Seized by the System

Chapter 877: Magic medicine

Afterwards, under the witness of Chivalrous Armor, the Quartet made a vow of Heavenly Dao, and a dispute ended smoothly.

Bai Shixin looked at the opposite side and sneered in his heart. It was really a fight between snipes and mussels, and the fisherman benefited. They fought for a few days and jumped out of a knightly armor to take away the biggest benefit. The other party paid only to host a meeting.

But their giant rats worked hard, but in the end they only got less than one-fifth of the land.

However, there is nothing like this in the world. The person with the most labor will receive the least compensation, from ancient times to the present.

Hard work doesn't necessarily make a great contribution.

He said lightly: "Now that the matter is settled, the epidemic of that tribe also invites the gods to raise their hands high and spare those little demon so that they can continue to contribute."

The Plague God waved his hand indifferently: "Their epidemic has been resolved. You can find it by going back."

In words, this evil **** has no guilt. It seems that what he did was completely natural.

Bai Shixin breathed a sigh of relief and once again realized the humbleness of the weak, and the precious life of nearly one hundred thousand giant rat demon was only in the other party's words.

At the same time, he once again deeply appreciates the preciousness of such a strong man as knights and knights. With such great power, it is enough to make people feel lucky if they don't do evil, and it is rare to be just.

Although the other party's appetite is also great, it is relatively more famous than the evil god. After all, the other party has to shoulder all the tasks of confronting the **** of depravity. This is the same, and it is not something that the strong can do.

God lost its deer, and the males chased them, and the deer were divided and returned to their homes.

System space.

"You did well this time, what kind of reward do you want?" The uncle said casually.

"Look at your tone, I'm not sincere at all. The Yanshou Elixir in the God of Fortune diet, give me a few hundred." Fang Ning hit the snake with the stick.

"Hundreds? You think beautiful, no!" Uncle cut the railroad.

"Those ten are enough," Fang Ning retreated.

"It's about the same. The fresh-keeping area is unlocked. You can get it. Remember, be honest." Uncle solemnly said.

Fang Ning heard the words and immediately slipped to the vicinity of the fresh-keeping area of ​​the system. Upon seeing the lock, it opened.

He pushed open the door, but he didn't go in directly. Instead, he moved, and a bottle of immortality appeared in his hand.

After thinking for a while, he took out more than a dozen bottles of Dragon Elixir ...

"Damn, I just said, you just give me this set, why can't you stand the test at all?" Uncle said angrily.

"Uh, this is what you asked me to take ..." Fang Ning said, holding the Elixir, straightforward.

"When did I say that?" Uncle said depressed.

"If you don't let me take it, how can you unlock it? Just throw me a bottle of medicine. Since you unlocked it, it's obviously a tacit consent for me to take it like before ..." Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.

"Damn, I'm so kind ..." The uncle said nothing.

Fang Ning was too lazy to care about these two goods, holding the Elixir, and headed into the dragon mystery.

"I knew you were going to please your wife, we are all friends!" Uncle said to Fang Ning's figure.

"My name is" Benevolence must be rewarded, and the cause and effect will be resolved. You can show such prestige today, but also thanks to the book "Hualong Jue"). "

After a long time, Fang Ning returned with a happy face, obviously in the Dragon Mystery, he was greatly satisfied.

This person always has to be recognized.

No matter who he is, even if he is a real hermit, if he is always despised and looked down on by others, this will never be better.

The so-called open-mindedness actually contains an escape element.


Dragon Mystery, a riverside villa where Mrs. Zhao's family lives.

"Our son-in-law, sure enough, it was just a few years of effort, and he did it." Mrs. Zhao and her husband Zhao spoke.

"Yeah, Xiao Fang is a kind man. He never forgets his original intention, and it is very valuable." Mr. Zhao was very pleased.

Sure enough, he did not misunderstand the person. A few years ago, his wife passed on the family's magical skills to the other party, and even had to marry his daughter to the other party, in order to extend the life's panacea.

He didn't want to be so utilitarian, and he didn't want to sacrifice his daughter's happiness. Fortunately, the two were also in love. Fang Ning was a trustworthy person.

The other party did not go to the evening because of the great god, the Dragon Lord Venerable, but they always behaved kindly. They also invited them to live in a safe place in the Dragon Mystery, avoiding the dangers outside. .

This is only a few years of An's birthday, and these years, but the wind is surging, and on the earth outside, I do not know how many thrilling terrorist accidents have occurred.

Above the mall, he was accustomed to the generations of the former and the latter, and he was respectful in front. After he developed, he immediately turned his face and refused to recognize people. Such utilitarian people abound.

In contrast, Fang Ning's child is more sincere and reliable.

"Now you take this elixir of life extension, and I will protect the law for you. In the future, our family can all enjoy longevity." Mrs. Zhao said.

"Daughter girl is still in closed practice, do you want to wait for her to come out and take it together?" Mr. Zhao still distressed his daughter.

"She doesn't need this, as long as she succeeds in her cultivation, the thousand-year-old life is a breeze, or don't waste this precious elixir. The elixir that can extend the life of mortals is hard to find. The key is that there is no place to buy it. , Set the opening.

"Okay, then." After all, President Zhao is also an ordinary person, and he is also yearning for this mysterious effect of the panacea.

Throughout the ages, how many emperors and generals, and how many heroes and heroes, could not escape the word longevity!

Qin Emperor Hanwu, the heroes in the poems of these two great men, how magnificent their achievements were, but in their later years they were destroyed on the road to longevity.

Now he is such a small capital CEO of a modern company, but he has already gotten good things that these emperors will never match!

This is not that he is stronger than the other party, but that the world is harmonious.

Heroes are limited by time.

President Zhao picked up the jade bottle that Fang Ning had laid down and poured a golden elixir out of it. Without thinking, he poured it directly into the mouth.

Afterwards, he couldn't help closing his eyes and seemed to soak in a warm current.

The whole person seems to return to the time when the mother was conceived, and every cell seems to be reborn.

After all, he is a modern man. As a manager, he also watched various popular science health films.

He guessed that now the whole body should be rejuvenated under the control of the medicine. It is just how the process is. He is not a biologist and it is difficult to imagine.

Despite the danger and horror of the new era ~ ~, it is also an endless opportunity!

Those who are unlucky may not see the sun the next day. Fortunately, they may be expected to live forever.

The word curse and fortune has always been so unpredictable.

I can only try to be a good person, I hope to continue to have such a blessing.

"How does it feel?" After a long time, Mrs. Zhao suddenly asked with concern.

"It feels good. It's a magic medicine. I feel like I'm 20 years younger."

"It's not feeling, you look in the mirror, you are 20 years younger." Mrs. Zhao laughed.

Mr. Zhao opened his eyes and looked at his hands. The wrinkles on them disappeared, as if they were young hands.

He hurried to the floor mirror and overjoyed.

"Really young, this is better, and I will go out with you again in the future, no longer have to worry about being ridiculed by the old cow to eat tender grass ..." he couldn't help it.

"Let me say another one ..." Mrs. Zhao had already grabbed his ear.

"Oh, my wife let go, I'm just kidding." President Zhao immediately begged for mercy.

Along with laughter, the sunshine of spring is scattered in this warm family again ...

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