ancestor may have a lot of wits, but he can only deal with the opponents of the same level, and the gods above him are no different from those weak mortals.

However, the knight armour is different. A few years ago, the ancestor could still compete with it. Looking at the current performance, one can blame the evil **** positively, and the other can only bow down. Compared with others, it is almost one in Pinghu. day.

Bai Shixin was calm and not disappointed. Although the ancestors have deep mana and great ingenuity, they are far from the level of the gods, and they are still a bit behind the boss. Only when the giant rat family really grows, can they hope to become gods.

And the other party was a **** as early as a million years ago.

As for the freak of the knight, it is the son of good luck and cannot be compared with it. There are always some people in the world, this type. As a wise man, he was very open to this.

"Wait, this mysterious realm of food has a master, and even if you want to be successful, you can't leave it to him," Fang Ning said suddenly.

Several other people heard a shock, the eyes of the Bai family ancestors fixed, and suddenly asked: "Is the God of Food still alive?"

"Impossible, if He is really alive, how can he leave the lineage?" Bai Shixin shook his head.

Fang Ning reached out his hand and a black pot appeared in front of everyone.

A breath of God filled the scene suddenly.

Unlike the illusion of the black figure of the **** of plague, this breath is true and true.

Above the black pot, there is an old man with a handsome appearance, long beard and white beard, and his face is kind.

"Uh, this old man looks good, I really can't see him lying, it's so natural, you're no worse than a rich man." The uncle exclaimed very much.

"You don't take me as a negative example." Fang Ning said.

"I know you best, of course, I will take your example." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

And at this moment, the God of Eater smiled and said: "It's not like the old decay is really alive. It's just a blessing of heaven, and it's alive. It's just that the hole in his life, it is not good to trust such a non-human."

Bai Shixin felt a little bit and nodded slightly. That's right. If the God of Food still needs all the tails, they can't get their idea of ​​playing the opponent's hole.

Now this spirit has its own appearance, and it has no power at all. If it is not protected by the black pot, any pond-level master can kill it.

It's just why the other party fell here, but he didn't understand.

Some gods can preserve part of their power, just like the plague **** in front of them, although they are only a lower body of the incarnation, and there are some divine powers, they can quickly master the laws of this realm; some gods are not even as good as this **** of food, even a soul preservation.

These secrets, at his current level, cannot be understood, but it should be a very terrifying secret.

And at this time, the **** of plague is bright, staring closely at the spirit of the **** of food, like seeing a peerless treasure.

Then he said lightly: "You God has become like this, you dare to be strong? Give it to me, it is better than falling into the hands of a group of monsters, at least not humiliating you."

"Huh, you are a **** of cruelty and sadism, and people are disgusting, and I am a **** of tasting the deliciousness of all things. I am born to confront each other. How can I give you my secret world? A good food garden becomes poison. Where the cave is, it might as well let it be destroyed. "The God of Eater put a smile on his face and said coldly.

Bai Shixin did not say a word, secretly looked at.

The two gods of the upper realm are fighting on this wild earth, but it has greatly increased his knowledge.

It turns out that these high gods are not surprising. They will also fight for face, and they will also aim at someone for personal preference.

It's just obvious that their power is no longer enough to support them to use their divine power to fight, and they can only fight for the tongue, which is really ... great!

He was secretly happy in his heart that today the meeting really didn't come in vain, which made him understand the reality of the gods.

These gods have already lost the power of the clouds and the rain in the upper realm, and all they can leave is wisdom.

While intellectually, he doesn't think he will be as bad as the other.

The key is to have enough information. As long as there is no information asymmetry, it is impossible for the other party to make a very powerful calculation layout.

Pestilence heard this, but did not get angry, but just shook his head and said: "It's ridiculous, you have reached this point, and you can't let go of this obsession. Even if you enjoy the world's deliciousness, even if I can only make people sick, no matter how. ? I can still retain the divine power, and still be able to walk through the realm; but you, you can only hide in a black pot, and steal the life, the blessed earth and the sky in my life, will also be reduced to the prey of everyone. "

"..." There was a trace of shame flashing on the face of the old God of Food God.

Because what the other party is saying is fact, how does He refute it? Even if you are a god, you have to be angry, but he has no power at this time, and he has to be sent to the fence to get complete. How can he be angry?

If I could do it again, would I still be a **** of food?

Why does the divine power lose, why does he fall? He is not confused, knowing nothing, but also can deduce the real reason.

The big catastrophe is coming, and the upper realm is on the verge of extinction. Someone needs to burn himself to postpone the process of extinction. And these gods are naturally the best fuelwood.

Just burn before and after, some gods, the background is not deep, the background is not thick, then you must burn first.

Like the **** of the river that day, it is a noble inborn righteous god, but because the relationship is too big, the cause and effect are too deep, and I have to burn.

The reason why the other party gave up most of the power to advance to the lower bound is the root cause.

The scene is currently at a deadlock, and everyone is so deadlocked without saying a word.

The status quo is obvious, the Quartet forces have all appeared, and the prey that surrounds it is a solidified cave heaven.

To tell the truth, Fang Ning really looked down upon this prey.

Whether it is the half-shared Worm Secret Realm, or the city of righteousness and blood killing, which is fully occupied by shares, which one is several times better than this semi-finished food mystery realm, how can he see it?

But Fang Ning just showed this idea, he ushered in the uncle's headache.

"Look at you, just accumulated a little bit, and immediately started not to cherish it. Don't you know that the forerunner said that only the more relaxed, the richer; the richer, the less relaxed."

"Uh, are you reasonable?" I just think about it, and I can't really give up the benefits I should take. "Fang Ning was very wronged.

"I can't think about it, I don't know how to prevent it, do you know?" The uncle said bitterly.

Fang Ning said: "I don't think you should be a hero system in the future, but change it to the Grande system. Tofu Xishi, Yan Jiansheng ~ ~ are all your predecessors ..."

"..." Uncle has nothing to say

It can be said.

I don't know how long the past, Fang Ning suddenly said: "This seat has always hated trouble. This is a map of the mysterious realm of food. Today I will come to a quick knife ..."

He reached for a finger in the air, and a circular map with rolling terrain appeared between them.

"The whole map is divided into four parts, the so-called yin and yang are combined, and the smell and the smell correspond. Each of your three parties has one place, and this seat serves as a buffer to prevent you from conflicting with each other."

During the speech, he drew an equilateral triangle in the center of the map, which exactly divided the circular secret area into four parts, and he naturally occupied the largest central part ...

"Uh, rich man, you really like my painting ..." Uncle is very satisfied.

The other three parties looked at each other.

The **** of plague thought for a while, and nodded his head first: "In this case, the **** will give you a face and save you from entanglement."

The biggest spoilers have bowed their heads, and the other two parties have no reason to entangle.

Everyone knows clearly that if they are entangled, neither side will do any good. Now it is clearly the strongest dragon. He mediates here and naturally wants to cut the biggest share.

Others do not succumb, because the other three parties are all interested. Only the other party can go and stay. It is no pity to lose a mysterious food environment. It has the greatest initiative.

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